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India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

I dont find any reason why India is getting itself embroiled into Chins's corridor? And that to what is the ROI in term of economic investment,Political Impact and Foreign policy point of view???? How important is Vietnam for India rather than China is? I mean i feel this is not a statergic foreign policy....We have differences with China but again India has to remember that China is one of the largest trading partner too...So every aspect should be taken into account while dealing with this situation...

Are you saying this is wrong? After what Chinese are doing in P0K and IOR? After what they were doing this long to Arunachal and us Sikkimese? No wonder with your kind of thinking, we can see the way CONgress is going....
India oil companies are there for just bussiness.they are exploring oil in block 127 and 128 which comes under veitnam territory
so nothing gonna happen just CHILL:coffee:
quality of medicine, quality of food, quality of health care services, quality of drinking water.
shall we go on?

you can't deny it: our food is safer, our drinking water is safer, our health care is at least 30-40 years ahead.

---------- Post added at 08:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 AM ----------

yes, yes, you are happy about what you have, then suddenly some indians can worry about the Chinese product quality.

again: you can post here because we Chinese built your internet backbone network, we built your mobile network, our power generators are supplying electiricity to hundreds of millions of indians.

you can't deny this

---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 AM ----------

if you look at the title of this thread, it is about China. if you don't like it, then how about just shut up and change to a better thread?

man i dnt prefer any chinese products especially mobile, my god Nokia N-8 model (chinese copied) just 4500/- where the original one is about 21000/-, chinese mobile have more features than original one. two batteries, two sim slots, 2 memory cards slots so n so. but i feared to buy chinese even it was just 4500rs. bcz "low quality, with high sound and no warrenty"
man i dnt prefer any chinese products especially mobile, my god Nokia N-8 model (chinese copied) just 4500/- where the original one is about 21000/-, chinese mobile have more features than original one. two batteries, two sim slots, 2 memory cards slots so n so. but i feared to buy chinese even it was just 4500rs. bcz "low quality, with high sound and no warrenty"

well said, i have nt used any chinese Mobile due to its lack of reliabilty,quality
even reliance offer better mobile
well said, i have nt used any chinese Mobile due to its lack of reliabilty,quality
even reliance offer better mobile

Well,PRC is solely known for producing cheap c**ps.So what's new in your post????
Well,PRC is solely known for producing cheap c**ps.So what's new in your post????
i was cutting a aluminium sheet into 4 diff parts
it took me 3 hrs to cut.More than 3 blades were broken due to lack of quality.when i saw the label it was written
i was cutting a aluminium sheet into 4 diff parts
it took me 3 hrs to cut.More than 3 blades were broken due to lack of quality.when i saw the label it was written

I am not surprised at all.Even a rickshaw puller does not want to buy chinese phones.
Are you saying this is wrong? After what Chinese are doing in P0K and IOR? After what they were doing this long to Arunachal and us Sikkimese? No wonder with your kind of thinking, we can see the way Congress is going....

@Tshering22...I sincerely hope that i should be wrong...I want to make a point is that can India sustain its commitment to go ahead and explore oil in this deal or this is just symbolic only to protest against Chines presence in PO@K....I would really love to see that Indian companies go ahead to every country and perform business but the real question is that does India really mean it? Keep in mind.....If we are trying to compare this situation with Chines presence in PO@K then we should also know that Vietnam and India friendship is not like Pakistan and China friendship that it can sustain continuous pressure from China to allow India to go ahead with this deal till final deal takes place....And another point....PO@K is on the border region of Pakistan and China....When Indian companies can not sustain business and political pressure to win business deal in its own immediate neighour like SriLanka and Bangladesh itself then definitely the question would come up about what is the guarantee that Vietnam will support India till the end to India in going ahead with deal? I may be asking some uncomfortable questions but it should not happen that GOI announces for the sake of symbolism and then after some time Vietnam comes up under pressure and then align itself with China itself and cancel the deal....So in that scenario it is a useless foreign policy stunt from GOI...
...Again i believe countering China in its own backward in South China sea is a bold move...but are we really ready for it? Does our so called partner Vietnam ready for it? These are very pertinent questions?....Every country sees their intrest whenever there is any problem..Even when India Pakistan war like situation comes up even China being all weather friend of Pakistan did not hep him with open support behind Pakistan? So similarly USA will never come in open support to India in case there is any open confrontation comes up with China? In this scenario,India has to make itself making a stronger country economically and then starts taking the risk to venture outwards....China waited for the entire 20TH century to assets itself outside of its region after China makes itself strong enough to counter heavy weight like USA....So i believe India has to wait till its time comes up to venture into such kind of project...
I don't think there will be million gallons of Oil in those fields...it should be used as tool for negotiations rather than actually drilling..

A good way to access more potential reserves is drilling on a slant which allow for more oil production secretly haha
Kaniska said:
@Tshering22...I sincerely hope that i should be wrong...I want to make a point is that can India sustain its commitment to go ahead and explore oil in this deal or this is just symbolic only to protest against Chines presence in PO@K....I would really love to see that Indian companies go ahead to every country and perform business but the real question is that does India really mean it? Keep in mind.....If we are trying to compare this situation with Chines presence in PO@K then we should also know that Vietnam and India friendship is not like Pakistan and China friendship that it can sustain continuous pressure from China to allow India to go ahead with this deal till final deal takes place....And another point....PO@K is on the border region of Pakistan and China....When Indian companies can not sustain business and political pressure to win business deal in its own immediate neighour like SriLanka and Bangladesh itself then definitely the question would come up about what is the guarantee that Vietnam will support India till the end to India in going ahead with deal? I may be asking some uncomfortable questions but it should not happen that GOI announces for the sake of symbolism and then after some time Vietnam comes up under pressure and then align itself with China itself and cancel the deal....So in that scenario it is a useless foreign policy stunt from GOI...

...Again i believe countering China in its own backward in South China sea is a bold move...but are we really ready for it? Does our so called partner Vietnam ready for it? These are very pertinent questions?....Every country sees their intrest whenever there is any problem..Even when India Pakistan war like situation comes up even China being all weather friend of Pakistan did not hep him with open support behind Pakistan? So similarly USA will never come in open support to India in case there is any open confrontation comes up with China? In this scenario,India has to make itself making a stronger country economically and then starts taking the risk to venture outwards....China waited for the entire 20TH century to assets itself outside of its region after China makes itself strong enough to counter heavy weight like USA....So i believe India has to wait till its time comes up to venture into such kind of project...
First: Thanks for your support during VN war against USA , bro

Second :SCS(East sea) is not China's backyard, it's belong to ASEAN, and CHina dare not to place any Oil rig in this zone untill now.

Third : Partner means VietNam and India will have mutual benefit , we wil protect India oil company with our Life, and when China has to concentrate in SCS (East sea) she can not give a full support for her 'String of Pearl' around India any more .

Fourth : With USA-Russia-Japan support , we will unify ASEAN soon and ASEAN will strong enough to take back SCS (East sea), so I think India Govt knows clearly that It will have No harm for India when joining with VietNam-Japan-ASEAN to earn benefit .

Fifth: China's main opponents are VietNam-Japan, China needs to expand her sea territory to strengthen her Navy, there is No use for China Navy to fight against India.
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