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India Whining: UPA government creates record unemployment

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish you feed him for lifetime.

The poor do not need free food. They need education and jobs so that they can earn money and buy food. All these socialist schemes are aimed at vote bank politics.

Have you ever wondered why the educated urban middle class favours the BJP? They are able to see through the congress shenanigans. I see that my hard earned money which I pay as taxes ends up in corrupt babus pocket and as an election time lollipop to the poor.

It is the poor uneducated mass that votes for the congress. Why will congress kill the golden goose? That is why after 66 years of independence with almost 60 years congress rule the situation is such that people in our villages live at Rs. 17 a day!!! This is 40 years after the famous Garibi Hatao slogan of Indira Gandhi. Na gareebi hati na gareeb hate, bas congressi ameer hote rahe.

The congress doesn't have to kill any goose, this country belongs to the poor, uneducated people. This country was created for them.

India is not in a place where we can look at economics so directly. With over 1.1 billion people living in a land meant for 350 million, you're looking at a situation in the extreme. Added historic responsibility- people have been sarving for centuries. It is important for the government of the day to do something drastic-at least attempt a grand program that says you won't starve. The cost of not doing it is massive social unrest where people look at peple like you and say 'can't we even have food?'. Maybe in 20 years other economic dimensions will come in and eliminate the need for this, but till then, it is important for the state to try to give some sort of help to these people.
So you want poor people to starve?
C'mon man! You think these freebies, doles and handouts are going to eradicate hunger? For how long is this nation going to spend Rs250,000 per year? You want it to become bankrupt? With a dwindling kitty, inflation will go through the roof, things would become costlier, balance of payments situation would become precarious, and the growth rate will take a beating. The latest budget shows how vulnerable are the nation’s finances, and this new spending could well lead to a downgrade of the country’s sovereign rating to junk status.

It will condemn India’s poor to perpetual poverty. The bill plans to distribute grain to two thirds of India’s population at a 90 per cent subsidy costing over Rs 250,000 crores per year. The food security bill gives people something for nothing and thus weakens the work ethic. Giving people virtually free food will keep them dependent on a ‘mai baap party’, trapping them into a permanent vote bank. It is a brilliant strategy of the Congress party at the centre — both the voters and the party will thus have a vested interest in keeping people poor and dependent.

This cynical bill, instead of winning votes, will only add to the woes of the UPA, which will discover to its peril in 2014 that voters will think of the food security bill as amounting to corruption by a different name.

There's that famous saying: “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime."

Also check out Soumitra's post #15 where the issue was well brought out.

Wake up man and deny ignorance. The bl00dy politicians are taking us all for a jolly good ride! Unfortunately, people like you have fallen hook, line, and sinker for their shenanigans.
The congress doesn't have to kill any goose, this country belongs to the poor, uneducated people. This country was created for them.

India is not in a place where we can look at economics so directly. With over 1.1 billion people living in a land meant for 350 million, you're looking at a situation in the extreme. Added historic responsibility- people have been sarving for centuries. It is important for the government of the day to do something drastic-at least attempt a grand program that says you won't starve. The cost of not doing it is massive social unrest where people look at peple like you and say 'can't we even have food?'. Maybe in 20 years other economic dimensions will come in and eliminate the need for this, but till then, it is important for the state to try to give some sort of help to these people.
The bolded part signifies the Congress ideology.

And then we say why we are not able to progress and attain the level which we have a potential for.

I have nothing more to add.
The congress doesn't have to kill any goose, this country belongs to the poor, uneducated people. This country was created for them.
Is that the charter that the Congress is working on.......So the aim is to loot people and render them penniless so that they can be proud Indians.

The dole programs are as effective as Rahul's campaign in UP :lol:
The congress doesn't have to kill any goose, this country belongs to the poor, uneducated people. This country was created for them.

Yes .....congress has ensured the Poor and uneducated remain poor and uneducated even after 60 years of Independence. :lol: ............congress vote bank remains safe.
Boss this bill is again a bargaining chip for congress in next ekection nthng else.....
Is that the charter that the Congress is working on.......So the aim is to loot people and render them penniless so that they can be proud Indians.

The dole programs are as effective as Rahul's campaign in UP :lol:

You're not even an Indian

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