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India unveils $30 laptop

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Feb 6, 2009
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India unveils $30 laptop
Thu, Jul 22 07:55 PM

New Delhi, July 22 (IANS) India Thursday unveiled a Rs.1,500 (around $30) laptop designed specifically for students.

'If more companies decide to manufacture a similar device, prices will come down automatically,' Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said after unveiling the low cost-access-cum computing device here.

The device would be made available to students in 2011.

When the ministry floated the concept of a low cost laptop some years ago, officials said it would cost Rs.500 ($10). It will now cost about three times the initial projections.

The ministry expects the prices to drop to Rs.1,000 ($20) and reach Rs.500($10) as innovations are introduced.

The device, no bigger than a conventional laptop, is a single unit system with a touch screen and a built in key board along with a 2 GB RAM memory, wi-fi connectivity, USB port and powered by a 2-watt system to suit poor power supply areas.

'This is real and tangible and we will take it forward. Sun will rise for the Indian students in 2011,' he said.

The ministry also invited private players to produce similar low cost computers.

'When we started the project, the response from the private sector was lukewarm. Now many are willing to join the innovation,' Sibal said.

The ministry started its efforts by holding discussions on this concept with a group of experts at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras and IIT Bombay, a ministry official said.

The low cost laptops will be distributed in institutions by the HRD ministry. The final price will depend on the transportation cost.

'We will give some subsidy on the device. As far as transport is concerned, if the transport cost in less, the government can bear that as well,' Sibal added.
come on...... sounds BS to me! same like 1000$ car.

care to share the specs. ?

Beating the $100 dollar "one laptop per child" initiative.

even sweapers will be having laptops :rofl:

laptops on the prices of the cheapest mobile phone!!

btw, can u share this laptop picture plzz :rofl::rofl:
come on...... sounds BS to me! same like 1000$ car.

care to share the specs. ?

You mean the Nano? There are few things on this planet today that has as much a guarantee on becoming a Harvard Business School Case Study on superb management innovation so no one's really bothered about ur opinions.
You can find an image in link. Not bad for a $30 piece.

The Hindu : Front Page : A computer for Rs. 1,500 unveiled

NEW DELHI: India on Thursday launched a low cost access-cum-computing device for learners and teachers which would be made available through educational institutions by 2011.

“The price of the device is expected to be around $35 (Rs. 1,500), gradually dropping down to $20 and ultimately $10 per piece,” Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said, while unveiling the device here.

“This is real, tangible and we will take it forward,” he said. India, he said, had demonstrated to the world that a cheaper device could be made, when prices were ruling high. These computers will be accessible to 20 crore children across the country and the total cost is expected to be approximately Rs. 10,000 crore, including a 50 per cent subsidy component.

Since this effort of continuous reduction in price and enhancement in capabilities would require a constant endeavour for research and development, Indian Institutes of Technology and other technical institutions are setting up research teams to cover a wide range of issues in achieving the ultimate goal in terms of price and quality, the Minister said.

However, while the technology is available, the Ministry is yet to work out the modalities of distribution, as this would require connectivity and involve transportation costs.

The new device is an improvement over the one launched at Tirupathi in Andhra Pradesh last year that had come under criticism for various reasons, including the cost.

The government will also try and patent some technology used in the devices though most of the parts were available over the shelf, N.K. Sinha, Joint Secretary in charge of the project said. The device has a touch-screen, video-conferencing facility, multimedia content, searchable Pdf reader, unzip tool, and storage. Work is now on to provide these with solar panels.

Under the National Mission on Education through Information and Technology (NMEICT), connectivity is proposed to be provided to universities and colleges. In nearly 8,500 colleges already connected, high quality e-content in various subjects is being created. Under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, nearly 500 web-based and video courses are available and uploaded on ‘ sakshat' and other portals. Another 1,100 courses in various disciplines of engineering and sciences are also being generated.
Initially there was lukewarm response from the IT corporate houses to the Ministry's proposal, following which discussions were held with a group of experts at the Indian Institutes of Science at Bangalore and various Indian Institutes of Technology. Now that technology is available, the Ministry expects many corporates to volunteer to produce the device which would ultimately be available commercially also.
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Looks like a crappy copy attempt of iPaad.
Alone the cheapest 1GB DDR not even DDR2/DDR3, costs 30-45 dollars
even if i consider 512MB DDR, it would cost $20 if india is manufacturing it.

I am assuming these laptop would be running latest ubuntu OS

Now come down to processor, old processors+compatible motherboards cost $25-75 dollars. lets assume $25.00 dollars

Hard drive say old IDE 40GB $20-40 dollars. (solid state is out of question too expensive)

lets take dvd dual layer drive out of the list for reasons to lower the cost.

Capability for 2 usb ports

Ethernet port

Other material costs..
The laptop Price clearly goes to $100.00 and beyond.
Alone the cheapest 1GB DDR not even DDR2/DDR3, costs 30-45 dollars
even if i consider 512MB DDR, it would cost $20 if india is manufacturing it.

I am assuming these laptop would be running latest ubuntu OS

Now come down to processor, old processors+compatible motherboards cost $25-75 dollars. lets assume $25.00 dollars

Hard drive say old IDE 40GB $20-40 dollars. (solid state is out of question too expensive)

lets take dvd dual layer drive out of the list for reasons to lower the cost.

Capability for 2 usb ports

Ethernet port

Other material costs..
The laptop Price clearly goes to $100.00 and beyond.
We'll have to wait for the details. Point is the objective aint to play COD (That's my laptop). If it's an effective platform for people with low income many trade offs are acceptable. We've seen kiosk based computer terminals in villages help out superbly in getting good market prices for farmers (among many other things). The question that I have in mind is how far will go to get them school kids, especially in rural areas on to the computer.

The ministry expects the prices to drop to Rs.1,000 ($20) and reach Rs.500($10) as innovations are introduced.

The device, no bigger than a conventional laptop, is a single unit system with a touch screen and a built in key board along with a 2 GB RAM memory, wi-fi connectivity, USB port and powered by a 2-watt system to suit poor power supply areas.

Excellent undertaking. These are all the basic requirements for a general student. I guess that these machines will be shipped with pre-installed Linux distros. This is the way to spread the knowledge among ordinary people who could not otherwise afford to taste the modern edge of IT. Well done.
i think the product is like this

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