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India Today Mood of the Nation poll: PM Modi's political invincibility continues

Good post and I admire your optimism and hope that you're right. I'm not so optimistic myself. I find it hard to trust anything that comes out of this govt. I have never seen a govt that try to distract people like this govt has done. Even Modi himself tried to misled people with unsubstantiated numbers in his 15th Aug speech. IMO Modi govt scores high on hype and publicity and low on substance. But they will be here for at least 10 years so for the nation's sake I hope that my apprehensions are unfounded. And no I wasn't expecting any magic, in fact I am quite positive that after his election I asked the members here not to expect any magic. But overall, I am not yet convinced that we're going in the right direction. But let's see.

@Acknowledge How do you trust a govt that peddles such BS every single day? Everyday they claim such blatant lies and make sure it reached out to millions through whatsapp. Of course, majority of the media are busy discussing pressing issues like, Hindu, Muslim, Cow, triple talaq, nationalism, secularism every single day. As a rule of thumb, anything that comes out of this govt needs to be vetted and verified a few times before accepting it as a fact. I don't think we have had this problem before. Just a few mins ago,
I don't trust any Government as personal rule. I go by what they do instead of what they say. Congress was no different, they were just smarter/more suave. BJP is cruder in comparison.

As an example - Congress said they are secular but support triple talaq, polygamy, different rules for minorities.
BJP says they support Hindutva but DONOT remove the Hindu temples from the stranglehold of the Government, still take the money that Temples earn, donot remove RTE.

Both of them lie with straight faces.

Therefore the best policy is going by what they do.
For example - I have gone through the GST law, the Bankruptcy Act, Aadhar Act I know these laws change the very bedrock of India's economy.
I see that under UPA, road construction was down to about 3-5kms/day under Kamal Nath whereas today it is around 16kms/day.
I see that rail track built per day under UPA was ~2.7 kms /day whereas today it is around 7-8kms/day.

Let go of what they say. THEY are all professional liars. Just look at what they do. I base my vote on that.

As I said, BJP says it is completely committed to the economy but they are scared of touching the labor laws. To be honest with you, if you asked me in 2014, what were the top 3 things needed to fix India's economy in the long run(i.e fundamentals instead of short term boosts by Govt money) then I'd have listed the following in order of their importance to the economy.

1. GST
2. Labor Law
3. Land(lease) Laws
4. Bankruptcy Act
5. Fixing welfare leakage system (aadhar mandatory)
6. Auctioning of public goods instead of allocation

of these 6, BJP has done 4. But a closer look suggest that of the 3 most important they have done only 1. So BJP is also not doing all it can because it is not good politics.

However, in any scenario - one can only compare with its alternative. I am confident that of those 6, Congress would not even have done one. They were the prime beneficiaries of all the leakage and corruption in the system. They were just too vested in the (then)current system to want any real change other than window dressing for the public.
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