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India to help Mongolia in modernizing weapons and tactics

I think its Japan, which had the first carrier among Asian nations

11 to be exact.

India to help Mongolia in modernizing weapons and tactics | Business Standard News

Press Trust of India | New Delhi Dec 19, 2014 05:40 PM IST

India today assured all help to Mongolia in increasing its capabilities in areas of special operations, cyber security and weapons and tactics as a delegation of the east-central Asian country's border guarding force met Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh here.

The Home Minister told the visiting delegation, led by Brigadier General of the General Authority on Border Protection (GABP) Lkhachinjav, that India and Mongolia need increased cooperation for "effective prevention and detection" of crime with the growth of global terrorism, trans-national crimes like drug trafficking, smuggling of illegal arms and ammunition.

India's cooperation with Mongolia assumes significance as both the countries share their borders with China and have deployed their respective border guarding forces to man the unfenced frontiers.

Singh, during his meeting with the delegation at his North block office, assured all possible help to GABP like assistance in capacity building "in the areas of special operations, cyber security, computers and IT, weapons and tactics, bomb disposal, disaster management among others" adding that India can train GABP officers in these areas.

He said that both GABP and their Indian counterparts-- Border Security Force-- work in similar terrains and face similar challenges and both the forces can learn from the best practices in border management.

A Home Ministry statement quoted the Minister as saying that both nations can help each other in better management of borders through exchange of technology, equipment and methodology of border management.

Singh expressed desire that there is a need for joint exercises between GABP and BSF in operational, training and technology exchange.

Singh added that India has always shared strong historical, cultural and spiritual ties with Mongolia and the diplomatic relations with the country are almost 60 years-old.

Good for both Mongolia and India!
So you mean Russian weapons that India "indigenizes" with a crappy paint job? What "good quality stuff" does India make again?

Ya, the difference is that we do ToT and you guys steal.
So you mean Russian weapons that India "indigenizes" with a crappy paint job? What "good quality stuff" does India make again?
He mean to say, India can sell them good paints. Even teach them to paint. Yes! Good quality paint and not copied ones.
Ya, the difference is that we do ToT and you guys steal.
you must be right, stealing or copying needs technology by themselves, at least they can do it.

but ToT, Russian teach you guys from zero
We should modernize their airbases.

Modernizing to the level of India?????


This pic is not even India.
That Mongolia has naval force has been a joke.....And that India is going to help upgrade this navy is more than ridiculous......:woot:You may first teach them how to swim in the ocean
modernising by buying western weapons and selling it to Mongolia? :lol:

India doesn't make their own weapons (not to an acceptable international standard anyway).

India is nothing but a joke in the world :lol:
Ya, the difference is that we do ToT and you guys steal.

The difference is even with ToT, your scientists fail spectacularly and are unable to produce any weapons of note while India ranks 47 spots behind "stealer" and "unoriginal" China in terms of global innovation.

Data Analysis | The Global Innovation Index 2014

Hell, Vietnam even ranks higher than India in global innovation. So excuse me while I laugh in your face about India's "good quality stuff." :rofl: Realistically, India will offer Mongolia "indigenous Indian weapons" that are 60% foreign or "indiegnous Indian weapons" that are 100% foreign except for the shoddy Made-in-India paint job.
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