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India to Test Fire Agni V ICBM - Agni I MRBM and Nirbhay Sub-Sonic Cruise Missile this Month!

DRDO should Finish the A5 tests and move to A6 ASAP.
why is it called agni.. these hindutva bigot want to destroy the peace of our nation and want to sow the seed of communal divide... this is against the minority community and we all must raise our voice against it

why is it called agni.. these hindutva bigot want to destroy the peace of our nation and want to sow the seed of communal divide... this is against the minority community and we all must raise our voice against it
why is it called agni.. these hindutva bigot want to destroy the peace of our nation and want to sow the seed of communal divide... this is against the minority community and we all must raise our voice against it

why is it called agni.. these hindutva bigot want to destroy the peace of our nation and want to sow the seed of communal divide... this is against the minority community and we all must raise our voice against it

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