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India will not be bogged down by Beijing's warning

LOL india has 0 aircraft carrier battlegroups, just a rusty 60 year old bucket for parades. indian ships are as dirty as the ganges.

india talking big just like 1962, after J-10 smashes new delhi, india will collapse and pakistan can come in to occupy. Remember 1971? hindu refugees will have nowhere to run this time.

not as dirty as the milk in your country did you enjoy your glass of cadmium and lead because from your posts it seems you have what we in the real world call paranoia with a diminished capacity.

if China is so damn great then why haven't they attacked India since? i'll tell you why you chinese are proud of defeating just a division of Indian soldiers however when the numbers are balanced you guys squabble on with the big talk and no action what happened when uncle mao promised to attack India in 65 and 71 in support of Pakistan?
oh India vs China again.........

Indians think India has the great military power...
Chinese think they have the great military power.....

Outsiders can see who is weak at this moment.
LOL at article written before April 11 when we laid the smack down on Philippines. So come then india, you know how much we want to drop those munitions on red fort, decapitate goi and watch india collapse into anarchy.
arent u the one who were saying India doent have any guts to reply and we kept quiet in previous thread?:P
Chinese indigenous nuclear submarine: 1971
Indian indigenous nuclear submarine: ????

Chinese indigenous destroyer: 1964
Indian indigenous destroyer: ????

indigenous ..or copy paste :tongue:

1. india is so jealousy of China's success, they wanna attack China, using this:

2. india's indigenous missiles fail which fall on New Delhi and Bombay. A pic of Bombay after explosion:

3. Life goes on as usual in Shanghai, China:

nice wet dream

oh India vs China again.........

Indians think India has the great military power...
Chinese think they have the great military power.....

Outsiders can see who is weak at this moment.

Funny comment ...:hang2:
... chinese did...

Originally Posted by SXNJ
begging from US like a ...

no country beggs better than you viets do
when the 2008 world financial crisis hit vietnam, your leaders begged us to no end so that we would not we pull out our investments or stop buying your products
then you beg Russia,US and even India to help you drill for oil in the South China Sea, can your nation do anything without begging for foreign help?

and help from India? what a joke, that country doesnt even have the technology to build a deep sea oil rig.
no country beggs better than you viets do
when the 2008 world financial crisis hit vietnam, your leaders begged us to no end so that we would not we pull out our investments or stop buying your products
then you beg Russia,US and even India to help you drill for oil in the South China Sea, can your nation do anything without begging for foreign help?

and help from India? what a joke, that country doesnt even have the technology to build a deep sea oil rig.

you are Making a joke of yourself
you are Making a joke of yourself

you wish you had the technology to build a deepsea oil rig, but you dont
only a hand full of countries do, and India is sure not one of them

emmm, NOW you are making a joke of yourself

Prove him wrong if you can! We know you can't.

They cannot, I am not saying China has the leading techs in everyfield, but way ahead of India. you better work harder on your industrial capabilities, then talk loud...
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