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India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

who are you to ask us not to listen to our Gandhian Leaders :what: .... we have much faith on our own leaders rather than american leaders

I am your worst nightmare. I am the truth. I am the reality. Look in the mirror, slap yourself silly and ask yourself if what I said was true or not. Only a half twit or moron would argue like you have done without listening to the merits of my post. Next time, I won;t respond. However, if you want to look at leaders, take a good look at your Mayawati and Rahul. On one hand you have an untouchable given all the opportunities to succeed and that she has. Yet, she has become more corrupt and lives a life that most dictators would be envious of. The only person I can remember recently who built statues of themselves and send assistants on flights to different cities/countries to pick up clothes and SLIPPERS was Saddam. That itself should speak volumes. Rahul, a trust fund baby, spoon fed with a platinum spoon, no qualifications to mention that entitles him to lead India. His only tie to politics is family dynasty that shows how dumb Indians have become to allow this feeble minded fool a chance. And then you, the BJP. Another moronic party, that thinks its so smart. YOu have 2-3 good leaders. The rest of your party stinks to hell of corruption. India is in this mess because of both shitty parties. There is no better party than the other. The consensus is that if India is to truly succeed into the future and make her presence felt, she has to drop both idiotic parties and develop a better form of goverance or political system. The take over begins soon enough. The plan is set in motion. The youngsters see what needs to be done. Hard work and merit will pay off. Create your own political parties and If the media doesn;t cover it, then you use multiple avenues to spread the msg.Get the parents and elderly involved. You notice gov'ts worldwide are scared to loose control, that's why many are passing draconian measures to curb such powerful media tools. Don;t get suckered and loose your freedom, like we are loosing in the states. Ask yourself why Indian politicans for the past 60 yrs have not passed the most basic fundamental laws in goverment? The laws are a joke. The politicans on fact finding trips to different countries with no facts, only gifts,pics and treats. They have purposely kept the rules and regulations so lax and general that anyone with money can fleece the system endlessly. I am not saying over regulate the system and the business environment. I am saying protect your ppl first. That should be the highest priority. Education is key and create high standards and qualifications for teachers to meet. I know you guys can do it. Just aim and lift off.
you can keep talking, you can keep cheating, but at the end of day, it is all about IQ. how many Chinese will buy your laughable excuse based totally on nonsense? not many.

also, when compare to the people of our two nations, you can check who works harder. without any doubt that Chinese work much harder, than they are in general much smarter. let me tell you this dude: in Shanghai, lazy people work 60hrs a week. that is how we build Shanghai. The same for Beijing/Tianjin/Shenzhen/Guangzhou/Nanjing/Hangzhou/Dalian/Qingdao/Suzhou/Xiamen......

check mumbai, do you believe it is the outcome of "hard working indians" ? I don't. it is the typical outcome of a lazy work force.

Check bangalore/pune/delhi /bangalore/chennai etc etc. Don't brag about how good your cities are , makes you look like a total douche We have good cities too , but don't like to brag about them in the middle of a thread totally unrelated. One of the reasons why there are no slums in chinese cities is because your commie government has the authority to deport all slum people back to their villages. Go back to your village and you'l find people living in worse condition than "mumbai"

World’s Most Hard-working Nations – India 7th!
According to this website , lazy ,bad indians work harder than hard working chinese

And according to this site , chinese on average work only 18 minutes a day more than indians. So stop barking will you? Go get yourself a bone. Check out these websites and digest the fact that there are people in countries who work way more than chinese , you might have to find another fake fact to keep ur pride now.
. Don't brag about your fake IQ. Chinese students at high school study like twice more than their counterparts and get a few grades more. Other students play , party hard , do all sorts of **** , and still score just a few grades below "high IQ" chinese. Not to mention that many high IQ chinese cannot properly speak a simple language like english

Actually , what proves that you have a low "IQ" is the simple fact that you don't even know what IQ is , or the fact that it doesn't have anything related to how intelligent you are. A begger can have a higher IQ than a rich businessman. Since you don't know this simple fact, i would assume that a "low iq" person like you wouldn't have heard of the flynn effect . Search what it is , i won't bother posting. I have a medium IQ of 90 , and my grades are one of the highest at university (im not studying in india , just so you dont start barking again) . I don't give **** if you believe it or not , i wont waste my time posting the proof of my IQ or my university grades online just so that Mr peaceful from china can give his insignificant approval . Actually , you can just piss off , i really don't take your comments too seriously
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