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India to launch 16 Foreign Satellites as ISRO inks Contract with 6 Countries

Please enlighten me, where have i objected to the views you've presented in that snippet?
Though what you suggested may seem too idealistic in present geopolitical scenario, how could any sane rational minded person ever object to the possibility of transnational space programs moreover one doesn't need to be a socialist of any kind to appreciate such thinking.

well, i thought you were making fun of that post of mine, but if you are being sincere in your next post, then many welcomes.

indeed, one doesn't need to be a hardcore socialist to believe in transnational collaborations, but ideas like that can be called "socialistic" and sooner or later become guided by socialism... that's how it is.

you are correct that such an idea seems too idealistic in present circumstances, but also, no natural reasons prevent such a collaboration... it is just petty nationalistic concerns on all sides...
We should invest in space technology as it will provide knock up effect on other areas. As far as socialistic nature is concerned we are the providing billion and billion on subsidy for our poor and underprivileged one............With ISRO 1 billion dollar annual budget we cant remove poverty from the country but it can provide us institution like ISRO where even American and European space companies are trying to learn frugal work of our scientist. It gives us hope and pleasure that this country is destined for something good.
Nice development and please do not troll your own posts it was like everything you expected others to say you said yourself leading to a very funny thread....
New countries line up to India for satellite launches

With new offers in hand, Isro's commercial wing Antrix is all set to become a major player in providing satellite launch services to its international customers.

While the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has put the country in global limelight because of its low-cost mission to Mars, its commercial wing, Antrix, has started witnessing a robust growth with more countries approaching it with offers to launch their satellites.

One such proposal of commercial satellite launch is due for June this year in which three DMC-3 earth observation satellites along with one micro and one nano satellite built by UK's Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL) will be launched into space.

The mission is designated as PSLV- C28/ DMC-3 which has been taken under a commercial agreement between Antrix Corporation Limited and DMC International Imaging (DMCII), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SSTL.

Noteworthy, Antrix entered into a launch services agreement with a company from US in 2014 for launching their earth observation micro satellite.

This is the first time when Antrix will be launching a US-built satellite on-board PSLV.

Recently, Antrix also entered into a launch services agreement with another company from US for launching seven nano satellites of US on-board PSLV.

The first commercial launch of Antrix was in May 1999 when it placed two micro-satellites of Germany and Republic of Korea into space following which several new countries have lined up to avail the facility with latest entrants being France, Austria and UK.

There is also a plan to launch a US satellite in 2016.

According to sources, Antrix is also exploring the possibility to offer GSLV launch services to the international customers.

It is also exploring the options of providing Isro-built satellite bus and satellite sub-systems to other contries.

As on date, Antrix has successfully launched 40 satellites for its international customers from 19 countries. It has signed commercial agreements to launch 29 more satellites.

"Undoubtedly the main reason why international customers are seeking PSLV launch services from Antrix is the excellent track record it has maintained over the years. The versatility of the PSLV launcher to undertake various types of missions makes it an ideal candidate in this field," official sources said.

Source:- New countries line up to India for satellite launches
Just shows how much Indian Aero- space capabilities has grown over the years. Cudos to ISRO & every1 involved.
Congrats to our scientific community.

You guys doing a great job.
ISRO to Place Three Satellites of UK Firm in Orbit
After the successful IRNSS-1D mission in March, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up to place three satellites of a UK-based firm in orbit at one go.

The PSLV C-28/DMC-3 mission is slated for June and the launch date will be decided on Friday.ISRO had inked an MoU with UK-based DMC Imaging International (DMCii) for placing three of its earth observation satellites in orbit last year.

“We will be using the ‘XL’ version of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) for the mission. We are hoping to have the mission in the third week of June, but the exact date of the mission will be decided at the Mission Readiness Review Meeting on Friday,” M Chandradathan, director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), said. The three satellites combined weigh only 800-900 kg so a single mission would suffice, Chandradathan said. Initially there was a plan to carry the US satellite SkySat-3 also on this mission as a secondary payload, but a final decision on it will be taken on Friday. The PSLV C-28/DMC-3 mission is one of several commercial launch deals that the Antrix Corporation, ISRO’s commercial wing, has signed in recent months.

In fact, it is the next mission in line and will lift off from the first launch pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota. In recent missions, ISRO has come more and more to bank on the PSLV-XL rocket, a version of the conventional PSLV fitted with bigger strap-on boosters which was first used in October 2008 for the Chandrayaan I mission.

It was then used seven more times, all with success, including the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) in November 2013 and the IRNSS-1C and ID missions in October 2014 and March 2015. The three other missions planned for this year after the DMC project – two IRNSS satellites and Astrosat – also will be using the XL version, ISRO officials said.

Source:- ISRO to Place Three Satellites of UK Firm in Orbit -The New Indian Express
Now Now Now...we are lacking in missile technology how could we make them!!

We need toilets can some one gift us few as we waste our money on Roketwa...
You asked for it here you go, I hope you won't pollute space with your non toilet environment.
we need to concentrate also for our own need, as we had give preference to the foreign satelite instead sending our own for Navigation purpose.
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