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India to resist curbs on navigation & flight in South China Sea


May 4, 2013
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By Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, ET Bureau | 12 Sep, 2015, 04.45AM IST

The past few months have seen widespread concerns expressed by these countries over reclamation works by China (artificial islands) in the region.

NEW DELHI: The government has emphasised on freedom of overflight in the South China Sea amid signals that China may be readying to restrict the freedom of navigation and flight in the region where India has strong commercial and strategic interests.

Senior officials said China's move to first claim territory, then build artificial islands and now possibly impose Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the region not only goes against India's strategic and commercial interests but also against international norms for freedom of navigation and flight.

In an article earlier this week in state-run Global Times, Wang Dehua, director at the Shanghai Municipal Centre for International Studies claimed that India is playing its SCS card by restarting oil exploration off Vietnam coast despite China's objections as a calculated geopolitical move to force Beijing to make "compromises" on border issue and its close ties with Pakistan.

An ADIZ extends a country's airspace, allowing it more time to respond to foreign aircraft. While China is yet to extend ADIZ in the region, officials said India has been alerted by initial signals and will resist any such move.

China had earlier established ADIZ over East China Sea following escalation of tension with Japan and now might impose restrictions over SCS following differences with the United States over artificial islands in the disputed region. It had publicly threatened to do so a couple of months ago at a forum in Singapore, even as Chinese scholars continue to deny any such move.

China claims the whole of SCS as its own while Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan dispute this.

The past few months have seen widespread concerns expressed by these countries over reclamation works by China (artificial islands) in the region. This move raised fears that the infrastructure could allow China to station its military in these islands as well as use airstrip for offensive purposes.

SCS is a major sea lane of communication not only for India but also for other countries including Japan to conduct their trade in the Pacific and carry their cargo. Officials said that sanctity of lanes of communication and allowing overflight in SCS is imperative as India has major interests in Vietnam and growing relationship with other countries in the region including Philippines.

ONGC has decided to restart oil exploration in the offshore blocks offered by Vietnam in SCS and asserts that this is purely a commercial move. India's state-run as well as private firms are expanding their presence in Vietnam across sectors from power to textiles. India also has growing defence and security ties with Vietnam as part of strategic partnership.

In a speech last month at the fifth East Asia Summit foreign ministers meeting at Kuala Lumpur, the minister of state for external affairs VK Singh made India's stand clear on SCS dispute in no uncertain terms. "India supports freedom of navigation in international waters, including the South China Sea, the right of passage and overflight, unimpeded commerce and access to resources in accordance with principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Territorial disputes must be settled through peaceful means, as was done by India and Bangladesh recently using the mechanisms provided under UNCLOS," Singh said at the meeting.

Meanwhile, China on its part last month sent a strong signal by sending flotilla of warships coinciding with September 3 military parade to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This, experts point out is aimed at sending message to India, USA and others that China will try to expand in Indian Ocean region in response to those powers presence in SCS.
Murdoodi's india is trouble for the whole region especially the subcontinent. SAARC members should join China to budge this mammoth.
Murdoodi's india is trouble for the whole region especially the subcontinent. SAARC members should join China to budge this mammoth.

And they all Become a autonomous Region of China .... #Pakistan .

On topic India looks much more active in SCS then any other nation with new Vietnamese coast cooperation agreement India actually can make its warship stationed and refuelled in Vietnamese Ports .
Murdoodi's india is trouble for the whole region especially the subcontinent. SAARC members should join China to budge this mammoth.

So funny and deliberated ignorance! a pakistani is saying all this. Mate you must be living in a deep bored well. Now here is the truth.. you are trouble for the whole world, hard to digest for you na!! ask them who travel with Pakistani passport. The kind of selective grand treatment they taste on airports is enough to understand perception of pakistan on international arena.

Could you tell the names of country you have exceptionally cordial relations. Dont mention your new master China in the list.
So funny and deliberated ignorance! a pakistani is saying all this. Mate you must be living in a deep bored well. Now here is the truth.. you are trouble for the whole world, hard to digest for you na!! ask them who travel with Pakistani passport. The kind of selective grand treatment they taste on airports is enough to understand perception of pakistan on international arena.

Could you tell the names of country you have exceptionally cordial relations. Dont mention your new master China in the list.
I just told you the truth and truth is often bitter. India is terrorist nation and the people of the world especially the region need to act. One way is through UN resolutions and sanctions. Indian govt should be forced to open its racist and terrorist society for psychological treatment by a board of doctors who teach the common indian people the concept of peace and love, shun rape and other derogatory tactics against women, learn to live peacefully with their neighbours and accept all ethnicities. Don't you think your children should be civilised and be able to co-exist in the globalised society.
What are international regulations concerning these artificial islands?

Theoretically, China could build an island just off California and claim the airspace as its ADIZ. What happens then?
I just told you the truth and truth is often bitter. India is terrorist nation and the people of the world especially the region need to act. One way is through UN resolutions and sanctions. Indian govt should be forced to open its racist and terrorist society for psychological treatment by a board of doctors who teach the common indian people the concept of peace and love, shun rape and other derogatory tactics against women, learn to live peacefully with their neighbours and accept all ethnicities. Don't you think your children should be civilised and be able to co-exist in the globalised society.

Indians here blame Indian crimes on Indian Muslims and Dalits. In reality, India is setting up for ethnic cleansing of Muslims and return to a more caste based society. The Dalits will be further suppressed.
I just told you the truth and truth is often bitter. India is terrorist nation and the people of the world especially the region need to act. One way is through UN resolutions and sanctions. Indian govt should be forced to open its racist and terrorist society for psychological treatment by a board of doctors who teach the common indian people the concept of peace and love, shun rape and other derogatory tactics against women, learn to live peacefully with their neighbours and accept all ethnicities. Don't you think your children should be civilised and be able to co-exist in the globalised society.
Do you have anything to discuss here??? Calling name and your hate will not make you wise here.
I just told you the truth and truth is often bitter. India is terrorist nation and the people of the world especially the region need to act. One way is through UN resolutions and sanctions. Indian govt should be forced to open its racist and terrorist society for psychological treatment by a board of doctors who teach the common indian people the concept of peace and love, shun rape and other derogatory tactics against women, learn to live peacefully with their neighbours and accept all ethnicities. Don't you think your children should be civilised and be able to co-exist in the globalised society.

th funny calling us terrorist state when whole world point finger at u , whole world tell u to do more at terrorist front , how much tourist want to travels in pakistan not tht much as compared to india ,tht tell how much safer ur country is , in our country we lived in same society for hundered of year even longer then ur pakistan creation , and still we are living here , there will be some difference among us but we live and prosper
Do you have anything to discuss here??? Calling name and your hate will not make you wise here.
lollllxxxx see who's talking. Get a life dude..you people talk hate all the time.
You people are suffering with severe psychological and obsession issues and you need treatment. Unfortunately you find it hard to digest but still the truth is truth.
Indians here blame Indian crimes on Indian Muslims and Dalits. In reality, India is setting up for ethnic cleansing of Muslims and return to a more caste based society. The Dalits will be further suppressed.
so do something about it luca, sitting in usa will not do any gud , come and fight for them , hmmmmmmmmmm
I just told you the truth and truth is often bitter. India is terrorist nation and the people of the world especially the region need to act. One way is through UN resolutions and sanctions. Indian govt should be forced to open its racist and terrorist society for psychological treatment by a board of doctors who teach the common indian people the concept of peace and love, shun rape and other derogatory tactics against women, learn to live peacefully with their neighbours and accept all ethnicities. Don't you think your children should be civilised and be able to co-exist in the globalised society.

What a pathetic delusio!! typical brain washed reply and bla bla rhetoric... you didnt say a word on why pakistanis got special treatment on International Airports, specially US and Europe :police::police::police:.
Ohh.. perhaps you didnt know this. Get a passport and visit abroad, if you get a visa.. and see your self how you got humiliated at airports in the name of strip search and purpose of visit, when they find someone is here from pakistan.
What a pathetic delusio!! typical brain washed reply and bla bla rhetoric... you didnt say a word on why pakistanis got special treatment on International Airports, specially US and Europe :police::police::police:.
Ohh.. perhaps you didnt know this. Get a passport and visit abroad, if you get a visa.. and see your self how you got humiliated at airports in the name of strip search and purpose of visit, when they find someone is here from pakistan.
Hey why are you such a rude person? while I calmly suggest a good solution representing the sentiments of the peace-loving people of the world...a peaceful one and you start calling me delusional... I live here in Atlanta and travelled more countries than a moron like you can ever count.
Hey why are you such a rude person? while I calmly suggest a good solution representing the sentiments of the peace-loving people of the world...a peaceful one and you start calling me delusional... I live here in Atlanta and travelled more countries than a moron like you can ever count.

LMAO..look who is talking on "World Peace"...Peace ..sentiments.. ha ha..

1. Where was Osama found, the champion of world peace.
2. Who is Abdul Kadir khan and what he did for world peace??
3. Where the Jihadi factory of world.

pls type "pakistan is" in Google search bar, your answer is there ... enjoy your day.:cheers:.. and dont forgot to say "World Peace"

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