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India will not be bogged down by Beijing's warning

this was inevitable

for decades, china has supported Pak over Kashmir issue and has claimed AP

its only recently that India has started retaliating

an right move by GOI

what about all our lands you are illegally occupying and harbouring our separatists, dai larma for example!

Something similar to this will do the job! Keep building your oil rigs vietcong!


PDF members moonlighting as cheerleaders: :rofl:

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LOL india has 0 aircraft carrier battlegroups, just a rusty 60 year old bucket for parades. indian ships are as dirty as the ganges.

india talking big just like 1962, after J-10 smashes new delhi, india will collapse and pakistan can come in to occupy. Remember 1971? hindu refugees will have nowhere to run this time.
Yeah we do remember the crushing defeat delivered to Pakistan after which it lost half of it's population, 1/3 of it's area, half of the navy, 1/4 of it's airforce and 1/3 of the army captured.....
The rust bucket which you speak of , is one more than you have....
yeah you have shi lang the, big aircraft carrier without carrier aircraft.....


Quite dirty isn't it....and the rust is really starting to show..:lol:
what about all our lands you are illegally occupying and our separatists, dai larma for example!

we have long ago accepted that Tibet is part of china

still china is claiming AP

thus India has retaliated

for his holiness, he and thousands of Tibetans came as refugees and we gave them shelter
we have long ago accepted that Tibet is part of china

still china is claiming AP

thus India has retaliated

for his holiness, he and thousands of Tibetans came as refugees and we gave them shelter

Xizang a part of China is a fact and what else can you do apart from harbouring our separatists?

AP Tawang are not part of india and you are still occupying them!
lol those funny indian cheerleaders```we know at the end day cheerleaders will always (want to) be fvcked by big players as simple as that``

so we should enjoy their 'dancings' around viets and philis, once they ender the disputed areas then they will get the bonbon they always seeking for``lol

don't cry big boy.... none of your chinese members have influence in cpc.... might cpc can punish you guys easily by hanging ,etc.... i know you guys thinking it can punish every one if they want, but you are wrong.don't talk with us by watching articles from state controlled media... US just holding foot just because of US economy is in crisis... certainely out side world don't kinda secret weapons they have.....

and lastly a small kid with 3 foot height can bring down a 6 foot man by kicking his balls with a stick....

lemme ask you a question.....Why you hate Japan, because they invaded china, and tortured you guys... so you fought years of war to get freedom.... they felt you guys are not equal.... then what you guys doing now.... heading towards self destruction by treating small countries as inferior to you guys.... that's why talking about nuking manila, Vietnam and can crush any body so and so....
Xizang a part of China is a fact and what else can you do apart from harbouring our separatists?

AP Tawang are not part of india and you are still occupying them!

i think china should move out of north arunachal and return the lands back to us.
My reply regardless:

don't cry big boy.... none of your chinese members have influence in cpc.... might cpc can punish you guys easily by hanging ,etc.... i know you guys thinking it can punish every one they want but you are wrong.don't talk with us by watching articles from state controlled media... US just holding foot just because of US economy is in crisis... certainely out side world don't kinda secret weapons they have.....

we dont need to carry votes to make our government work.
you have your votes but your goverment is next to anarchy

and lastly a small kid with 3 foot height can bring down a 6 foot man by kicking his balls with a stick....

Pakistan vs india!

lemme ask you a question.....Why you hate Japan, because they invaded china, and tortured you guys... so you fought years of war to get freedom.... they felt you guys are not equal.... then what you guys doing now.... heading towards self destruction by treating small countries as inferior to you guys.... that's why talking about nuking manila, Vietnam and can crush any body so and so....

you dont have mirrors!
Xizang a part of China is a fact and what else can you do apart from harbouring our separatists?

AP Tawang are not part of india and you are still occupying them!

if this is official stand of CPC, you will see further co operation between Vietnam and India
My reply regardless:

we dont need to carry votes to make our government work.
you have your votes but your goverment is next to anarchy

Pakistan vs india!

you dont have mirrors!

high iq indeed... you know what i meant... but trying to show your high iq.... please take a look in mirror....
Yeah we do remember the crushing defeat delivered to Pakistan after which it lost half of it's population, 1/3 of it's area, half of the navy, 1/4 of it's airforce and 1/3 of the army captured...

Yes Indeed ! A population which didn't want to live with us , an army fighting a hostile population and 3 million IA soldiers ... Do you call it a victory ? :azn:

We saw how you fared when faced with united Pakistan in '97 , '65 and '99 ... Haven't you lost 37% of Kashmir and Rann of Kutch to Pakistan ? :azn: ... I will not even mention the crushing defeat by China in 1962 !
Dont you use the same aircrafts as well ? :azn: ... Atleast think before posting ...
we use the same.. but remember china has never ever used aircrafts for war. india has many times. hell even pakistan has.
so my money will be on indians knocking the stuffing out of chinese in a dogfight
we use the same.. but remember china has never ever used aircrafts for war. india has many times. hell even pakistan has.
so my money will be on indians knocking the stuffing out of chinese in a dogfight

Haha our weapons were worse than india in 1962 but we still managed to kick your asssss need i say more?
Haha our weapons were worse than india in 1962 but we still managed to kick your asssss need i say more?
you had 80000 to 10000. you prepared for the was for almost a year and india was totally unaware (our fault) and you had similar weapons even then. yes china won the war.. but it will be interesting to see a face off between a more experienced force and a force without reallife experince but having strength in numbers
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