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India Warns China over SCS : Will use Naval Might !!! to secure our interests.

Read the article, Modi is heading an ultra hindu nationalist govt. Their MPs believe they invented nukes and warplanes 5000 years ago and astrology is regarded as a 'science'. These people are not 'sane'. They'll pick a fight with you and us.

Regardless of what you said . Name one war which India initiated ? Till now . I can name many Failed misadventures of Pakistan and China
* China has more subs than India has warships, the IN will cease to exist.

* China has the option to carpet bomb New Delhi with old Ballistic missiles, reduce it to a big pile of dirt. Since no nukes were used India would have to bite the bullet.

* Pakistan will deploy on Indian border and dig in while China fixes modi up.

using ballistic missiles with conventional warheads works against selected high value targets
Germany used thousands of V-2 rockets. they barely made a dent on London. Look at Iran-Iraq war.

If Pakistani nukes deters the Indian army why won't Indian nukes deter Pakistan's smaller army ? For all the rhetoric I consider Pakistanis to be sane
@Genesis, you are a sane person and humble. Like you said in first post, article does not have any input from Indian authority. Not sure what is the agenda of author.

India is not looking for war, nor it can afford. Our PM is nationalistic but not war monger. He and his team are working hard on economy. We have many problems. Last thing we need is war.

Some countries have vested interests to keep tension between China and India.
What! No defdong 21 threats as yet. Quality of PDF is improving rest assure I think this forum has increased its chances of survival by getting rid of bunch of 50 cent cpc personnel. Dream of Pakistanis will never come true of indulging in two front war with India. China will ditch Pakistan the moment they see there own interests Being threaten on there own sphere. Pakistan will again be left standing alone day dreaming of beating India to submission.
That's my point too. India will have very less to loss when compared to what china will . We are not aspiring to invade all the countries of the world . So resources needed to take forward our dreams will be very affordable for us. Can you say the same with China's demand ?

And I don't think SCS countries are too weak either . Remember china- veitnam war ? A small nation with Gorilla tactics resisted and defeated Chinese superior force. So its not just numbers . Now add Japan , South Korea , Singapore , Taiwan in to the mix !!! Not a piece of cake but just overestimating Chinese capabilities. War is real deal not just media propaganda . One wrong move will destroy ones civilisation.

Your statement is very contradicting . As far as I know Chinese are making lots of enemies than friends . Your friends in Africa or Latin America or 2-3 failed states won't yield any positive result . Name one friendly neighbour of yours ? At best Russia and NK . Now the problem is both don't thave trust Chinese . Russians have some close relationship with most of Chinese arch rivals . So it won't yield anything for Chinese either until unless China declares war on US and NATO or West declares war on China .

Am very much sure you gonna be left alone in the middle or atleast untill to a point of no return !

A bit off topic, but all I will say about the friend and foe dynamic is that, India is an ancient power, but know a bit about India's history, I know that India at various times was also divided, which means there's a rich history of diplomacy, look to those to guide you.

@Genesis, you are a sane person and humble. Like you said in first post, article does not have any input from Indian authority. Not sure what is the agenda of author.

India is not looking for war, nor it can afford. Our PM is nationalistic but not war monger. He and his team are working hard on economy. We have many problems. Last thing we need is war.

Some countries have vested interests to keep tension between China and India.

I believe both China and India will try its utmost to avoid war. The reason is simple, China has the international institutions to look after and create, we can't take one step wrong, this is the crucial transitional period.

While Modi was elected on the platform of economic improvement.

CCP and BJP may both be nationalistic at this moment, but the thing they love more than their country is their power, and neither will hold on to it, if something goes wrong like this.
THen shut the F up go has cow dungs and cow urine, it cures cancer. Lol, Indian make front page of the global news for cancer cures using cow dungs and urine. LMAO, now i can not stop laughing. CURRY cures cancer too, lol and you still dead with cancer.
good now go play with your friends and play the part of princess you f@ggot.
Regardless of what you said . Name one war which India initiated ? Till now . I can name many Failed misadventures of Pakistan and China

The invasion of GOa. The invasion of Hyderabad. The forward policy that lead to 1962 war with China
Why do you have so much hatred towards India? Did India or any Indian did anything personal with you? People living outside their countries usually have broad view and mentality. Why do you sound like a Islamist?

I just say how things are, if you can't digest it, then its your own issue. What i stated is per Chinese warfare doctrine, go and educate yourself. War is not your lolipop festival.

using ballistic missiles with conventional warheads works against selected high value targets
Germany used thousands of V-2 rockets. they barely made a dent on London. Look at Iran-Iraq war.

If Pakistani nukes deters the Indian army why won't Indian nukes deter Pakistan's smaller army ? For all the rhetoric I consider Pakistanis to be sane

Our role in such an exercise would be...

* Mass military exercises on the Indian border for extended periods of time.

* 'Buzzing' Indian jets with Radar locks, increasing ELINT and ISR

* Conduct joint exercises with PLAN in the Indian ocean and Arabian Sea and allowing PLAN port calls and open seas at PNS Jinnah at Gwadar.

We'll divide and sabre rattle Indian army, while China scortches sways of Dehli with DFs and rocket artillery. Even Russia won't come to India's help.
All u did is to mention internal matters of India .

Bhuhahahaha Bhuhahahaha:rofl:

Insecurity creeps this little yellow dwaft :lol:

Had you dog fry and frog soup ? Mr.Dwafy :devil:

These were foreign invasions.
Don't need to panic you short yellow dwaft !!! We wont send our navy tomorrow . Just a warning . So stop peeing in Ur pants . Our veitnam friends can do the job for us ! And lots other SCS countries waiting for our call !

WTF, when did you call the Vietcong your master now? you little INDIA "INDIAN NATION with DICK IS ANTS", so later you will ask the phillipine to become your master too? lol, India warns and then their hide under others nation underwear. OH MY INDIAN threat. Stop eating your cow urine and cow dungs. It is now 2015 not like the rock and stone era. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL...................................
I just say how things are, if you can't digest it, then its your own issue. What i stated is per Chinese warfare doctrine, go and educate yourself. War is not your lolipop festival.

Chinese doctrine is OK. Every country has doctrine against not so friendly countries. There is also a term called "calibrated" response. Not like for any or minor incident, countries would start bombarding each other or going nuclear.

The point I made was about your intense dislike that you show towards India. You would just like India to be wiped out from world map. If Pakistan can not do it, China will do it. The language and dislike you show is like the Mullahs in Pakistan.
* China has more subs than India has warships, the IN will cease to exist.

* China has the option to carpet bomb New Delhi with old Ballistic missiles, reduce it to a big pile of dirt. Since no nukes were used India would have to bite the bullet.

* Pakistan will deploy on Indian border and dig in while China fixes modi up.

If India goes, India wont be alone. Hope u know that!!!!
Chinese doctrine is OK. Every country has doctrine against not so friendly countries. There is also a term called "calibrated" response. Not like for any or minor incident, countries would start bombarding each other or going nuclear.

The point I made was about your intense dislike that you show towards India. You would just like India to be wiped out from world map. If Pakistan can not do it, China will do it. The language and dislike you show is like the Mullahs in Pakistan.

I'm a sworn foe of the Indian state, i have never hidden that fact nor ever apologised for it. The sole reason is the hubris India harbors to my people.

* Stop bringing religion into the debate.
I just say how things are, if you can't digest it, then its your own issue. What i stated is per Chinese warfare doctrine, go and educate yourself. War is not your lolipop festival.

Our role in such an exercise would be...

* Mass military exercises on the Indian border for extended periods of time.

* 'Buzzing' Indian jets with Radar locks, increasing ELINT and ISR

* Conduct joint exercises with PLAN in the Indian ocean and Arabian Sea and allowing PLAN port calls and open seas at PNS Jinnah at Gwadar.

We'll divide and sabre rattle Indian army, while China scortches sways of Dehli with DFs and rocket artillery. Even Russia won't come to India's help.
And yet you conveniently forget,that same things can be done to China by much,much bigger and powerful nations than Pakistan.
But nice way to bring in Pakistan,in the very first post of your in the thread,dont worry Pakistan is also important,dont feel let out.

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