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India wants China to be more 'sensitive' on Pakistan issues

lol indians don't know what their own president is doing (asking like a beggar) as their own FM doesn't know which country's speech he is reading out at the UN.

do you want me to post a videao where a senior chineese politician is made fun off. i can do that for u. but i wont. cas i dont wanna stoop down to your level.
its going to be a give and take relationship. both countries hold several important cards up their sleeves. while china would like india to be sensitive on tibbet issue, india would like china to be more accomodative on stapled visa issue.each sidde need to ceede some ground. i wonder if thats possible?

That is the demand that China gave up their territory.
I think CPC has no guts to do so.
Yes. A rising Country, It certainly is full of nationalist, So government does not have the courage to make concessions.
If the Chinese current government to give up territory, I believe that the army would soon replace it, the formation of military government.
CPC has been very strong left-wing forces. It monitor the Chinese current government.
Mutual give and take. Now don't come up saying China has nothing to gain by a friendly relationship with India.

India has shown time and time again that it holds nothing but contempt for China and Chinese people.

Geostrategically, Pakistan is the most important. Not only to China, but to the USA as well.

India is unimportant in this context.
Do even know the difference between 'help' and 'sensitive'?

Oh and it looks like you're not alone in the 'poor vocab' zone.

Why the hell would India ask for China's 'help'?

Now sir you just got a ticket for excessive public display of idiocy and are guilty for being a retard. If your hungry for 'awesome vocab', such as your's, please contact me. (Doesn't feel good being personaly targeted now does it? Oooops now it looks like im not alone in the 'poor spelling zone'. Would you like to take a crack at me?)

Now to the issue:

Its all well and good for 'sensitivity' if China and India were the only parties in the picture. But theres another variable in that equation, Pakistan, and I doubt that I need to tell you the implications of that.
Its jolly good the new found sense of super importance that the Indians have recently found but Pakistan still holds just a 'wee bit' more for China, and im not talking about geo-strategic, geo-political or, the well versed, economic incentives. The world isn't going to dump its previous relations just because the all mighty India is growing stronger.

ps: Have you seen how the Indians have started shouting chants of 'India China better relations' recently in the name of peace? Do we hear similar chants vis-à-vis Pakistan? What could be the reason?
LOL who cares. As usual, they are overestimating the importance of India.

Funny though, that they would continue this pleading after the Dalai Lama made those recent comments.

Overestimating our importance?:lol:
You do know who is famous all over the world for overestimation of itself.:lol:
Do not worry. It does not matter we can not solve differences now. Maybe 20 or 30 years later, We can solve it in the future.
First, Let us cooperate to make money now.
India has shown time and time again that it holds nothing but contempt for China and Chinese people.

Geo strategically, Pakistan is the most important. Not only to China, but to the USA as well.

India is unimportant in this context.
oh come on CD,most Indians does not hate or hold any contempt for china.The only reason some do so, is because of its continuous support for Pakistan and yes almost every Indian is filled with hatred against Pakistan,there is no doubt about it. our Hatred for Pakistan is of the same level as yours for Japanese,every year there are dozens of bomb blasts activities happening in India..thousand of innocent people are being killed by the terrorist supported by our neighbor (although i agree the trend is decreased since Mumbai attacks)

slightly off topic,Talking about your hatred about Indians..i believe it started on the day when one of my Indian fella addressed you with a racist term,but remember even on that day everything happened because you started supporting JUD..(a UN BANNED terrorist organization directly implicated in Mumbai attacks) some thing which resulted in the death of 170 innocent people...although i completely agree,Indians should not have used those racist term..but i believe you should have been a little more thoughtful on talking about things about which you have no iknowledge.
slightly off topic,Talking about your hatred about Indians..i believe it started on the day when one of my Indian fella addressed you with a racist term,but remember even on that day everything happened because you started supporting JUD..(a UN BANNED terrorist organization directly implicated in Mumbai attacks) some thing which resulted in the death of 170 innocent people...although i completely agree,Indians should not have used those racist term..but i believe you should have been a little more thoughtful on talking about things about which you have no iknowledge.

No, in fact I have been called a "ch*nk" repeatedly by Indians, long before that. Time and time again.

That one was simply the last straw.

Who are you anyway? Never seen your name before.
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