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India welcomes US 'Asia pivot'

So you have declared yourselves rulers of SCS LOL, thats delusional - I am sure just like a few chinese fishing boats bumping into each other in the SCS, the 20 odd chinese soldiers in Indian territory have declared you victory over India, I am also sure those few chinese fishing boats going near senkaku islands have got you victory against Japan too.

Dont forget the viets and phills regularly arresting your fishermen and taking over thosee fishing boats are denying Chinese army its victory, bullying will not take you far and as for NK, King Kong Un is as lunatic as the CCP and will go to war or atleast bring war onto himself.

Tell me when was the last time Philippines and Vietnam war ships entered South China sea? Did you know there are Cruise lines that goes to the disputed seas by China? China is building administrative and military buildings. Chinese warships enter at will and military exercise are conducted regularly. The Fishing boats happens not often, and I think the reason is illegal fishing, not illegal entry. It's highly possible they were damaging the ecosystem and this is also unacceptable in China.

So if this is not de facto rule than what else do you want China to do? Plant a flag? That has also happened.

SCS and India China is different, the intent of China in SCS is clear, but in India it is not. It's very likely China wants India on the negotiation table, and not the battlefield. Also 20 guys and a few of the best Chinese war ships are not the same. Unless you are saying China sent a team of Superman.

As for India china war is always on - its just the question of when, China has been arming and trying to encircle India and Indias doing the same, CCP has a war panned out against India surely and I hope it does not happen for at least a decade till we have our long range missiles in place.

I didn't hear anything about encircling China by India? Unless you are saying that one declaration India would defend its interests, but looking at the current India China border, India won't even defend its OWN border, much less others.

You want long range missiles for war? Yea, that would just mean we would destroy each other. How would that help this situation? How is that going to be better for India, ICBMs are for deterrent, not to actually use.

As for chinese japanese wars - wait for the US to finish with Afghanistan and regroup in South East Asia, NK and Japanese wars will be on.

The current NK arsenal can destroy Seoul in a day or less, so a Korean war is crazy from the SK perspective. Unless it is willing to sacrifice Seoul.

I doubt a NK war, it is too close to China, Chinese missiles can rain on the US, and it's fleet would be too vulnerable. Besides, a modern day Korean war, the Chinese wouldn't accept anything other than absolute victory, so US to win would have to invade China, first it's not going to do that, second, inside China, the US would be at a severe disadvantage.

@Mirza Jatt

They could work with China, they must learn to live with a powerful China. The alternative is they must become more powerful themselves.

US will one day leave Asia, how is China going to leave? Even if Chinese power stay the same it is still too much for these countries to handle.
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That's on the cards yes, would any country want instability over stability? No, but there are times when it is a necessity. Pakistan and India has fought a couple of times, does this mean India is looking for instability? No, but at that time, there is no other choice.

That's beside my point anyways.

My question is, who is going to warn America when China "falls?" Once you open the door for America, they won't want to leave. If nothing else, it at least makes your country look like a pawn of America and does wonders for your prestige.

I don't buy this keeping sea lanes open crap, first, only Americans are stupid enough to buy our cheapest made crap that even we don't buy. Only Americans are stupid enough to invest in Chinese ponzi schemes when we don't even do it, only American tourists are stupid enough to get ripped off five times a day in China when it is apparent to every Chinese and other tourists what's happening, and only Americans are desperate enough to marry our ugly, old divorced woman when our men would rather be gay than do that.

So looking at these facts we can see that China' wants the seas open, I mean who else are we going to rip off? India? Not likely.

Do0n't worry about that...India have a History of NON Alignment.She will not become a pawn of any country and by the way Indians know USA is trying to us and India is also trying to make some use of USA by providing calculative facilities to USA to control China(AND China is main foolish country it is loosing all its potential friend against USA and keeping a friend Pakistan which is living on USA's money i don't know how India should believe China )
@Genesis, The SCS is the exculsive SEZ's of a lot of countries, are you saying they have grounded their navies in fear of the chinese fishing boats entering their exclusive zones? just going into others areas and provoking them for war and just because you have had a decade or two of good growth and income earned by your factory workers does not mean that you have gained victory or that the victim countries are as stupid as you to go into war which they might take heavy damage from, NK wants war just like china and is screaming for it but does that mean other countries will take on mad men, there is a time and place for it and most countries will wait for it when china becomes weak again or goes into war any of its opponents to settle their scores themselves. There hhas to be war between India and China and there surely will be one day because the chinese want it desperately.
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@Genesis, LOL you keep saying that India China dispute is nothing, while the fact is CCP's biggest land dispute is with India and we openly call you our No.1 Enemy while you claim a lot of Indian land and we claim a lot of your land.

Before you jump with Pakistan is your enemy and not bully china let me remind you that you consider the US, Japan, Russia and India as your biggest enemies and the countries who will be stopping you from domination.

The CCP jokers have a well laid out plan for world domination but forget labor class can only go so far before the factories run out of cheap electronics and toys to make.
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@Genesis, The SCS is the exculsive SEZ's of a lot of countries, are you saying they have grounded their navies in fear of the chinese fishing boats entering their exclusive zones? just going into others areas and provoking them for war and just because you have had a decade or two of good growth and income earned by your factory workers does not mean that you have gained victory or that the victim countries are as stupid as you to go into war which they might take heavy damage from, NK wants war just like china and is screaming for it but does that mean other countries will take on mad men, there is a time and place for it and most countries will wait for it when china becomes weak again or goes into war any of its opponents to settle their scores themselves. There hhas to be war between India and China and there surely will be one day because the chinese want it desperately.

IF China ACTUALLY wanted war, you would have one, but we must look at the actual actions and not words. The fact of the matter is, China just muscled these other countries out. China don't have to fire, Chinese coast guards are more numerous and better equipped than all of them combined.

And when all you can do about :your" territory is complain and naming it. You lost it. Philippines and Vietnam can keep those options forever if they want.

How would China become weak? Even at it's current strength, it would take more than 3 decades for South Asian neighbors to catch up to Chinese Navy, if ever.

As to there has to be war between India and China, maybe, but more like the Indians wants it, cause China wasn't humiliated in 62. If you really read yours and mine post you can see our different stances on the other nation. You want to settle the score, not China, especially since there are no scores to settle for China.

If you know Putin's stance, he might not be China's biggest fan, but he hates the West way more. India can't reach China's main cities while China can reach yours. US and China relationship is really a frienemies relationship. Not enough to war, not enough to like each other.

As to labor class, are you forgetting you are Indian not American?

China had no friends in Asia, but may have on in Korea. The south Koreans and China are discussing a deal for unification like the Austrian deal. It starts on the second date, April 24th.

The South Asian countries are stuck on China in the 70s image and refuse to acknowledge China while at the same time, suck. You don't have to be equals as evident by US-UK relationship, but you need to be at same stage of development and the South East Asians are clearly not.

China India can be a lasting friendship, but that day is not now, maybe in a decade when Indian economy improves more.
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IF China ACTUALLY wanted war, you would have one, but we must look at the actual actions and not words. The fact of the matter is, China just muscled these other countries out. China don't have to fire, Chinese coast guards are more numerous and better equipped than all of them combined.

And when all you can do about :your" territory is complain and naming it. You lost it. Philippines and Vietnam can keep those options forever if they want.

How would China become weak? Even at it's current strength, it would take more than 3 decades for South Asian neighbors to catch up to Chinese Navy, if ever.

As to there has to be war between India and China, maybe, but more like the Indians wants it, cause China wasn't humiliated in 62. If you really read yours and mine post you can see our different stances on the other nation. You want to settle the score, not China, especially since there are no scores to settle for China.

If you know Putin's stance, he might not be China's biggest fan, but he hates the West way more. India can't reach China's main cities while China can reach yours. US and China relationship is really a frienemies relationship. Not enough to war, not enough to like each other.

As to labor class, are you forgetting you are Indian not American?

China had no friends in Asia, but may have on in Korea. The south Koreans and China are discussing a deal for unification like the Austrian deal. It starts on the second date, April 24th.

The South Asian countries are stuck on China in the 70s image and refuse to acknowledge China while at the same time, suck. You don't have to be equals as evident by US-UK relationship, but you need to be at same stage of development and the South East Asians are clearly not.

China India can be a lasting friendship, but that day is not now, maybe in a decade when Indian economy improves more.

What do you mean sir we are already buying subs and Ships from Korea and she as one of the best ships in the world. 3 decades ya right or maybe its in chinese decades what your talking about? the course of action of china is not good for china china may end up encircled the very thing you feared happening is happening the ch#*ko Imperial Government is simply doing this to keep people attention out of the local problems at home by the ruling kings of china (communist part) that much is obvious a lot of countries are already asking to solve this problems under International law spearheaded by the Philippines and yet china insist on its delusions on this issue the areas plus India would have no choice but to band to other with other countries besides asking America for help and all countries will be increasing its military forces if fact is already happening it just leave some one to fire a shot.
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Philippines if I recall correctly has no fighter planes, at least no 4th gen. Limited warships, and limited resources, and pretty much limited everything. Even if you keep importing at what 2 or 3 warships a year? Still not fast enough, would you do a deal like the Indian Rafael deal? You got the money? Even if you do, still too few than the Chinese J-10s, 11s, 15s, and a few other 3rd gen fighters which against US is garbage, but against South Asian, it's plenty.

if you band together with the Indians, then you will be ruled by the Indians. Indian military and economy may not be quite on par with China, it's still miles ahead of you.

The communist party is made up of the Chinese people, there has almost never been a ruling class, like the Western Dukes, Counts or Junkers. Sure being a decedent helps but in no way guarantees success like those classes.

Philippines can't even get consensus in ASEAN, what do you expect in UN where China has a security seat and will be supported by Russia.

Know your strength, right now it's America backing, work out a deal with China, or else you risk having nothing in the future.
Philippines: China Has An Invasion Plan That Is Working
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Now China has no choice but to unleash our full military might on our neighbors like India, Japan, Vietnam and Philippines!
By work a deal with China - you mean these small nations give up their seas and their beaches and islands to Chinese hegemony and become subservient to Chinese bullying?

Well they can maybe shrink China's claim and make a deal of cooperation on future oil deals and others. Make fishing fair game and increase trade and what not.

At least on the negotiation table there is the chance that they can get something or a lot out of the deal. If current trends continue, it doesn't look good.

By looking at WW2 America, we know if there is no immediate need or if it is profitable or the enemy is not too weak, the US WILL sit and watch will her allies burn. The US can do whatever, but the bottom line is US China interests are way more important than US Vietnam, US Philippines.
We have but they being build sir your not readying well and true we only have two F5's and a lot of S211s and OV10s and as far as resources thanks to you and our anti corruption campaign and added investment revenues and other revenues the military just got other $1 billion but that's for the all military modernization not just one branch but we need at less $5 billion but we been revising support from South Korea (as i said we are buying stuff from Korea a lot of Stuff) second from the US like the Mk 38 we be getting plus Harpoons and thirdly from European countries like Italy which we have long term defense ties to in fact they gave us a grant to buy weapons from them too bad we did not agree to get those Italian ships it was a complete package too its because the SK offer us the Inchoen class and other stuff besides the FA50s which we are getting additional planes besides the original 12 and Germany we also sign a defense grant from them but no news on that also them same as the British offer same thing we sign a grants and defense ties with them in fact 13 companies came here to give proposals for defense products so far no contracts its just SK and US and Israel which we bought a lot of Armor and guns from and now Brazil we are planing to get Super Tacons from them and help i think with our defense industries along with our trade agreements with them maybe they are setting shop here well the point is we are getting a lot so as far as resources and support we are not running out we are gaining well not as big as chi#*ko Empire but its just update like everything in this country i mean the economy just pick up nicely but that other story.
Well they can maybe shrink China's claim and make a deal of cooperation on future oil deals and others. Make fishing fair game and increase trade and what not.

At least on the negotiation table there is the chance that they can get something or a lot out of the deal. If current trends continue, it doesn't look good.

By looking at WW2 America, we know if there is no immediate need or if it is profitable or the enemy is not too weak, the US WILL sit and watch will her allies burn. The US can do whatever, but the bottom line is US China interests are way more important than US Vietnam, US Philippines.

The US has nothing to gain out of China other than China becoming a roadblock into their areas of influence - if you mean China buying up US debt or China producing a lot of Items that US purchases than that's a new trend and the US was doing well before that - so lets leave out China being more important to the US than other countries who have mutual security treaties with them. As for WWII - the US did enter eventually and also changed the war too.

I don't think any country trusts China to give them a fair deal and it's their waters and their islands we are talking about - why on earth should they work on a deal with China?
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