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India turns to Russia to help supply arms to Afghan forces


May 21, 2006
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NEW DELHI: India has signed an agreement under which it will pay Russia to supply arms and equipment to the Afghan military as foreign combat troops prepare to leave the country, in a move that risks infuriating Pakistan, ARY News has learnt.

Under the deal, smaller arms such as light artillery and mortars will be sourced from Russia and moved to Afghanistan.

But it could eventually involve the transfer of heavy artillery, tanks and even combat helicopters that the Afghans have been asking India for since last year.

India has already been training military officers from Afghanistan, hosted a 60-member Special Forces group last year in the deserts of Rajasthan and supplied equipment such as combat vehicles and field medical support facilities.

But the decision to meet some of Afghanistan's military hardware demands – albeit sourcing them from Russia – points to a deepening role in Afghanistan aimed at preventing it from slipping back into the hands of the Taliban and other Islamist groups that are hostile to India.

It comes as China, another big player in the region which borders Afghanistan via a small, remote strip of land, is preparing for a more robust role in Afghanistan, also concerned that the withdrawal of NATO troops will leave a hotbed of militancy on its doorstep.

Like China, India is unlikely to put boots on the ground to reinforce its strategy in Afghanistan.

"We can't commit troops on the ground, we can't give them the military equipment that they have been asking us for, for all sorts of reasons including the lack of surplus stocks," said an Indian foreign ministry official, declining to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

"Involving a third party is the next best option," the official said, referring to plans to source military supplies from Russia for Afghan forces.

The lack of direct access to Afghanistan poses additional hurdles to arms transfers.

An Indian team visited Moscow in February to firm up the deal, the official said.

The two countries will also help Afghanistan restart an old armaments factory near Kabul and prepare an inventory of Russian military equipment in Afghanistan that could be refitted for use. That dates back to the Soviet invasion of 1979-89, although much of the hardware is beyond repair.

"We'll work with India directly as well as trilaterally involving Russia," said an Afghan official in New Delhi.

"Most of India's weapons are made in Russia or co-produced with Russia, so it makes sense. Also the three-way arrangement is cost-effective."

Indian officials said they had held talks with China, Japan and Iran to find ways to fund Afghan security demands that outgoing President Hamid Karzai told his Indian hosts during a visit last year would touch $4 billion a year.-Reuters
India’s aim to arm Afghan forces may anger Pakistan

India has signed an agreement under which it will pay Russia to supply arms and equipment to the Afghan military as foreign combat troops prepare to leave the country, in a move that risks infuriating Pakistan.
Under the deal, smaller arms such as light artillery and mortars will be sourced from Russia and moved to Afghanistan.

But it could eventually involve the transfer of heavy artillery, tanks and even combat helicopters that the Afghans have been asking India for since last year.

India has already been training military officers from Afghanistan, hosted a 60-member Special Forces group last year in the deserts of Rajasthan and supplied equipment such as combat vehicles and field medical support facilities.

But the decision to meet some of Afghanistan's military hardware demands – albeit sourcing them from Russia – points to a deepening role in Afghanistan aimed at preventing it from slipping back into the hands of the Taliban and other militant groups that are hostile to India.

It comes as China, another big player in the region which borders Afghanistan via a small, remote strip of land, is preparing for a more robust role in Afghanistan, also concerned that the withdrawal of Nato troops will leave a hotbed of militancy on its doorstep.

Like China, India is unlikely to put boots on the ground to reinforce its strategy in Afghanistan.

“We can't commit troops on the ground, we can't give them the military equipment that they have been asking us for, for all sorts of reasons including the lack of surplus stocks,” said an Indian foreign ministry official, declining to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

“Involving a third party is the next best option,” the official said, referring to plans to source military supplies from Russia for Afghan forces.

The lack of direct access to Afghanistan poses additional hurdles to arms transfers.

An Indian team visited Moscow in February to firm up the deal, the official said.

The two countries will also help Afghanistan restart an old armaments factory near Kabul and prepare an inventory of Russian military equipment in Afghanistan that could be refitted for use. That dates back to the Soviet invasion of 1979-89, although much of the hardware is beyond repair.

“We'll work with India directly as well as trilaterally involving Russia,” said an Afghan official in New Delhi.

“Most of India's weapons are made in Russia or co-produced with Russia, so it makes sense. Also the three-way arrangement is cost-effective.”

Indian officials said they had held talks with China, Japan and Iran to find ways to fund Afghan security demands that outgoing President Hamid Karzai told his Indian hosts during a visit last year would touch $4 billion a year.

India’s aim to arm Afghan forces may anger Pakistan - World - DAWN.COM
we were discussing this yesterday, nice move India. Iran should also put efforts to bring peace in Afghanistan. Without Iran it will be little tough because of religion issues.
India begging on behalf of Afghanistan? Someone is interested in meddling in other's matters and then try to pretend to be innocents!
India begging on behalf of Afghanistan? Someone is interested in meddling in other's matters and then try to pretend to be innocents!

Begging , lulz we are not Pakistan .We will pay for everything and not ask for AID and Soft loans and more loans to pay pervious loans :D

Also Afghanistan is a Independent country and can choose whatever it wants .

Other's matter . HAH
Discussed to death. No need to open another thread when news has been posted many times in last few days.
Begging , lulz we are not Pakistan .We will pay for everything and not ask for AID and Soft loans and more loans to pay pervious loans :D

Also Afghanistan is a Independent country and can choose whatever it wants .

Other's matter . HAH
But title says India turns to Russia to help Afghan. Not Afghan asks Russia for arms...Kindly answer the question and dont derail :D

Don't be extra smart.
Is word 'Paying' is 'Begging' in your dictionary ?
But isnt Russia reluctant to help Afghan after it had helped USA during cold war? So when 1 is reluctant and other asks...it is begging...

English comprehension issues
When nothing is left to say this is what the answer becomes ^^
we were discussing this yesterday, nice move India. Iran should also put efforts to bring peace in Afghanistan. Without Iran it will be little tough because of religion issues.
India don't want stability in Afghanistan. They simply wants to increase terrorism so that they could make Pakistan's both borders unsafe.
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