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India to help Afghanistan with rural development


Oct 14, 2010
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New Delhi, Jan 5 (IANS) With India's grassroots development projects becoming a big success in Afghanistan, an Afghan team will visit New Delhi soon to learn from its varied experience in rural development.

Ahead of External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna's visit to Kabul this week, India's ambassador to Afghanistan Guatum Mukhopadhyay Wednesday met Rural Development Minister C.P. Joshi and discussed a host of initiatives undertaken by New Delhi for rural reconstruction in that country.

The envoy told the minister that an Afghan delegation led by its rural rehabilitation minister will shortly visit India to learn from the Indian experience and the impact of ongoing rural development programs, the rural development ministry said.

Krishna travels to Kabul on a two-day visit starting Saturday.

Since an international conference in London in February last year, India has prioritized agriculture development as a crucial part of its engagement with Afghanistan. Joint rural development projects will also be discussed, official sources said.

India has pledged $1.3 billion for a slew of reconstruction activities ranging from building roads and railways to power stations and grassroots projects in Afghanistan.

India has launched scores of quick gestation grassroots development projects that have generated employment for locals and earned New Delhi goodwill from ordinary Afghans.

India to help Afghanistan with rural development
Excellent news we must help the Afgani people who been through so much dark times under the Taliban.
New Delhi, Jan 5 (IANS) With India's grassroots development projects becoming a big success in Afghanistan, an Afghan team will visit New Delhi soon to learn from its varied experience in rural development.

Ahead of External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna's visit to Kabul this week, India's ambassador to Afghanistan Guatum Mukhopadhyay Wednesday met Rural Development Minister C.P. Joshi and discussed a host of initiatives undertaken by New Delhi for rural reconstruction in that country.

The envoy told the minister that an Afghan delegation led by its rural rehabilitation minister will shortly visit India to learn from the Indian experience and the impact of ongoing rural development programs, the rural development ministry said.

Krishna travels to Kabul on a two-day visit starting Saturday.

Since an international conference in London in February last year, India has prioritized agriculture development as a crucial part of its engagement with Afghanistan. Joint rural development projects will also be discussed, official sources said.

India has pledged $1.3 billion for a slew of reconstruction activities ranging from building roads and railways to power stations and grassroots projects in Afghanistan.

India has launched scores of quick gestation grassroots development projects that have generated employment for locals and earned New Delhi goodwill from ordinary Afghans.

India to help Afghanistan with rural development

Nothing new, we discussed this in Afghanistan related thread so try to start some thing impressive & useful or new.

Help is good but do not degrade to show that you are helping sb.
it seems your cities are developed more than enough, if yes! Then please help us to make one of yours!if not Stfu.

lol``did i hurt your feeling? I didnt mean it. It is your problem to think in that way:cheesy:
New Delhi, Jan 5 (IANS) With India's grassroots development projects becoming a big success in Afghanistan, an Afghan team will visit New Delhi soon to learn from its varied experience in rural development.

Ahead of External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna's visit to Kabul this week, India's ambassador to Afghanistan Guatum Mukhopadhyay Wednesday met Rural Development Minister C.P. Joshi and discussed a host of initiatives undertaken by New Delhi for rural reconstruction in that country.

The envoy told the minister that an Afghan delegation led by its rural rehabilitation minister will shortly visit India to learn from the Indian experience and the impact of ongoing rural development programs, the rural development ministry said.

Krishna travels to Kabul on a two-day visit starting Saturday.

Since an international conference in London in February last year, India has prioritized agriculture development as a crucial part of its engagement with Afghanistan. Joint rural development projects will also be discussed, official sources said.

India has pledged $1.3 billion for a slew of reconstruction activities ranging from building roads and railways to power stations and grassroots projects in Afghanistan.

India has launched scores of quick gestation grassroots development projects that have generated employment for locals and earned New Delhi goodwill from ordinary Afghans.

India to help Afghanistan with rural development

After last years conference ..... Do you know what happened in Jan 2010 conference? What happened was .. It was acknowledged that NATO etc can not continue this war indefinitely. It was argued and agreed that diplomacy will be given a chance by first opening up channels of communication with the opposition forces namely Taliban, Hezb and HQ. Mullah Abduslam Zaeef etc were taken off the list of those that are banned from international traveling. It was also acknowledged that Pakistan's concerns would be seriously taken into account e.g., India's terrorist activities from Afghanistan into Pakistan. For that exact reason India was not included in core meetings in January 2010 conference on Afghanistan.

India kicked much fuss but to no avail.

Karzai took the Jan 2010 conference's conclusions as a wink and a node to start negotiations with Taliban but being too enthusiastic he forgot one main clause of the conference, that Pakistan will have to be at the center stage in any future developments in Afghanistan. All of a sudden we hear the arrest of some Taliban high commanders and Karzai jumping up and down in Kabul yelling "but you guys told me to start the negotiations why is my main contact with Taliban arrested now".

Well that is the back ground, now without further ado I will come to the topic.

India, in Jan 2010, sensing that it is been excluded from the game started the aid for influence game. Now what i do not understand is that are Indian policy maker really that stupid? Do they not see the writing on wall ... i mean Every wall? Do they not see that they are simply out of the game and there is no way they can back door into the deal now?

They have only themselves to blame here, had they not used their presence in Afghanistan merely for initiating and supporting terrorist activities in Pakistan; today they would have had a foot hold to stand on. No money can buy them this foot hold now. Those blaming Pakistan for being a failed state supporting terrorism for furthering its strategic objectives needs to look into their shirt.

On the flip side of the coin Pakistan need to learn lessons from its past conduct and has to look at Afghanistan as an injured brother that is in desperate need of help. Afghanistan will act like a backbone to Pakistan only if it is treated decently. Pakistan should not look at Afghanistan through the prism of mistrust of Sardar Daud or the subsequent pseudo communist puppets era. We have had a good period in between and we need to build upon it.

As far India is concern, I harbor no ill will towards it but India has always acted like a bully in the region annexing and swallowing up smaller states around it -Sikim, Manipur etc. Small countries like Bhutan rushed to join UN just to stay safe from India's expansionist attitude.

I don't think anyone will be so stupid to take India's financial help on its face value.
After last years conference ..... Do you know what happened in Jan 2010 conference? What happened was .. It was acknowledged that NATO etc can not continue this war indefinitely. It was argued and agreed that diplomacy will be given a chance by first opening up channels of communication with the opposition forces namely Taliban, Hezb and HQ. Mullah Abduslam Zaeef etc were taken off the list of those that are banned from international traveling. It was also acknowledged that Pakistan's concerns would be seriously taken into account e.g., India's terrorist activities from Afghanistan into Pakistan. For that exact reason India was not included in core meetings in January 2010 conference on Afghanistan.

India kicked much fuss but to no avail.

Karzai took the Jan 2010 conference's conclusions as a wink and a node to start negotiations with Taliban but being too enthusiastic he forgot one main clause of the conference, that Pakistan will have to be at the center stage in any future developments in Afghanistan. All of a sudden we hear the arrest of some Taliban high commanders and Karzai jumping up and down in Kabul yelling "but you guys told me to start the negotiations why is my main contact with Taliban arrested now".

Well that is the back ground, now without further ado I will come to the topic.

India, in Jan 2010, sensing that it is been excluded from the game started the aid for influence game. Now what i do not understand is that are Indian policy maker really that stupid? Do they not see the writing on wall ... i mean Every wall? Do they not see that they are simply out of the game and there is no way they can back door into the deal now?

They have only themselves to blame here, had they not used their presence in Afghanistan merely for initiating and supporting terrorist activities in Pakistan; today they would have had a foot hold to stand on. No money can buy them this foot hold now. Those blaming Pakistan for being a failed state supporting terrorism for furthering its strategic objectives needs to look into their shirt.

On the flip side of the coin Pakistan need to learn lessons from its past conduct and has to look at Afghanistan as an injured brother that is in desperate need of help. Afghanistan will act like a backbone to Pakistan only if it is treated decently. Pakistan should not look at Afghanistan through the prism of mistrust of Sardar Daud or the subsequent pseudo communist puppets era. We have had a good period in between and we need to build upon it.

As far India is concern, I harbor no ill will towards it but India has always acted like a bully in the region annexing and swallowing up smaller states around it -Sikim, Manipur etc. Small countries like Bhutan rushed to join UN just to stay safe from India's expansionist attitude.

I don't think anyone will be so stupid to take India's financial help on its face value.

I would have :tup: ur piece! But then my eyes fell on the bold part! You need to brush up your history and geography. No to mention a bit of Political Science and Economics too! :whistle:
India should invest in India more, nothing is going to happen in Afghanistan.Real power in afgan is Taliban and AQ and we will never going to have relation with them and then religious angle also not supports India.
India should invest in India more, nothing is going to happen in Afghanistan.Real power in afgan is Taliban and AQ and we will never going to have relation with them and then religious angle also not supports India.

negative attitude... Things change and it will change... for world peace Afghan must be peaceful... The world must understand it... the inaccessible areas of Afghanistan can become birth place of terrorists...

I agree with you that Indian govt should look for its own city development, which they are doing...
ha ha ... Ironically i hold research degrees in both of those subjects.... well probably i am a very unfortunate student... now does that make you happy? :)

BTW which part of the highlighted sentence you do not agree with?
India should invest in India more, nothing is going to happen in Afghanistan.Real power in afgan is Taliban and AQ and we will never going to have relation with them and then religious angle also not supports India.

There is no AQ in Afghanistan and that is by NATO/US own admission. AQ has mostly moved off to Yemen. As far as Taliban are concern, I think they have matured now. They are no more the kids out of a village playing "lets run a country" game.

I do seriously hope that Afghanistan does not plunge into civil war like it did in early 90s after NATO has left.

Having said this, US isn't going to leave Afg as yet. All this leaving Afghanistan in 2014 is just for Obama to win the next election.

Always remember the three golden objectives in a politician's life:
1. Election, 2. Re-Election and 3. Place in History Books.
Obama is at stage Two

USA has given contracts out to build massive bases in Afghanistan mainly in Qandahar, Sheendand and Bagram.These contracts are at least for next 15 years. these bases are the only bone of contention between Taliban and USA. Otherwise Taliban have agreed that:

1. They will guarantee that there will be no AQ in Afghanistan, also adding that only Taliban can give such guarantee.

2. Human rights concerns will be addressed.

3. Afghanistan will not be used to harbor or launch terrorism in any country.

Only thing that Taliban categorically denied was that they will not give even an inch of Afghan soil for any bases.

So i think Taliban are the only way forward... provided the world deal with them decently.

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