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India to open bids for choppers, tankers shortly

A better idea. How about India request one from each competitors , study them and try to build one itself after reverse engineering
A better idea. How about India request one from each competitors , study them and try to build one itself after reverse engineering
Because that is a theft of Intellectual property!! Such a move would mean India would be slapped with the same embargos as China wherin no one will sell any defence equipemnt to them wheras India can buy anything it wants.
yes you are right but the problem is that Mi-26 production is not open, it mean delay and any point of time they will ask more money to compete this deal................... same with Vikramaditya or Talwar class FFG

Did they asked for more money for the Mi 17? It's not like any Russian deal is the same and Vikramaditya was a special one, because there are many factors that must be kept in mind. However, the most important point is, whenever they know we have no other choice, they can increase the costs, whenever they have reasonable competiton, they haven't and have to offer better quality, costs and timelines. That's what Mikoyan realised during MMRCA as well, Sukhoi has a track record for quality of Russian fighters in IAF, Irkut for fast delivery...,
But when they realise we like their arms like their arms, like the Talwar class and we can't produce reasonable numbers of similar Frigats on our own at the moment, it is simply logical that the price will be increase. Look at the A50 Phalcons for example, if we had gone for 5 or 6 of them in the first order, we would have got the same price. Now, when DRDO AWACS is delayed, we are in disadvantage even compared to PAF, Russia AND Israel have increased the costs for the additional 2. That's simple business!
On the other side, there is nobody (except the French) that is more reliable and open to offer us important arms and techs than Russia and Israel. That's why we are ready to pay more in some procurements, or to wait longer.
The Vikramaditya deal was a mess at least from what we know, there is speculation that we might get their help to develop our SSNs and SSBNs in return, the same is speculated for the Scorpene deal, which is a mess as well for many reasons, but the heavy lift helicopter competiton is only for 15 helicopters and by far not as important as the other mentioned deals.
Those CH-47Fs will be deployed on the China border and can easily sling around the LW-155 howitzers
and carry lots of troops here and there effortlessly (not really), and yes, this does add much-needed
operational flexibility for combat ops and skirmishes for IA.

India is still to place the order and you have decided on the deployment.....you must be privy to some inside info.
20 years would be a blessing with Russia's current state
will u stop trolling?? seen ur posts in no. of forums. better if u stop bashing india on every issue. not 100% things going right in ur nation. lets stick to healthy discussion rather than nonsense bashing.
will u stop trolling?? seen ur posts in no. of forums. better if u stop bashing india on every issue. not 100% things going right in ur nation. lets stick to healthy discussion rather than nonsense bashing.

Please let him earn his 50 cents .............
Pretty much- the ALH WSI has the exact same weapons suite as the LCH ie 20mm Nexter cannon,rocket pods,a2a missiles and a2g missiles with pretty much the same (not identical) EO pod and HMDS. This is in part why the LCH devlopment will be relativly fast because the weapons suite has already been under development for some time before the LCH work was even started. But naturally the LCH will be able to to carry more internal fuel,be able to have more ballistic protection,be able to fly further, be able to carry more ammo and be able fly higher.
India is still to place the order and you have decided on the deployment.....you must be privy to some inside info.

Well it IS insider info that Chinooks will go to the chini border.

They'll be assigned to assist the new corps and airborne regiments coming up there. Each of them is gonna
be carrying 50 combat-ready troops, equipment, and slung artillery to high-altitude regions. It can land
troops/cargo on a rooftop or on the edge of a cliff if needed, while the front landing gear is still in the air,
ready to scoot the moment the last trooper is on the ground,,,no need to land there !

AGILITY,,,MOBILITY,,,VERSATILITY,,,that's what Chinook gives you.
Well it IS insider info that Chinooks will go to the chini border.

They'll be assigned to assist the new corps and airborne regiments coming up there. Each of them is gonna
be carrying 50 combat-ready troops, equipment, and slung artillery to high-altitude regions. It can land
troops/cargo on a rooftop or on the edge of a cliff if needed, while the front landing gear is still in the air,
ready to scoot the moment the last trooper is on the ground,,,no need to land there !

Who says that you have to land?


Nobody is denying that the Chinook can do these things, but why are these capabilities important for IAF? That's the important question that many people forget, cause IAF has numerous of Mi 17s that are meant to carry troops, smaller jeeps, or even light howitzers, just like the Chinook. But the Mi 26 currently will be used in real heavy lift roles, transporting heavy vehicles, or big loads of cargo and troops to places that can't be reached by fixwing aircrafts. Things that the Chinook can't to and where only modernised Mi 26 offer IAF a real additional capability to the Mi 17s.

15 x Mi 26T2 can carry 15 x BMPs or wheeled IFVs + their crew to various places when bridges are destroyed or no suitable airstrip is available, can the Chinook do that?

15 x Mi 26T2 can carry 15 x trucks, or heavy machinery + rescue forces in desaster relief missions, to various places when bridges are destroyed or no suitable airstrip is available, can the Chinook do that?

That's why I said, performancewise the Mi26 offers the best for our forces and if a western helicopter, then it should have been the CH53.
Those CH-47Fs will be deployed on the China border and can easily sling around the LW-155 howitzers
and carry lots of troops here and there effortlessly (not really), and yes, this does add much-needed
operational flexibility for combat ops and skirmishes for IA.

watch out what you wish ;)

Why can we not just make our own? Why are we so persistent on spending our hard earned money on foreign nations?
Why can we not just make our own? Why are we so persistent on spending our hard earned money on foreign nations?

And what is the army and air force supposed to do till we make our own? We are still trying to develop a medium lift helo. Chinook is heavy lift. How long can the army wait?
EzioAltaïr;3439257 said:
And what is the army and air force supposed to do till we make our own? We are still trying to develop a medium lift helo. Chinook is heavy lift. How long can the army wait?

Gone are the days when nations can attack major powers. Nobody will go to war with India, not Pakistan, not China no one. We can wait to make our own.
Gone are the days when nations can attack major powers. Nobody will go to war with India, not Pakistan, not China no one. We can wait to make our own.

Oh? So you are going to work on the assumption that no one will attack us? And what if Pakistan or China tries to attack us? We will say, "Wait please, we are still building an indigenous system, attack us later".

If no one can attack anyone, why is the whole world bent on modernising their militaries?
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