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India to have fastest super computer soon!!

If you have nothing to contribute, at least dont troll!!!
you act like paranoid, your this question has been answered by different members in different words. But you still stuck to the same line. Your continuous ranting remembers me of a parrot which struck to the same line without logic!!
He is programmed, and there is no exit command in this loop, he will continue forever.
Starting from nowhere in the 80's India has made a considerable progress in super computing. Its too early to call it the 'would be fastest in 2017' because we do not know what US,Germany or China have in their sleeves now. But definitely this is going to be a big big achievement and helpful for our scientific projects.
@Chinese members: Even before j20 or j31 comes to operation and without any tactical combat record you guys assume many things about these birds because its a matter of national pride so do not understand why you people are having problem in this project.:nono:
Excellent work India & Indian scientists ...All the best for your assignment.
It may take time but we know you are gonna do it.

Calm down buddy!

India just makes itself into a laughing stock by announcing projects way in advance and then, apart from ISRO, rarely meeting the deadline.

Take a leaf out of Chin'a book and achieve and THEN announce.

India will be respected then.

Great & Valuable participation in discussion, Sir.
The thread is about Super Computers & Advanced computing.May I please know Bangladesh's contribution in these field???
If you dont have anything to speak about it better shut up the gutter of your mouth.
How horny you have to be that you need a supercomputer to save ****??? This is extreme :lol:

i didn't say normol **** man i mean to say whole **** data saved in one computer every pic video of world. super computer for super **** :rofl:
this will fail just like kaveri engine, putting man in space before 2015, commonwealth games, etc.

Indians talk big, fire blanks.
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