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India will be forced to Kashmir just like US in Afghanistan: Hafiz Saeed

Hafiz Saeed is so true.
But look at the epic Indian burn that in just a day, this thread has 7 pages!!!

Everyone loves a good laugh at the end of hectic day. Thats why chaps like Zaid Hameed and Hafeez Saaed has way more fans in India than they could possibly hope for in Pakistan. We indians understand and appreciate humor. :D

On topic.

Kashmir to milney sey raha.. .. The worst your pals can do is send a few poor meatbags with Ak-47s and explosives.
Why don't you guys focus on your economy and shit ? Loosing Azad Kashmir was a biggie for us at some point of time. We said .. *** it and moved on .. Look at us now and then look at the mirror.

Is Kashmir really worth the devastation, internal strife and economic meltdown of your country ? When will you guys say enough is enough lets focus on more pressing matters ? Scarily though .. that window too may close soon.

Think about it.

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then Pakistan will take India with it to its journey to the bottom of Indian Ocean as well/
and what we will got in all this mess? end of great humans civilization ? are you serious ?
then Pakistan will take India with it to its journey to the bottom of Indian Ocean as well/
Well.......that is our problem, hold on tight to your already sinking country.
We need to use more attack drones in Kashmir and target the militants in their dens before they cross the LOC this way we can send fear to our enemies and change the dynamics of bringing the fight to them!
wow 33 Inidans kay thanks jeet liyea @Imran Khan
dear talon do you really think thanks mean to me ? its been years of bans thanks likes disklikes infractions warnings and bla bla but i am still serious . we have terror and balouchistan problem ? if you believe its supported by india then better go to table and solve kashmir for save mainland for hell sake .:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

We need to use more attack drones in Kashmir and target the militants in their dens before they cross the LOC this way we can send fear to our enemies and change the dynamics of bringing the fight to them!
dear talon do you really think thanks mean to me ? its been years of bans thanks likes disklikes infractions warnings and bla bla but i am still serious . we have terror and balouchistan problem ? if you believe its supported by india then better go to table and solve kashmir for save mainland for hell sake .:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
The problem would be solvable if we had someone who actually wants to solve it...With people like you cheering the breakdown of a country just doesnt make anything possible...I am sure many of our politicians are doing the same because all they care about is their future funds...Pata nai kitni bari qabar ka soocha wa hai :unsure:

Oh haan...no idea what the bold part means... :unsure:
Actually we are already using UAV's near the LOC border but not in the attack role but this will be a political choice if in the future we can have a weapon like a Indian version of a Predator we can use it to hit the terror camps across the LOC and kill the militants before they even cross over.
A) read the Title again " Ready to Apologise , but not apologise , huge difference between ready to do and to do.
B) Listen to you Media also then your president declared PAK sats are more advance then Indian sats.... we know how you people love to hear fake story so evey govt love to told you fake stories which satisfy your ego.

C) 1000 Year of muslims rule, but still they didn't able to capture whole India. but you did in 1964 , thinking Indian army is week.
d) 1971 : don't know you always look for excuses.
A: now this is what we call diplomacy. if you can understand it..... if we wanted he was ready......right? that means there was something going on behind the doors
b: i never heard that pak president said that pak satillite is advanced than india,s . it was mussharaf who said that we are advance in space tech but later on he accepted that we have lost the space race for now...
C: now don't be shy:lol:
D: truth is truth we cannot dey it

then Pakistan will take India with it to its journey to the bottom of Indian Ocean as well/
yeah, we will make that sure:sniper:
Your an ahemdi, dont confuse your own view points as that of the kashmiri people

The vast vast majority of Kashmiri's wish to be part of Pakistan, then you have a small minority asking for a independent kashmir

I have no problem with teh kashmiri's wishing or asking for a independent kashmir, they are free to have their own view point but lets be clear it is a very small minority view point. Most of us Kashmiri's see ourselves as part of Pakistan

On the other hand we share nothing with the hindu's, our faith, our culture is different and they are alien to us

ahahaha, so just because of my faith, I lose my identity? if I'm an Ahmadi I can't at the same time be a Kashmiri? nice logic, but who the hell are you to say I'm not Kashmiri.

Do you even know how many ahmadis there are in Jammu and Kashmir? They have a right to hold a view point on how their country should be run. Just like you do.

The reason I said independence is better because Pakistan is over run with fanatics and corrupt politicians, which person in their sane mind would want to be ruled by people like them.

This is me being courteous, I am sick of you idiots bringing religion every time I give my view point. You don't have to remind me I'm an Ahmadi, it's seem you idiots are obsessed with the faiths of others, maybe that's why forget to act on your own teachings.
We need to use more attack drones in Kashmir and target the militants in their dens before they cross the LOC this way we can send fear to our enemies and change the dynamics of bringing the fight to them!
for your drones Hafiz saeed is preparing advance technology-.----- ie zameen se fiza main mar karne wala hudkush hamla awar:lol::lol:
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