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India to gear up for 'star wars'


Jul 6, 2009
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India to gear up for 'star wars' - India - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India has no option but to get ready for "star wars" in the future, with countries like China working overtime to develop advanced ASAT (anti-satellite) capabilities with "direct-ascent" missiles, hit-to-kill "kinetic" and directed-energy laser weapons.

The defence ministry's spanking new "Technology Perspective and Capability Roadmap" seems to recognize this overriding necessity, outlining as it does a wide array of high-tech offensive and defensive capabilities Indian armed forces will need over the next 15 years.

Identifying priority areas ranging from space warfare, ballistic missile defence (BMD) and combat drones to electronic warfare, NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) defence and submarines equipped with AIP (air-independent propulsion), the roadmap holds that "technological superiority is increasingly going to be the decisive factor in future battles". The 76-page MoD roadmap to "provide the industry with an overview" about military requirements by 2025 does seem ambitious as of now, given the present poor state of the country's defence-industrial production base.

Nevertheless, it gives significant insight into what India plans to acquire in terms of futuristic military capabilities. The roadmap, after all, draws heavily from classified as well as unclassified parts of Army, IAF and Navy doctrines, the still-evolving long-term integrated perspective plan (2012-2027) and DRDO's S&T roadmap, among others. While India is already working in some of these sectors, the roadmap underlines the need to get cracking in the others as well. Ever since China shocked the world with an ASAT weapon test to destroy a satellite in January 2007, alarm bells have been clanging in the Indian defence establishment.

The MoD roadmap, on its part, identifies development of ASAT weapons "for electronic or physical destruction of satellites in both LEO (2,000-km altitude above earth's surface) and the higher GEO-synchronous orbits" as a thrust area.

Apart from "EMP (electromagnetic pulse) hardening" of satellite and sensors to protect them against ASAT weapons, it says armed forces want to induct satellite systems for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions in a major way. The uses range from synthetic aperture radar all-weather imagery and precision targeting to automatic target recognition technology and high-speed communication.

Army's need for "directed energy weapons (DEWs)" is also spelled out in the roadmap. These include mobile air defence to engage enemy rockets, missiles, fighters and helicopters, as also DEWs to neutralize UAVs at a distance of 8-10 km. Moreover, precision weapons and dazzlers are needed for swift counter-terrorist operations with minimum collateral damage.

Another thrust area is UAVs, especially armed ones like the American Predator and Reaper drones equipped with Hellfire missiles. "UAVs with advanced sensors and weapons are going to dominate all facets of the future battlefield,"
it says.
Great News Indeed..... Now Our research establishments have Settled Themselves to move ahead with good pace..... India has been Working on with everything... Good to see India moving ahead
Does any one have any Idea, when will this technology be demonstrated by the DRDO?? A Handy platform for futuristic Warfare....
i think Endia is planning to make a bollywood filim on star wars lol... cows will be actors there and cow dung will be seen as weapons of mass destruction.... lol...

With all due respect buddy, the cow is sacred to the Hindus, posts like these will give rise to disagreements and degrade the quality of the forum, please refrain from trolling....
With all due respect buddy, the cow is sacred to the Hindus, posts like these will give rise to disagreements and degrade the quality of the forum, please refrain from trolling....

Buddy, Just Ignore..... Lets get to the topic.
Come on guys, who is going to buy into such kind of propaganda, i still recall the term "Star War" traced back to Ronald Reagan's era, even till today, US never claim successful of the so-called "Star War" other than the movies one, and you are telling me, no offence but a backward country comparing to US like India will get the job done?
times of India , they have no idea what they are talking about.

The technology roadmap spelled out a number of things , most of which are years away.
It was a very long view document , taking to mind future technologies. development of lasers and rail-guns are all in the post 2020 agenda , or even further depending on the level of technology.
For this decade the emphasis is clearly on catching up to leading arms manufactures and achieving indiginisation of the armed forces at-least to 50% .

For those of you actually intrested in the actual MOD document


Our budget as of yet , is far to small to come up with cutting edge technologies. It's not impossible but it is very difficult.

PTI has been taken for a ride

and ToI is acting like ToI

Rather than all these fancy lasers and magnet guns ,

I would prefer a proper Tejas, Arjun Mk-2

with the FMBT and NFGA being the next top priority.

Improvements to our Ballistic and ABM systems are also warrented.

F-INSAS , has to be pulled of with very little fuss.

The Arihant class and Stealth ships , need to perform to expectations.

development , absorption and induction of the FGFA


we already have a large plate with a lot to do , we need to focus on that.
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Come on guys, who is going to buy into such kind of propaganda, i still recall the term "Star War" traced back to Ronald Reagan's era, even till today, US never claim successful of the so-called "Star War" other than the movies one, and you are telling me, no offence but a backward country comparing to US like India will get the job done?

So You are In a way afraid If India would do it..... I as an Indian trust my country, as You trust your country, so Why Insulting my country, can you take it If I Insult yours??? It hurts, But I as an Indian showed My culture not to hit back at your previous hate comments...
Does any one have any Idea, when will this technology be demonstrated by the DRDO?? A Handy platform for futuristic Warfare....

Sir India has a very ambitious military-space project under 2010-2025 technology road map. The tri-service already set up an aerospace command. Here is it..... thanks to ISRO, here most of the technologies are developed already and many more under development. Few others need to be started.


110. Satellite Based Communication. A number of technology advances in satellite system are likely to take place in the near future. Indian Army would be looking forward to a few of the technologies given below:-

(a) Use of Ka Band. This would provide larger bandwidths, increase total capacity per satellite, and result in power and cost reduction of ground stations.

(b) On-Board Processing (OBP) Techniques. These provide flexible manipulation of base band by allowing connectivity between user of different transponders or in different beams and use of multiple beams in place of single wide beam coverage. Steerable beams to provide communication in less frequented areas. High bandwidth, polar micro communication satellite net work, cryptography, data compression and satellite cross links.

(c) LEO/MEO Satellite System. To reduce propagation delay associated with geo-stationary satellites, lower orbit satellite system similar to the commercial system like Globe Star and Teledesic, may be used.

111. Satellite System for Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR).

(a) Imagery Techniques. Need to developing capability for expl of the following three types of imageries:-

(i) Panchromatic / Colour. Panchromatic (black & white) or Linear Imaging Self Scanning (LISS) colour with mono and stereoscopic images.

(ii) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). SAR images can see through cloud cover and night.

(iii) Hyper Spectral Images. These use the spectrum of colours to differentiate between different surface textures of an image.

(iv) Common Synthesised Image. There is also a need to develop capability to obtain common synthesised image using all the above three techniques.

(b) Automatic Target Recognize (ATR) Technology. This would require data fusion from all the sensors, comparison of the data with archives, retrieval of data as required and in a user friendly format.

(c) High Resolution Satellite. Satellite system with sub-meter resolution capability and automatic analysis of data.

(d) Satellite Based ELINT. Need to indigenously design & development and validate a simple micro satellite with ELINT payload.

112. Satellite Based Positioning, Navigation & Time (PNT). The capability to provide precision navigation facility to various users and to deliver precision weapons on targets through combination of IRNSS and internal inertial navigation system is essential for future military operations. The GPS system currently in use, through providing high accuracy to NATO forces, provides degraded accuracy to other users. Following need to be developed:-

(a) Position, Navigation and Tracking. Need to develop capability to establish indigenous satellite constellation for Position, Navigation and Tracking (PNT) requirements of the Services.

(b) Precision positioning. Integrated precision positioning of targeting and telemetry sigs.

(c) Navigation and Guidance. Enhance navigation and guidance by integrating guidance system of SSMs with our IRNSS.

113. ASAT.

(a) EMP hardening of satellite & sensors and satellites against Anti-Satellite (ASAT).

(b) Development of ASAT for electronic or physical destruction of satellites in both LEO and Geo – synchronous orbits.

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