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India to decide response after Pakistan attack

Exactly, real war is way different than shown in the movies. In movies, a soldier just kill the other, don't await to mutilate enemy's body and behead it to take it as a trophy. Its against all rule books. Check it our.

What I gave you as an example is code of conduct with the enemy. Remember, in old days, even armies used to give proper burial or cremation to the dead of the enemies.

So again, never justify this act of defiling a soldier's body because he deserve utmost respect. They mutilated the body after the soldiers were dead. Do you know how tough is to behead someone who is fighting you ? Watch any beheading video with knife. Even the person in bounds is beheaded with at least one minute of cutting.

Actually no.
In real war sldiers gut each other with knives if needed,and soldiers are known to strike horror in opponnent by doing things.

You may want to Quote geneva convention or some other international convention to prove your point????

The best thing was not to kill a Pakistani soldier and not to provoke a retaliation from Pak Army.
If India did not kill the Pakistani soldier,none of this had ever happened.
Actually no.
In real war sldiers gut each other with knives if needed,and soldiers are known to strike horror in opponnent by doing things.

You may want to Quote geneva convention or some other international convention to prove your point????

The best thing was not to kill a Pakistani soldier and not to provoke a retaliation from Pak Army.
If India did not kill the Pakistani soldier,none of this had ever happened.

I don't understand this moral highground. LOC is where the violations has happened time and again due to both the parties. Prior to the Pakistani soldier getting killed, there were 3 innocent Kashmiris who were killed due to aggressive shelling by Pakistan art. So lets not go there for the action/reaction.

Beheading/mutilation is not a response expected from a professional army. period. That is what has got most of the Indians upset who normally turn a blind eye to the deaths in LOC.
Considering Taliban beheads few of your soldiers every other week..they must be bravest souls on the planet??
To behead and mutilate another soldiers dead body, one has to be a barbaric scum bag...but guess your encounters with Taliban has started to rub off on your army..as you are starting to turn into one.
Well Pakistan Army takes that onthe chin and retaliates proportionately..
Unlike being a sympathy collecting drama queen,India.
But yes,i agree that as an act of humanity and respect,mutilation shouldnt be carried out.
But then again i am sat in my cozy room,writing this.
I dont know what was the exact situation when this happened on the Loc if at all,and under what circumstances and why the PA soldier did it.
PA has denied this,and i beleive them.
The best way was to launch a joint investigation or involve UN.
India refused both,mainly to keep their lie alive or they had been proven wrong and drama had ended.
Actually no.
In real war sldiers gut each other with knives if needed,and soldiers are known to strike horror in opponnent by doing things.
You may want to Quote geneva convention or some other international convention to prove your point????
The best thing was not to kill a Pakistani soldier and not to provoke a retaliation from Pak Army.
If India did not kill the Pakistani soldier,none of this had ever happened.
I agree with horror part but always remember that such acts bring the animals in others too. Its domino effect. That's why these rules of engagements.

Check it, you can't defile a body especially behead one which can make it difficult to identify the body.

As for who started it, we can go back and back and discuss it to the death. I can prove it who started it in this case too.

As for believing Pakistan, after OBL and Mumbai, no one does.
I agree with horror part but always remember that such acts bring the animals in others too. Its domino effect. That's why these rules of engagements.

Check it, you can't defile a body especially behead one which can make it difficult to identify the body.

As for who started it, we can go back and back and discuss it to the death. I can prove it who started it in this case too.

As for believing Pakistan, after OBL and Mumbai, no one does.

Well its simple 'who started it'.
India had given kashmir to Pakistan as agreed in 1947 and many skirmishes,wars and all that India Pakistan enmity had nevee happened.
Pakistan was created as a muslim majority state and kashmir as a muslim majority state had to be part of Pakistan..
By occupying Kashmir India started it anyway..Kashmir still is a muslim majority state and wants to be either free or be part of Pakistan...

For now until kashmir remains disputed as it is at the moment,both sides can expect more..
And no Pakistani Kashmir isnt occupied as People of Pakistani Kashmir never wanted and still dont want to be a Part of India...
Its the other way round in Indian occupied Kashmir.
So who started it?
India did.
Well its simple 'who started it'.
India had given kashmir to Pakistan as agreed in 1947 and many skirmishes,wars and all that India Pakistan enmity had nevee happened.
Pakistan was created as a muslim majority state and kashmir as a muslim majority state had to be part of Pakistan..
By occupying Kashmir India started it anyway..Kashmir still is a muslim majority state and wants to be either free or be part of Pakistan...

Why not you guys look at it this way? Muslims voted in majority for separate country for themselves in 1945/46 central/provincial elections but almost half of them stayed back - so if India can accomodate them, allow them to have their own civil laws and not discriminate against them as the leaders believed in non-religious based country why not India deserve Kashmir as well if its ruler had signed to join with India?
Well its simple 'who started it'.India had given kashmir to Pakistan as agreed in 1947 and many skirmishes,wars and all that India Pakistan enmity had nevee happened.
Pakistan was created as a muslim majority state and kashmir as a muslim majority state had to be part of Pakistan..
By occupying Kashmir India started it anyway..Kashmir still is a muslim majority state and wants to be either free or be part of Pakistan...
For now until kashmir remains disputed as it is at the moment,both sides can expect more..
And no Pakistani Kashmir isnt occupied as People of Pakistani Kashmir never wanted and still dont want to be a Part of India...
Its the other way round in Indian occupied Kashmir.
So who started it?
India did.
Hey Bhagwan :hitwall:

You sent Mujhahideens and started this. You might have got Kashmir if you haven't shown that aggression. Well I am not going to argue over this. Its NP hard problem.
Why not you guys look at this this way? Muslims voted in majority for separate country for themselves in 1945/46 central/provincial elections but almost half of them stayed back - so if India can accomodate them, allow them to have their own civil laws and not discriminate against them as the leaders believed in non-religious based country why not India deserve Kashmir as well if its ruler had signed to join with India?

You need history lesson.
Pakistan was created as a country comprising of then Indian states,region which already had muslim majority Population as the people of those areas did not want to remain Part of India..
The muslims still in india are in Hindu majority states and regions.

Hey Bhagwan :hitwall:

You sent Mujhahideens and started this. You might have got Kashmir if you haven't shown that aggression. Well I am not going to argue over this. Its NP hard problem.

Yup me too...going for my breakfast..
Feeling hungry..
No point in expanding the discussion to unmanageable levels..
Everything cannot be discussed
Better stick to the particular incident and associated international conventions...
You need history lesson.
Pakistan was created as a country comprising of then Indian states,region which already had muslim majority Population as the people of those areas did not want to remain Part of India..
The muslims still in india are in Hindu majority states and regions.

I don't need any - So are you sure about Kashmir as well? If I understand my history lessons correctly, there was no plebiscite on Kashmir to say concretely that they wanted to join Pakistan and not want to stay with India.
Another dosa (oopppssssss dossiers) throwing season starting but this time by malyalee lungi master A.K.Anthony...previous dosa(dossiers) throwing season was accomplished by tamil lungi master P.Chidambram.More of chinese papers will be on top of items import list of india for typing dossiers.
Another dosa (oopppssssss dossiers) throwing season starting but this time by malyalee lungi master A.K.Anthony...previous dosa(dossiers) throwing season was accomplished by tamil lungi master P.Chidambram.More of chinese papers will be on top of items import list of india for typing dossiers.

Looks like Aunty has come again with brand new verbal diarrhea :lol:
Well Pakistan Army takes that onthe chin and retaliates proportionately..
Unlike being a sympathy collecting drama queen,India.
But yes,i agree that as an act of humanity and respect,mutilation shouldnt be carried out.
But then again i am sat in my cozy room,writing this.
I dont know what was the exact situation when this happened on the Loc if at all,and under what circumstances and why the PA soldier did it.
PA has denied this,and i beleive them.
The best way was to launch a joint investigation or involve UN.
India refused both,mainly to keep their lie alive or they had been proven wrong and drama had ended.

Maybe we should start skinning or impaling soldiers next??..you know to drive "fear"..would you prefer such response? To us, such action would prove the individuals or institution endorsing such an actions are incapable of civilized human behaviors ans should be treated like animals.But you might find it brave and valiant , just like how you find, mutilating a dead body to take trophies as a sing of bravery.

We don't want to be part of a dog and pony show, what can UN do? When Pakistan army itself in t in its very first statement declared such an incident never happened, Pakistani soldiers never crossed the border..then how can UN prove otherwise? I mean what is logic of first denying the incident and then making an offer to conduct an investigation..are you trying to fake sincerity?

We don't care if you believe such an incident happened or not, thing you should know is, we believe it and our army believes it.
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