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India to rebalance forces, firepower to Line of Actual Control and Indian Ocean Region

Some may call your comment cowardly but i am sure you mean well.
China has done India a favor with their limited incursion.
India''s focus was on the western sector with only lip service given to the Chinese front.
China had a single potential hot front with taiwan , now its diverting major resources to a second front 1000s of km away from their supply and population centres to ladakh.
China was having a steady success over the years in keeping India busy by using Pakistan but now its forced to personally get involved.
And India signing military agreements with usa are total gamechangers as usa now has 2 countries on its side, taiwan and India, needling china.
Xi has very badly miscalculated. His future is bleak.

Wow, how poorly indians are informed about current state -
So called defense agreement is data sharing agreement. That means US now expects india to spend more on its system and support. Indian military equipment and infra not data driven (may be some exception). Just achieve that is a long term project. Then use having means to use these data in meaningful way is another herculean task.

This so called agreement also posed another challenge for india where Russia will be hesitant to share technology with india, given the certainty it will fall in enemy hand.

Russia ia vocally opposed to "quad" gimmick and and Russia-China military alliance that Putin already placed in the open , will "destroy" lots of things in india.

China has plenty of resource to spare. And for Taiwan, both US and Taiwan has limit how much they can play and that is far far less than indian expectation.
With more of Indian hardware dedicated to the LAC, this must be music to ears for our strategists .
Yeh, I am sure they will increase the troops on the Northwest border. Time to make the elephant dance to our tunes.
Actually 4 pakistan its not a good news. To deter pak India war, only 20-30 % of military is required to be present near borders on both sides. Rest is just wasted as reserve to be used in case of war.

Now India is focusing on China so it have to upgrade everything, and I mean everything including Infrastructure which no1 is giving any importance in pak. But 4 me infra holds the key and army is now playing victim and asking 4 infra. Which is more dangerous than Rafale in my view.
yes, Please develop your infrastructure , Pak army tanks are going to need good roads to link up with Chinese tanks as they take over the region.
Actually 4 pakistan its not a good news. To deter pak India war, only 20-30 % of military is required to be present near borders on both sides. Rest is just wasted as reserve to be used in case of war.

Now India is focusing on China so it have to upgrade everything, and I mean everything including Infrastructure which no1 is giving any importance in pak. But 4 me infra holds the key and army is now playing victim and asking 4 infra. Which is more dangerous than Rafale in my view.
Article is not clear in size of redeployments but 30% of IAF is not enough deter the current PAF (forget about future additions). IA may go down to 1 to 1 ratio in troop presence with PA. India is clearly moving away from Pakistan focused offensive operations to being defensive on both western and northern fronts with the IAF pulling back and being tasked with supporting the IN.
Article is not clear in size of redeployments but 30% of IAF is not enough deter the current PAF (forget about future additions). IA may go down to 1 to 1 ratio in troop presence with PA. India is clearly moving away from Pakistan focused offensive operations to being defensive on both western and northern fronts with the IAF pulling back and being tasked with supporting the IN.

IAF just conducted more than 4000 km long.. strike mission. A Su 30MKI took from Punjab near Pakistan border and travelled all the way in to Bay of Bengal and launched a Brahmos missile at decommissioned Naval ship.

These cross country long range mission are done with with two purposes ..to ensure that IAF aircraft can strike at targets in South China Sea .. when taking off from peninsular IAF bases or Andaman bases.

And secondly to ensure that aircrafts deployed on Pakistan border can be used for operations on Chinese border (and vice versa) both in Ladakh as well as Northeast.

So there will be no need for physical redeployment of IAF's long range assets from one border to another.
IAF just conducted more than 4000 km long.. strike mission. A Su 30MKI took from Punjab near Pakistan border and travelled all the way in to Bay of Bengal and launched a Brahmos missile at decommissioned Naval ship.

These cross country long range mission are done with with two purposes ..to ensure that IAF aircraft can strike at targets in South China Sea .. when taking off from peninsular IAF bases or Andaman bases.

And secondly to ensure that aircrafts deployed on Pakistan border can be used for operations on Chinese border (and vice versa) both in Ladakh as well as Northeast.

So there will be no need for physical redeployment of IAF's long range assets from one border to another.
And what happens if those six IL-78 refueling aircraft are destroyed?
And what happens if those six IL-78 refueling aircraft are destroyed?
Well India is acquiring 6 more ..next year. Besides Su 30 MKI and Rafales have humgous ranges ..just on their internal fuel.
Su 30 MKI carries 10 tonnes of Internal fuel only..can strike up to 3000 KMs just on its internal fuel.

Where as Rafales can carry a total of 11.5 tonnes of fuel ..4.7 tonnes of internal fuel and rest in upto external 5 drop tanks.

Even Mirage 2000 have 4 tonnes of internal fuel capacity ..plus ability to carry 3 drop tanks.

Where as Pakistani F 16 A have 3.2 tonnes of internal fuel capacity and 3 drop tanks

And 18 F16 block 52 can carry 4.5 tonnes of fuel due to additional external CFTs ..plus 3 drop tanks.

But Pakistani F 16 can not be refuelled in the air by PAF tankers.
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Article is not clear in size of redeployments but 30% of IAF is not enough deter the current PAF (forget about future additions). IA may go down to 1 to 1 ratio in troop presence with PA. India is clearly moving away from Pakistan focused offensive operations to being defensive on both western and northern fronts with the IAF pulling back and being tasked with supporting the IN.

Ok i should clarify i guess.

30% Both Both sides. So if pak deploy 30% of its forces and India as well Right on the border. It would be enough to avoid quick war (Kargil) type fight.

I think now you should read again my whole post.
people on the otherside of the border seems to have this problem of counting on their "game changer", we are doing this, we are going to have this, we have just test fire xx...
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LoL Read again the Same line u commented on carefully ,you might get it. Cause your comments r funny.
The point is that I'm not sure where this 20-30% comes from. What recent war have Pakistan and India engaged in that confirms such an assessment? What live usage of our weapons systems (apart from Balakot) can you cite to support this claim?

Moreover, the Az-Arm war suggests conventional calculations may be obsolete in the drone era.
The point is that I'm not sure where this 20-30% comes from. What recent war have Pakistan and India engaged in that confirms such an assessment? What live usage of our weapons systems (apart from Balakot) can you cite to support this claim?

Moreover, the Az-Arm war suggests conventional calculations may be obsolete in the drone era.

Cause if you have 30% of forces right on border. Quick war scenario goes out of the window. And we r not that rich or mad to go 4 full scale war which will cause ruin of both countries. Pdf and real world is diff.

Only option good 4 pak is if india shifts its all forces to LAC and LOC becomes like LAC of past. Which I don't see happening.
Actually 4 pakistan its not a good news. To deter pak India war, only 20-30 % of military is required to be present near borders on both sides. Rest is just wasted as reserve to be used in case of war.

Now India is focusing on China so it have to upgrade everything, and I mean everything including Infrastructure which no1 is giving any importance in pak. But 4 me infra holds the key and army is now playing victim and asking 4 infra. Which is more dangerous than Rafale in my view.
Talks of upgrading is absolutely hopeless. With an economy in the gutter, a massive ongoing pandemic, and a much more hostile strategic environment, there is no way India can enhance its military at all. It is not as simple as stating military spending must go up immediately to counter Chinese aggression. Remember for every buck India spends on buying heavily overpriced foreign equipment or domestic junk, the Chinese will spend many times more on their own military procurement. Especially with the 5 trillion dollar economy pipe dream vanquished, there is even less chance India can have any meaning military modernization. So for the next couple of years, Indian forces will just have to be spread extremely thin without adequate equipment to maintain the status quo at the LOC and counteract increased Chinese deployment on the LAC.
With more of Indian hardware dedicated to the LAC, this must be music to ears for our strategists .
Pakistan and China should really talk advantage of this and end the Indian occupation of numerous territories once and for all. If they don't strike, then any advantage gained from this will be temporary at best.
Talks of upgrading is absolutely hopeless. With an economy in the gutter, a massive ongoing pandemic, and a much more hostile strategic environment, there is no way India can enhance its military at all. It is not as simple as stating military spending must go up immediately to counter Chinese aggression. Remember for every buck India spends on buying heavily overpriced foreign equipment or domestic junk, the Chinese will spend many times more on their own military procurement. Especially with the 5 trillion dollar economy pipe dream vanquished, there is even less chance India can have any meaning military modernization. So for the next couple of years, Indian forces will just have to be spread extremely thin without adequate equipment to maintain the status quo at the LOC and counteract increased Chinese deployment on the LAC.

Pakistan and China should really talk advantage of this and end the Indian occupation of numerous territories once and for all. If they don't strike, then any advantage gained from this will be temporary at best.

Why you think Indian army is ill equipped? Cause they were pak centric.
Now they will try to be modernised like China but on a lower scale.

Never underestimate the power of need , if small part is modernised to face china, it sets a standard and than other units will, also get the same material with time. Just look at pak, how much it has managed with less budget.
You are just underestimating the political leaders will to make money and look powerful in eyes of Indians.
Modernisation will come 1 way or other. I expect Modi to start many Infra Projects in a hurry so that opp. Don't take the credit 4 them and every big business will support it as it makes money.
Why you think Indian army is ill equipped? Cause they were pak centric.
Now they will try to be modernised like China but on a lower scale.

Never underestimate the power of need , if small part is modernised to face china, it sets a standard and than other units will, also get the same material with time. Just look at pak, how much it has managed with less budget.
You are just underestimating the political leaders will to make money and look powerful in eyes of Indians.
Modernisation will come 1 way or other. I expect Modi to start many Infra Projects in a hurry so that opp. Don't take the credit 4 them and every big business will support it as it makes money.
The thing is India needs to out spend China in their defense. China makes their own stuff while India on the other hand import stuffs.
How will you out spend China in the defense? You'll need to spend 400 to 500 billion or more to put India's matching capabilities agasint China.
India prepared
India matching China
India ready
unfair outnumbering China surprise attack doesnt count
India prepared
India preparing
India ready
India preparing
India matching China
India preparing
India prepared
India preparing
India ready
India preparing
India matching China
India ready
India preparing <--- we are here somewhere
India matching China
India preparing
India prepared
India preparing
India ready
India preparing
India matching China
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