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Apparently our Indian friends have the belief that they forced Pakistan Army into submission by force during Kargil. They are only aware of Tiger Hill, how Indian soldiers bravely captured this peak but rightfully forgetting how some of the peaks are still occupied by Pakistan Army and many of them were abandoned by Pakistan Army after pressure from the US and Nawaz Shariff. But considering the picture that Indian media painted, coupled up with their superiority complex, i dont blame them. Kargil was no doubt a political failure for Pakistan; but a decisive military failure, no chance.

Ayyo --- how many times we have to answer this. You military is occupying those super duper strategically important peaks not because India could not take it , but because we decided its not worth it.With PAF and the regular PA out of the picture (!!!) we would have levelled the mountains if it was necessary.Please understand that.

Also the objective of NLI (if I may say so) was to cut of the Kargil-Leh corridor from Kashmir and they failed disastorously in that.So be happy with your 'strategically important peaks' while we concentrate on not-so-worthy Kargil,Drass and Batalik.

Happy Occupation guys !

ps.:So after almost 11 years you are conceding that PAK ARMY is occupying some peaks after entering illegally. Well then I think it will take another 11 years to concede that it was a defeat.
Ayyo --- how many times we have to answer this. You military is occupying those super duper strategically important peaks not because India could not take it , but because we decided its not worth it.With PAF and the regular PA out of the picture (!!!) we would have levelled the mountains if it was necessary.Please understand that.

Also the objective of NLI (if I may say so) was to cut of the Kargil-Leh corridor from Kashmir and they failed disastorously in that.So be happy with your 'strategically important peaks' while we concentrate on not-so-worthy Kargil,Drass and Batalik.

Happy Occupation guys !

ps.:So after almost 11 years you are conceding that PAK ARMY is occupying some peaks after entering illegally. Well then I think it will take another 11 years to concede that it was a defeat.

Why such big explanation... you could have compared how many peaks we captured from them in 1948 war and how many peak they have captured from us in Kargil...
i dont know , how many decades more we are going to discuss the same old stuff..
who is sitting on the top of mountain ...
Apparently our Indian friends have the belief that they forced Pakistan Army into submission by force during Kargil. They are only aware of Tiger Hill, how Indian soldiers bravely captured this peak but rightfully forgetting how some of the peaks are still occupied by Pakistan Army and many of them were abandoned by Pakistan Army after pressure from the US and Nawaz Shariff. But considering the picture that Indian media painted, coupled up with their superiority complex, i dont blame them. Kargil was no doubt a political failure for Pakistan; but a decisive military failure, no chance.

a brief lesson in principles of war. "selection and maintenance of aim" is the first principle of war.

so occupying kargil heights was the main aim of pakistani army. pak army occupied these posts after these were vacated by indian army (as this was mutually understood practise).

india retaliated with military/diplomatic operations and pakistan had to vacate these posts. so the aim of pakistani army was never achieved. hence india won the war.

personally i think kargil operation was brilliant operation planned by pakistani army (purely from military point of view). but pakistan did not take into account indian resolve and diplomatic pressure from all major powers.

pak thought india would never raise stakes as pak had nuclear weapons. but india did knowing that pakistan would not be able to use nuclear threat in this case.

but wat happened afterwards was really sad. pakistani govt disowning its own military personnel who faught valiantly for pakistan.
its only recently that pakistani govt has (quietly) given a list of military personnel killed in kargil war.
May be Nawaz sharif could explain that better. He gave interviews to international media about kargil war and said it was the biggest blunder Musharraf has ever made. Because of the then Army chief pakistan has lost 4000 soldiers compared with 500 indian casualities as per Nawaz sharif. Some of the soldiers were left to die in the mountain peaks without supplies and ammunition (Army leadership cares so much for its soldiers). World leaders condemned pakistani action, even your truest ally (china) called for withdrawal of troops as per 1972 border Agreement.

After all this, yeah its a Diplomatic, strategic, tactical victory for pakistan.
There should be a rule that every time someone brings old wars or kargil up- we post the current status of each countries economic indicators. this is what I consider as " true" victory i.e. how well your people are doing and how well is there an opportunity for growth.
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an amerikan gotta knowlegde of deoband muslim league to israeli kargil connection is kinda strange...

4 years of education in India because my parents did not want my sister doing high school in the US gives me a unique perspective on Indian affairs.
4 years of education in India because my parents did not want my sister doing high school in the US gives me a unique perspective on Indian affairs.

oooooooooooo:oops:!!!!!!am so pleased so what else you learnt in india ??:lazy:you know how to prepare gunda and roti ?jusss kidding
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Apparently our Indian friends have the belief that they forced Pakistan Army into submission by force during Kargil. They are only aware of Tiger Hill, how Indian soldiers bravely captured this peak but rightfully forgetting how some of the peaks are still occupied by Pakistan Army and many of them were abandoned by Pakistan Army after pressure from the US and Nawaz Shariff. But considering the picture that Indian media painted, coupled up with their superiority complex, i dont blame them. Kargil was no doubt a political failure for Pakistan; but a decisive military failure, no chance.

todays wiki leaks will answer that
4 years of education in India because my parents did not want my sister doing high school in the US gives me a unique perspective on Indian affairs.

y chose India ? could have gone anywhere :azn:
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