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India votes in support of UNHRC resolution on Gaza

I am not sure whether this step was in the best interest of our country. International politics & diplomacy don't work on the basis of humanity, right/wrong, fair/unfair, truth/lie, etc. otherwise we have to take a stand against most major countries in the world including US, Russia, & China, and get royally screwed from all ends, we have almost lost Sri Lanka to China for a similar stand, hope we don't lose Israel for some countries who would keep passing resolutions against us.
I support this decision. This is a well thought out decision.There is a definite humanitarian crisis going on in Gaza. There is nothing wrong with a UNHRC investigation. The govt was right by not passing a resolution against Israel in Indian parliament as that would have been a pointless exercise, but this is different. This however does not mean that India and other non Muslim countries who voted for it are with Hamas.
This will actually reveal that Hamas uses Human shield. And things will get more favorable in Israel. Its a very good decision by India.

But emotional Indians on Social Media are going berserk.

No one cares about Indian opinion. India is pretty much irrelevant as a world power.
So are your posts on this forum. ;)
The UN is nothing but an organisation for big words and zero deeds. Balls anything is going to come off this. Now, all the countries will say, oooo we support palestinians, while the last thing in their mind is Palestine. COmplete hogwash.
A feeling is gradually setting in that the Modi government is the Bajpayee Government V2.0, high on show low in substance. Soon we will be witnessing a new Sickular NDA.
This will actually reveal that Hamas uses Human shield. And things will get more favorable in Israel. Its a very good decision by India.

But emotional Indians on Social Media are going berserk.

So are your posts on this forum. ;)

India has never been important in the international community, so don't think for 1 second India matters now. India has no global power or influence either economically, militarily or politically. Only opinions that matter are the UNSC veto power members. India is not one of them because India is irrelevant.
Indians trying awfully hard to get the sting out of this resolution.
that should shut up ndians on pdf atleast ?

that should shut up Indians on pdf atleast ?
that should shut up ndians on pdf atleast ?

that should shut up Indians on pdf atleast ?
For what ? Supporting International Law to be upheld in Palestine ?

Hamas is elected by Palestinians and Hamas is using civilians as human shield. Using school building, religious sites, hospitals to attack Israelis.

The independent inquiry will make Israel case even more stronger.
For what ? Supporting International Law to be upheld in Palestine ?

Hamas is elected by Palestinians and Hamas is using civilians as human shield. Using school building, religious sites, hospitals to attack Israelis.

The independent inquiry will make Israel case even more stronger.

That is all Israeli propaganda. Only true idiots believe human shield propaganda.

Israel is a terrorist state that kills innocent children. Israel is barbaric regime that takes sick pleasure in slaughtering children. A truly repulsive regime.

Palestine has every right to launch rockets to protect their children from getting slaughtered. The Israelis have ZERO rights to massacre Palestinian children.

Go Palestine!
Huh.. UNHRC...:coffee:

Good game by Modi Govt.

India also supported Palestine's entry in UN... it hardly eroded the relations.. Israel understands it completely..

like one enlightened person said that India doesnt matter... lets see whether China's vote matters or not :rolleyes:
We should have abstained I believed.It's none of our business.

Stupid decision
But then u cannot ignore sensibilities of our muslim population,,,sadly they are not big fans of israel
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