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India to decide on its role in Afghanistan: US


May 3, 2009
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India to decide on its role in Afghanistan: US - Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

NEW DELHI: The US has not sought Indian troop deployment in Afghanistan and it was for New Delhi to decide on a possible military role in that
country, Admiral Robert F. Wilard, who heads the US Pacific Command, said on Friday even as he praised India's "rebuilding role" in Afghanistan.

"We have not sought any ground level cooperation (deployment) from India. We are happy with India's rebuilding role in Afghanistan," Willard told reporters here.

"It (deployment of Indian troops in Afghanistan) is for Indian military and establishment to decide," he added.

Willard reiterated that "succeeding in Afghanistan and stabilising Pakistan" are in the larger interests of the US. The US has announced addition of 30,000 troops in Afghanistan and has envisaged boosting of the Afghan National Army.

"This (sending of more troops to Afghanistan) will start but there is no end date on the withdrawal of troops," said Willard.

Willard met Indian Army chief General Deepak Kapoor, Navy chief Admiral Nirmal Verma and Air Force vice chief Air Marshal P.K. Barbora Thursday. He also met Defence Secretary Pradeep Thakur.

India has time and again ruled out sending troops to Afghanistan to be part of the US-led offensive but has been providing developmental and medical aid as mandated by the United Nations.

India's military interaction with Afghanistan has been through training its military officers in the National Defence Academy here. It also runs a medical facility in Afghanistan staffed by army doctors. It has also posted instructors to teach English and martial music to Afghan soldiers and officers.

India is heavily investing in Afghanistan, particularly in infrastructure projects such as roads, hospitals, schools and the new parliament building in Kabul. Indian reconstruction aid totals $1.5 billion.

India had hosted Afghan army's chief General Bismillah Khan Mohammadi earlier this year. Mohammadi has also been seeking enhanced military cooperation between the two countries.
India has time and again ruled out sending troops to Afghanistan to be part of the US-led offensive but has been providing developmental and medical aid as mandated by the United Nations.

India's military interaction with Afghanistan has been through training its military officers in the National Defence Academy here. It also runs a medical facility in Afghanistan staffed by army doctors. It has also posted instructors to teach English and martial music to Afghan soldiers and officers.

This sums up the india response as far as Military rols in Afghanistan is concerned...In fact i am happy with GOI role so far....As fas as NATO is taking care of Taliban we should be involved in other important affairs....India not being involved militarily is good for India..and the region(respecting Pak sentiments)

As long as our overall objective of not to let Afghanistan fall back to Taliban is safe we should shy away from any military role...if that is being threatened only then we should explore this option...
For some reason i was thinking, That may be India should also send troops to Afghanistan, when this post caught my eye.

I heard South Korea was sending 500 troops.
May be we can make a similar gesture.
We have given more to the UN.

But realistically , Should a developing nation like India, Join a Task force of largely developed nations.

If we were even 10 years ahead of where we were now. In terms of development in the country and the Modernization of our forces.
I would have said Lets send Tens of thousands. And wipe the Taliban from the Face of the Earth.

However we could realistically take on a Larger Military support role. That's very much a possibility.
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For some reason i was thinking, That may be India should also send troops to Afghanistan, when this post caught my eye.

I heard South Korea was sending 500 troops.
May be we can make a similar gesture.

But realistically , Should a developing nation like India, Join a Task force of largely developed nations.

We cant make such kind of gesture because our neighbors doubts against us will increase and also if the soldiers will come back as body bags then there will be a general out cry from the people against the government and it will most likely throw away from the power on next election... and also it will increase terrorist activities inside India because sending troops will be interpreted as invading a Muslim country from different sources..and of cource the cost of deploying our troops also taken in to consideration
But realistically , Should a developing nation like India, Join a Task force of largely developed nations.

Well a big NO.. I don't think the time have come yet that we can flex our muscle beyond India as of now...I don't think that an army of 500 can bring any change so apart from raising eyebrows in Pak and China we won't achieve much...Lets see the prospects of military involvement at much larger stake....

- I don't think as of now we have the capacity to operate outside India and maintain it for longer time without compromising security of the motherland..
- I don't think that our economy can sustain a long term involvements in AF without sending tremors back home.
- It will result in lot of casualities of our Army. Please note that there are enough body bags sent back to US from AF even though their equipments and security levels are much better than ours...Now just imagine how many body bags we will get back....
- Supply Lines - We all know that for any operation we need an un-interrupted supply lines...US has the priviledge to do it from PAK...What route are we going to take??? May be from Iran but as per me it will increase the time period and will hamper the operations effectiveness...
- There must be a reason that our Army has raised concerns on its preparedness level for a full-fledge war...If the report is correct than we don't look very good till 2027 for such an adventure....

To me our best bet is that NATO forces do the clean up job and we keep on engaging in infrastructure work...The need of the hour is to build a potent Afghan force which can take care of Taliban and its rise...Its then we can keep the pressure on(Once Nato leaves) by providing them latest weaponary to carry on the fight....
The role India has chosen is better than sending armyies.Already the fight Afghanis are fighting is like a national war and they consider allied armies just like what we use to consider colonial armies of Britain. This approach would keep sentiments of Afghans close and positive to India, military action would bring hatred.

Infrastructure development that India is providing, well i cant get that through my head. In India itself there is a big need of infrastructure development and government is spending 1.5Billion$ on Afghanistan rather than its own country.!! Now that's also an Eye Brow Raiser, because if there is a huge development going on from a government in its own country or there is already enough development in homeland regarding infrastructure, only then investment in another country's development can be justified.

500 soldiers of South Korea doesn't seem to be helping any one other than giving a title to Korea in WAT (war against terrorism).
if the soldiers will come back as body bags then there will be a general out cry from the people against the government and it will most likely throw away from the power on next election

I know u said this in Context. And i agree with you given India's Current status and condition.

But how else can be defeat The Taliban, but to put our troops in harms way.
If the Afghan Mission Fails. IT just proves to the whole world, that terrorism can win.

A soldiers Life is always put in harms way, that's just the way it is.

There somethings that you just have to do, and exterminating the Taliban and what they represent is one of them. The Perversion of religion has resulted in more loss of Human then any other action on this planet.

2000 years of it and we have yet to learn.

we should not let it happen again.

The Consequences of Failure will be felt for decades i promise you.

Gogbot..what you are saying make sense...However to avoid one failure we can't choose another path which is also doomed to fail...The bigger question is do you really think we have the capacity to do it??? I have raised some concerns in post# 5..PLease go through it and share your thoughts...
Well a big NO.. I don't think the time have come yet that we can flex our muscle beyond India as of now...I don't think that an army of 500 can bring any change so apart from raising eyebrows in Pak and China we won't achieve much...Lets see the prospects of military involvement at much larger stake....

- I don't think as of now we have the capacity to operate outside India and maintain it for longer time without compromising security of the motherland..
- I don't think that our economy can sustain a long term involvements in AF without sending tremors back home.
- It will result in lot of casualities of our Army. Please note that there are enough body bags sent back to US from AF even though their equipments and security levels are much better than ours...Now just imagine how many body bags we will get back....
- Supply Lines - We all know that for any operation we need an un-interrupted supply lines...US has the priviledge to do it from PAK...What route are we going to take??? May be from Iran but as per me it will increase the time period and will hamper the operations effectiveness...
- There must be a reason that our Army has raised concerns on its preparedness level for a full-fledge war...If the report is correct than we don't look very good till 2027 for such an adventure....

To me our best bet is that NATO forces do the clean up job and we keep on engaging in infrastructure work...The need of the hour is to build a potent Afghan force which can take care of Taliban and its rise...Its then we can keep the pressure on(Once Nato leaves) by providing them latest weaponary to carry on the fight....

All good reasons.
The one questioning our capabilities all have solutions.
IF the US really wants us there they would no doubt help wit Supplies and Finance.We are very much capable just like to point that out.
the rest are real reasons we should not go.

But those we fight make no such distinctions. Something we should all remember.
There will still be attacks on India Regardless of whether we go or not.

If you read the Article about the Al-queda and LeT are now working together to Create a war between Pakistan and India.

we are very much involved. And have already been targeted and will continue to be targeted.

We can't allow the Taliban and all the terrorist cells. to exist or find safe haven. Any where.

the consequences of what happens when The Ideals of the Taliban are allowed to exist is clear for all to see in Pakistan.
Infrastructure development that India is providing, well i cant get that through my head. In India itself there is a big need of infrastructure development and government is spending 1.5Billion$ on Afghanistan rather than its own country.!! Now that's also an Eye Brow Raiser, because if there is a huge development going on from a government in its own country or there is already enough development in homeland regarding infrastructure, only then investment in another country's development can be justified.

There are lot of infrastructure projects going on in US itself still she is the biggest donor of the world...In other words infrastructure needs will never cease...Technilogy evolves and so is the need of infrastructure to support it...$1.5 billion is not a big deal and also remember all is not charity...Our companies are/will make profits out of it.....Be rest assured no govt. will build another nation at the cost of her own people...As far as eye-brows are concerned you are right India's real motive is to ensure AF don't fall back to Taliban....In the presence of NATO we are doing our own bit...
All good reasons.
The one questioning our capabilities all have solutions.
IF the US really wants us there they would no doubt help wit Supplies and Finance.We are very much capable just like to point that out.

Agreed. However we are dependent on US for that matter...Anyways we can debate on it some other time...

the rest are real reasons we should not go.

But those we fight make no such distinctions. Something we should all remember. There will still be attacks on India Regardless of whether we go or not. If you read the Article about the Al-queda and LeT are now working together to Create a war between Pakistan and India. We are very much involved. And have already been targeted and will continue to be targeted. We can't allow the Taliban and all the terrorist cells. to exist or find safe haven. Any where.
the consequences of what happens when The Ideals of the Taliban are allowed to exist is clear for all to see in Pakistan.

I agree on all the above....My apprehensions about going into AF is not that Taliban will start considering us our Enemy...They already do...so we go or we don't go it is not going to make a difference...However my apprehensions are about its effectiveness... You surely don't want to start any operation in which you very well know you are going to fail...Direct results - Lots and Lots of body bags... Indirect results - Crippled economy and national humiliation....Also we are missing one key point here...NATO forces job will almost become impossible if PAK forces pull out their hands...Once india come's into the picture even a child knows what PAK will do.... In fact their apprehensions about our involvement in AF is more of a blessing in Diguise because in such a case there is no pressure on India to help militarily....

Again that's my perspective if you think we are very much capable and can win a war which NATO is not able to in last 8 years even after spending trillions of $$$$ and better situation(PAK role) than us than i am all for it...However i know wishful thinking won't help....


Gogbot..what you are saying make sense...However to avoid one failure we can't choose another path which is also doomed to fail...The bigger question is do you really think we have the capacity to do it??? I have raised some concerns in post# 5..PLease go through it and share your thoughts...

Can we do it ?
Of course we can. there are always ways.
The US can Help us with Supplies and Finance.
They want more troops and are willing to do anything to get them.

But it cant be just us. it has to be everyone
Everyone who is capable.

Hell the Chinese should be there. But then the Chinese actually have a valid reason. They are the one power that is not targeted. That's what you get when Your atheist.

Still The US is there and NATO is there. We would simple be helping them. May be we can take over some security roles. free up US troops to make more attacks.

However to avoid one failure we can't choose another path which is also doomed to fail...The bigger question is do you really think we have the capacity to do it???

Are you asking for just India or for the Afghan Mission in general.
Agreed. However we are dependent on US for that matter...Anyways we can debate on it some other time...

I agree on all the above....My apprehensions about going into AF is not that Taliban will start considering us our Enemy...They already do...so we go or we don't go it is not going to make a difference...However my apprehensions are about its effectiveness... You surely don't want to start any operation in which you very well know you are going to fail...Direct results - Lots and Lots of body bags... Indirect results - Crippled economy and national humiliation....Also we are missing one key point here...NATO forces job will almost become impossible if PAK forces pull out their hands...Once india come's into the picture even a child knows what PAK will do.... In fact their apprehensions about our involvement in AF is more of a blessing in Diguise because in such a case there is no pressure on India to help militarily....

Again that's my perspective if you think we are very much capable and can win a war which NATO is not able to in last 8 years even after spending trillions of $$$$ and better situation(PAK role) than us than i am all for it...However i know wishful thinking won't help....


When you have a termite Infestation in your house.
And no matter how much money you spend on exterminating agents it refuses, to die.

Do you just call it a lost cause, give up and continue with your life as normal. Till the day the Termites cause the House to collapse on top of you.

Or do you persevere till u get rid of it.
Still The US is there and NATO is there. We would simple be helping them. May be we can take over some security roles. free up US troops to make more attacks.

Ohh you mean a collaborative role...I missed your point and was considering India role once NATO forces leaves and that's where was sharing my apprehensions....As far as India's role in current scenario i don't think it is going to be fruitful because of PAK ...To me it will only jeopardize the conflict....Like it or not PA role in this scenario is very important...I am very happy with the current role that India is playing and in case NATO forces are loosing the battle and need desperate help then i honestly believe India should send her forces....It is imperative to defeat Taliban...However we should focus on making Afghan Forces more potent than NATO/Indian forces fighting with Taliban...After all its their land and they have to take care of it eventually....This would be a true win win situation......

To conclude i am all for India taking military offensive against Taliban in AF if there is a desperate need for it...IN case NATO can solve the issue with PAK help then i don't think we need to do anything else than what we are doing at present...

Are you asking for just India or for the Afghan Mission in general.
I was asking for India role alone in Afghanistan....without NATO help
When you have a termite Infestation in your house.
And no matter how much money you spend on exterminating agents it refuses, to die.

Do you just call it a lost cause, give up and continue with your life as normal. Till the day the Termites cause the House to collapse on top of you.

Or do you persevere till u get rid of it.

No doubt I will persevere till i get rid of it...However i will ensure that i invest on finding a different solution than to continue the same solution which hasn't worked...beacuase the other way around my house will fall one day(i might save it if i can find a solution) but if i continue the same way then i am only speedening up the dooms day.. what say??

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