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‘India will deploy army here (Bangladesh)’

I know. Why didnt you guys do that? Strangely instead of taking back your old lands that you lost in 1947, you guys created another muslim country on your eastern border.
Not very smart, is it?
Very true, where you were smart enough to give us back half of your country where as we weren't to take it.
Oh and you mean your Baraadar mulk on east.
I know. Why didnt you guys do that? Strangely instead of taking back your old lands that you lost in 1947, you guys created another muslim country on your eastern border.
Not very smart, is it?
Judging by the behavior of Bangladeshis here, it seems more than smart, in fact brilliant that we didn't take them.
Very true, where you were smart enough to give us back half of your country where as we weren't to take it.
Oh and you mean your Baraadar mulk on east.

Oh! And I thought that you guys never accepted Pakistan and always thought of all the land belonged to you guys that you lost in 1947. Namely, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Gilgit, Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. So no loss to you guys I guess. You dont want it all back. And we will all live happily ever after.
Oh! And I thought that you guys never accepted Pakistan and always thought of all the land belonged to you guys that you lost in 1947. Namely, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Gilgit, Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. So no loss to you guys I guess. You dont want it all back. And we will all live happily ever after.
Ok go live happily.
I know. Why didnt you guys do that? Strangely instead of taking back your old lands that you lost in 1947, you guys created another muslim country on your eastern border.
Not very smart, is it?

India couldn't have taken Bangladesh, otherwise India's 20% Muslim population would have ballooned to almost double that.

It's called the Demographic threat theory.
When the police, BGB, RAB and Army are operating under Indian instructions what difference would it make if a few Indian troops carried out security duties in Bangladesh? It is for this reason that the AL is seeking the elimination of the JeI and BNP. To prevent any effective opposition to further Indian ingress into Bangladesh.
When the police, BGB, RAB and Army are operating under Indian instructions what difference would it make if a few Indian troops carried out security duties in Bangladesh? It is for this reason that the AL is seeking the elimination of the JeI and BNP. To prevent any effective opposition to further Indian ingress into Bangladesh.

It is not a far fetched idea...Indians will never trust Bangladeshis fully even if it has a proxy government. Why would an Indian military think tank in the name of center for center for land warfare studies publish a report called 'Myanmar-BD-India pipeline'?
It is not a far fetched idea...Indians will never trust Bangladeshis fully even if it has a proxy government. Why would an Indian military think tank in the name of center for center for land warfare studies publish a report called 'Myanmar-BD-India pipeline'?

I agree it is not a far fetched idea but I do not think its is imminent. They will wait till the JeI and BNP are totally crushed and there is no longer an effective opposition in the country.
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I agree is it not a far fetched idea but I do not think its is imminent. They will wait till the JeI and BNP are totally crushed and there is no longer an effective opposition in the country.

It is not an imminent danger, I agree but its a good statement to do politics. It seems Gayeshwar Chandra Rai is BNP's anti Indian spokes person, a wise choice.
I know. Why didnt you guys do that? Strangely instead of taking back your old lands that you lost in 1947, you guys created another muslim country on your eastern border.
Not very smart, is it?

I can answer it. Bangladeshis and Indians are same race but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are not same in any way apart from majority being Muslims. Even being Muslim majority nations Pakistani and Bangladeshi 'brand' of Islam is not same. Bangladesh and West Bengal share same sentiments since both are parts of Bengal. Bengali nationalism and secularism were very strong during 1971 except a party called Jamaat. India respects Bangladeshi struggle to get an independent nation instead of being treated as a colony to Pakistan's 'main' land 'West Pakistan'.

Bangladeshis urged major help from Indira Gandhi, the then prime minister of India in establishing an independent country for Bengalis. Bangladesh never wanted to join another country as a state after being treated as a colony of Pakistan. Indira Gandhi being a visionary leader understood the sentiments of Bangladeshi Bengalis and gave support in independence struggle. Mrs. Gandhi was asked if she had any plan to make Bangladesh a state of India. She replied that Bangladeshis are fighting for freedom and India respects the struggle as its similar to India's struggle during British regime. India will never occupy the land. Instead it will act as brother nation to Bangladesh.

Mistake was done in 1947, not in 1971. British should not have created two wings of Pakistan which were alien to each other in terms of culture and language. During a talk show in Indian TV channel Bangladeshi politicians say we did mistake in 1947 by separating East Bengal (Bangladesh) from India but in 1971 we tried to undo our mistake by getting an independent nation.
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I know. Why didnt you guys do that? Strangely instead of taking back your old lands that you lost in 1947, you guys created another muslim country on your eastern border.
Not very smart, is it?

Nope, that was the smartest thing we did.....you must realise that 1971 war liberation war for bangladesh and the participation of india was stricly on that issue,,the local populace and mukti bahini would not have helped india if we had come with the mindset of conquering rather than liberating and muslim != India's enemy, except pakistan india's relations with all muslim majority nations are cordial and friendly.
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