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India too working on anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) : Drdo Chief

Narendra Modi extremely unhappy with DRDO’s failure to meet deadlines in delivering products
BHAVNA VIJ AURORA,ET Bureau | Aug 23, 2014, 12.19 PM IST

NEW DELHI: When defence minister Arun Jaitley commissions Indian Naval Ship Kamorta on Saturday in Vizag, it will be bereft of the critical mediumrange surface-to-air missile (SAM) and advanced light towed array sonars (ALTAS) — both of which Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has failed to deliver.

DRDO spokesperson Ravi Gupta could not be contacted for a comment.

Those are behind schedule is very high tech capabilities. Its OK, after all we are designing and developing them of our own. Most of the systems are inducted, you don't talk about them? Renaming a chinese product doesn't make it indigenous.
The Chinese missiles have capacity to send "Hypersonic Warhead", India is in search it as in K-series weapon, there was planning to built such warhead with hypersonic speed.

No.2 this is not against the Pakistan, its against the China, "So next time they not utter that, "Indian ocean is not belonging to India". plz go through the chinese hy0ersonic gliding weapon on wiki and get the info. however nothing to show indian missile will have same capacity.
The crux of the matter or the cream of the coffee cup here or the "Key" ; is that, Aircraft carrier is a moving target......That's why the missile is to be coupled with GPS orientation...
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Those are behind schedule is very high tech capabilities. Its OK, after all we are designing and developing them of our own. Most of the systems are inducted, you don't talk about them? Renaming a chinese product doesn't make it indigenous.
own design !!! we know the reality / due to non availability of Russian technical aid and supervision your all projects are failed...
Goodnews please built it ASAP it will allow PN to acquire the same tech and use it if necessary and India will not be in position to complain or use nukes as excuse of using BMs.

Why don't you acquire a nuclear submarine, destroyer or even a good frigate!! You talk about anti-carrier missile!!
own design !!! we know the reality / due to non availability of Russian technical aid and supervision your all projects are failed...

Are you stupid ? MRSAM is a Indo Israeli JV,While ATLAS is an Indigenous Sonar.We aren't Pakistan dude-We have developed several SAM & SONAR systems before.
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