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Testing comes under the constraint of topic isnt it. we tested we failed because the cases against which we tested it did not satisfied the criterion. And if anything is being tested then there would certain tests which are bound to fail first time

Please Note: Such universal testing laws do not apply to Pakistan Missile Technology :D

like I said before... there has been two unfortunate incidents for Pakistan too. One Dr Samar Mubarakmand was telling during his interview that one of the scientist had made some modifications and forgot to tell its seniors so the missile couldn't launch at the pre-set time until we discovered the reason and we had to retest the same missile some other day. Second, in one of the interivew of Dr Samar or General Musharraf I heard that one of the Ghaznvi missile didn't hit its target several years ago and the government kept it secret until the problems were rectified and it became fully operational :agree: (will surely try to find that video and post here)

We have a tendency of keeping things secret unlike India but surely universal laws also applies to us. Unfortunately India has developed a new physics that If Pakistan's missile never failed that means they copied the technology

PS: We have about 50,000 scientists and engineers working in Pakistan atomic commission and 12,000 scientists and engineers in Kahuta research LAB both working on missile development programs. You think they are sitting empty-handed and awaiting delivery from China and North Korea :rofl:
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