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India Warns China over SCS : Will use Naval Might !!! to secure our interests.


Jan 20, 2015
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India will not hesitate to use Naval Power to protect economic interest in South China Sea

Friday, March 20, 2015

By : Darshil Patel

Courtesy : DEFENCE NEWS Network

India has warned that it is prepared to use force to secure its economic interest in the South China Sea. India has placed allegations that Beijing had deliberately hampered its rivals Oil and Gas exploration efforts.

India has warned that it is prepared to use force to secure its economic interest in the South China Sea. India has placed allegations that Beijing had deliberately hampered its rivals Oil and Gas exploration efforts.

As China and India rise economically, their military muscle is growing as well. Both need energy to keep that kind of growth going and that may be putting the two Asian giants on a collision course.

Joseph Cheng, a professor at the City University of Hong Kong said, “Because of renewed domestic Nationalism, the Indian government cannot afford to be seen to be weak when dealing with China. Obviously a higher profile will make the Modi led government popular amongst the population”.

Over 200 billion barrels of Oil and large amounts of natural Gas, which is more than what the vast majority of the world’s energy rich nations have is all hidden in the South China Sea. This is probably the main reason why China is so aggressively defending its claim over the vast area. China claims most of the territory for itself but India has also managed to get access to it by buying a stake in a Vietnamese Gas Field. Shortly after Hanoi accused Chinese boats of sabotaging oil explorations efforts, India warned China that it is ready to use force to defend its interest.

Hopefully it should not lead into a long term conflict but it’s in a way inevitable because both India and China have large ambitions of becoming Global Military Powers and dominate their respective backyards.

Both China and India have been pumping billions of U.S. dollars in their armies and navies and holding military drills on a regular basis to maintain military readiness. Beijing has also announced that its naval police will soon start to board and inspect foreign commercial and military vessels entering the South China Sea, something that the Indian Navy will not allow.

Surely the vast Oil reserves in the South China sea are too big a cash for neither India or China to pass up. But is it really worth a conflict for two heavy-weight economies to head towards an all-out war because it looks like a game that neither can win.

Both India and China cannot afford any weaknesses and make it easier for other countries to take a bite of the vast resources. The United States have slowly and steadily been stepping up its economic and military presence in the South China Sea and has also committed a large chunk of its Naval fleet to protect smaller countries in the region.

The West is trying to depict the expansion of India and China in terms of a clash. For both India and China, the last thing that they want is a military conflict that will send their economies decades behind.

So if the two Asian power houses, India and China cannot share world resources peacefully, they may go to other players and form alliances which will lead to an emergence of another Cold War type era. Signs of that are already visible with India warming up to the United States, Japan, Australia, Vietnam and other smaller countries in the region which are all US allied states.

Article written by Darshil R Patel exclusively for Defence News.
Bsc. in CASFX (U.K.)
Email address: info@DefenceNews.in
I had read the same article in this section during manmohan Singh era.
already responded in the same article posted yesterday, 1 post down from this one.
We already changed our doctrines
from defensive to defensive offence.

Is India ready for a two front war?

you think Indians will be fighting two front war alone ?

War between India and Pakistan - Local conflict

War between India and China -rregional conflicts

War war between India Vs Pakistan and China - A global Conflict .

So is China and Pakistan ready to afford two front war Against India ?
Is China ready for conflict with India ?

Real answer is no. Only America can conduct a war with any real chance of success. Chinese carrier cannot project power, it can barely be used for the Philippines and the Philippines has no fighters at all.

Strategic lift, and tankers, as well as special mission aircrafts, America has about 1,000 in total, everyone else has about 50, more or less.

There's more.

Let's be rational here, if India fights with China in SCS, or if China attacks in IOR, what are we each going to bring? Cause none of us can move any meaningful force into the region.

China is ahead on sea lift with 3 operational LPD, but that's only about 3 battalions, at most 5, India has 1, so 1-1.5 battalion.

Any war between India and China is stupid, because none of us can send anything but a joke army into the other's sea.
Real answer is no. Only America can conduct a war with any real chance of success. Chinese carrier cannot project power, it can barely be used for the Philippines and the Philippines has no fighters at all.

Strategic lift, and tankers, as well as special mission aircrafts, America has about 1,000 in total, everyone else has about 50, more or less.

There's more.

Let's be rational here, if India fights with China in SCS, or if China attacks in IOR, what are we each going to bring? Cause none of us can move any meaningful force into the region.

China is ahead on sea lift with 3 operational LPD, but that's only about 3 battalions, at most 5, India has 1, so 1-1.5 battalion.

Any war between India and China is stupid, because none of us can send anything but a joke army into the other's sea.

* China has more subs than India has warships, the IN will cease to exist.

* China has the option to carpet bomb New Delhi with old Ballistic missiles, reduce it to a big pile of dirt. Since no nukes were used India would have to bite the bullet.

* Pakistan will deploy on Indian border and dig in while China fixes modi up.
Real answer is no. Only America can conduct a war with any real chance of success. Chinese carrier cannot project power, it can barely be used for the Philippines and the Philippines has no fighters at all.

Strategic lift, and tankers, as well as special mission aircrafts, America has about 1,000 in total, everyone else has about 50, more or less.

There's more.

Let's be rational here, if India fights with China in SCS, or if China attacks in IOR, what are we each going to bring? Cause none of us can move any meaningful force into the region.

China is ahead on sea lift with 3 operational LPD, but that's only about 3 battalions, at most 5, India has 1, so 1-1.5 battalion.

Any war between India and China is stupid, because none of us can send anything but a joke army into the other's sea.

True and that's why I term China as immature growing power. Commies in china are really losing their plot by stretching their legs too far and too long which they can't afford realistically speaking . Economy will take a toll on both sides which India can afford but China can't. Our threat too small and very manageable with our current level of armed forces . But you guys got lots of other players who literally waiting for the right opertunity to embarrass you .

Need some course correction for sure !

* China has more subs than India has warships, the IN will cease to exist.

* China has the option to carpet bomb New Delhi with old Ballistic missiles, reduce it to a big pile of dirt. Since no nukes were used India would have to bite the bullet.

* Pakistan will deploy on Indian border and dig in while China fixes modi up.

These numbers and capabilities are measured in the sense of number and capabilities of your adversaries . In this sense we will defend our land without any confusion . That's not the case for China .

And forget about digging IN our borders . With all the major cities and economic corridor just with 20-120 km from India I don't think you can do much but to commit suicide by using tactical Nuke.
* China has more subs than India has warships, the IN will cease to exist.

* China has the option to carpet bomb New Delhi with old Ballistic missiles, reduce it to a big pile of dirt. Since no nukes were used India would have to bite the bullet.

* Pakistan will deploy on Indian border and dig in while China fixes modi up.
Well, India is a nuclear power, even if India bombs itself, China will be severely affected. Hence NK situation's trickiness.

Submarines is a problem for IN, but even if we manage to win, then what? Can't go forward, can't go back.

We can't take any India beach, with a couple thousand guys, with essentially no air support and minimal artillery support, if they manage to survive anti ship missiles.

True and that's why I term China as immature growing power. Commies in china are really losing their plot by stretching their legs too far and too long which they can't afford realistically speaking . Economy will take a toll on both sides which India can afford but China can't. Our threat too small and very manageable with our current level of armed forces . But you guys got lots of other players who literally waiting for the right opertunity to embarrass you .

Need some course correction for sure !

China isn't looking for war, we are simply building up economic relations right now, the SCS situation, we can easily manage, but even that needs time.

As of this moment, economic partnership, that's all, maybe it might change in the future, but it's not the future yet.

As to economy, don't kid yourself, India has a per capita nominal of 1,600. I say that's African, but there's a few countries that's actually higher. The only reason India is "consumer" driven is because it's export is too weak.

If you really look at the other "players" in SCS, put them together, and it's still not much.
Well, India is a nuclear power, even if India bombs itself, China will be severely affected. Hence NK situation's trickiness.

Submarines is a problem for IN, but even if we manage to win, then what? Can't go forward, can't go back.

We can't take any India beach, with a couple thousand guys, with essentially no air support and minimal artillery support, if they manage to survive anti ship missiles.

China isn't looking for war, we are simply building up economic relations right now, the SCS situation, we can easily manage, but even that needs time.

As of this moment, economic partnership, that's all, maybe it might change in the future, but it's not the future yet.

As to economy, don't kid yourself, India has a per capita nominal of 1,600. I say that's African, but there's a few countries that's actually higher. The only reason India is "consumer" driven is because it's export is too weak.

If you really look at the other "players" in SCS, put them together, and it's still not much.

Read the article, Modi is heading an ultra hindu nationalist govt. Their MPs believe they invented nukes and warplanes 5000 years ago and astrology is regarded as a 'science'. These people are not 'sane'. They'll pick a fight with you and us.
Well, India is a nuclear power, even if India bombs itself, China will be severely affected. Hence NK situation's trickiness.

Submarines is a problem for IN, but even if we manage to win, then what? Can't go forward, can't go back.

We can't take any India beach, with a couple thousand guys, with essentially no air support and minimal artillery support, if they manage to survive anti ship missiles.

China isn't looking for war, we are simply building up economic relations right now, the SCS situation, we can easily manage, but even that needs time.

As of this moment, economic partnership, that's all, maybe it might change in the future, but it's not the future yet.

As to economy, don't kid yourself, India has a per capita nominal of 1,600. I say that's African, but there's a few countries that's actually higher. The only reason India is "consumer" driven is because it's export is too weak.

If you really look at the other "players" in SCS, put them together, and it's still not much.

That's my point too. India will have very less to loss when compared to what china will . We are not aspiring to invade all the countries of the world . So resources needed to take forward our dreams will be very affordable for us. Can you say the same with China's demand ?

And I don't think SCS countries are too weak either . Remember china- veitnam war ? A small nation with Gorilla tactics resisted and defeated Chinese superior force. So its not just numbers . Now add Japan , South Korea , Singapore , Taiwan in to the mix !!! Not a piece of cake but just overestimating Chinese capabilities. War is real deal not just media propaganda . One wrong move will destroy ones civilisation.

Your statement is very contradicting . As far as I know Chinese are making lots of enemies than friends . Your friends in Africa or Latin America or 2-3 failed states won't yield any positive result . Name one friendly neighbour of yours ? At best Russia and NK . Now the problem is both don't thave trust Chinese . Russians have some close relationship with most of Chinese arch rivals . So it won't yield anything for Chinese either until unless China declares war on US and NATO or West declares war on China .

Am very much sure you gonna be left alone in the middle or atleast untill to a point of no return !
* China has more subs than India has warships, the IN will cease to exist.

* China has the option to carpet bomb New Delhi with old Ballistic missiles, reduce it to a big pile of dirt. Since no nukes were used India would have to bite the bullet.

* Pakistan will deploy on Indian border and dig in while China fixes modi up.
Why do you have so much hatred towards India? Did India or any Indian did anything personal with you? People living outside their countries usually have broad view and mentality. Why do you sound like a Islamist?

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