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India 'to cut Kashmir forces by 25%'


Oct 12, 2010
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India 'to cut Kashmir forces by 25%'

AFP) – 2 hours ago

NEW DELHI — India plans to reduce its security forces by a quarter in the Himalayan region of Kashmir, an official said Friday.

The unexpected announcement on Kashmir by Home Secretary G.K. Pillai is intended to rebuild fractured public goodwill after a violent uprising by young people in the Muslim-majority region last year.

New Delhi faced one of the biggest challenges to its grip on the divided and disputed territory last summer when more than 100 people were shot dead by security forces during violent demonstrations.

Speaking at a university seminar on Kashmir in the Indian capital, Pillai said that the government was looking at cutting troops by "25 percent in 12 months from populated areas."

"If we can manage with local police, that would be the most ideal situation, and this is one of the confidence-building measures -- that people don't get harassed by the over-presence of security forces," Pillai said.

"If peace comes, if violence is not there, people are comfortable, we can gradually reduce our presence and make sure that all forces are there only at the border for preventing infiltration."

The presence of hundreds of thousands of paramilitary and army troops in Kashmir -- India does not disclose official troop figures -- is seen by local politicians and observers as fuelling anger against rule from New Delhi.

The drawdown signals that New Delhi's focus has shifted from fighting an Islamist insurgency in Kashmir that raged for 20 years and claimed more than 47,000 lives, according to an official count.

Deaths due to the violence are at their lowest level in more than a decade.

Hardline Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani dismissed the government's plan and demanded the full withdrawal of Indian forces from the region.

"I will be only satisfied when all the Indian forces stationed in Kashmir are withdrawn," Geelani told AFP.

The intensity of the insurgency, funded by Islamist militant groups in neighbouring Pakistan, has declined since India and Pakistan started a peace process in 2004 to resolve all pending disputes including Kashmir.

The region is split between the two countries along a UN-monitored line of control and has been the trigger for two of the three wars fought between the neighbours since independence in 1947.

The majority of militant groups active in the Indian-administered part of the region favour its secession from India to neighbouring Pakistan.

In December 2009, the Indian army said it had pulled out 30,000 troops from Kashmir, one of the biggest military drawdowns in a decade.

AFP: India 'to cut Kashmir forces by 25%'

The MMS will sell India in first given opportunity. He will lick feet of pakistan for which he have very very very soft and large heart.

And MMS's real god father USA will also be happy with it.
Army chief opposes troops' withdrawal from J&K

Indian Army chief, General V.K. Singh, on Friday opposed the central government's decision of reducing the strength of security forces in Jammu and Kashmir.

Hours after Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai on Friday announced that the government intended to reduce the forces' strength by one-fourth in the state over the next 12 months as part of its confidence building measures, the army chief reacted that it was not a good idea in the current scenario.

On the eve of Army Day, the general said that the armed forces have been deployed in the state based on a certain threat perception. The army chief said that he does not believe it was the right time for the withdrawal of troops from the state.

Pillai had said that security forces would be reduced by 25 per cent. He had also announced that the government was considering issuing multiple entry visas valid for three to six months for people willing to visit Pak occupied Kashmir (***).

Army chief opposes troops' withdrawal from J&K: India : India Today
Manmohan singh also want to remove whole army from Siachin basically he want to damage India in whatever way he can.
I have not an iota of confidence on such announcement till that is really implemented by India.

I have hunch that they will back track on this on one pretext or the other sooner or later.
We don't feel need to cut down forces in J&K: Gen V K Singh

NEW DELHI: Even as home secretary G K Pillai hinted at reducing 25 per cent reduction in security forces' strength in Jammu and Kashmir, Army Chief General V K Singh today said they did not feel the need to "cut down" their forces in the state.

He also said it will be ensured that "extra pressure" is not put on his "already-stretched" deployments.

"We have not yet felt that we have to cut down our forces. If they want to cut down para-military and police forces, I won't say anything...

"So when that is done, it will be ensured that extra pressure is not brought on our already-stretched deployments there," Singh told a press conference on the eve of Army Day.

Maintaining that Army was not aware of any troop reduction plans, the Army chief said he was sure that any step in this direction would be taken in consultation with the Unified Command headquarters operating in the state.

The security forces operating in the state work under a Unified Command, which is headed by the State Chief Minister.

He was responding to a question on Pillai's statement and whether the Army felt that the situation had improved to an extent the that the troops' presence could be reduced.

Declining to make any direct comments on Pillai's remarks, Singh said the Army had deployed its troops in the state as per the requirements on the Line of Control and other areas.

"Same way in the hinterland, some Army columns are deployed to maintain peace and counter terrorism. We have not yet felt that we have cut to down our forces. If they want to cut down paramilitary or police forces, I won't say anything," he added.

Singh said security forces in the state included the police, paramilitary and the Army and probably only those people, who are considered to be dispensable, would be taken out of the state.

When asked if the Army would agree with the demand for repealing the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act ( AFSPA) from some parts of the State, Singh said, "you know the views of the Army in this regard. The issue is already before the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) and I would not like to say anything further."

The Army chief said after putting in a lot of effort and creating anti-terrorism obstacles in place, the security forces have been able to check infiltration to a large extent.

"As per the data of the Multi Agency Centre (MAC), there were 468 infiltration attempts in the state in 2010 out of which only 95 could be successful and 40 terrorists were killed there," Singh said.

Answering another query, the Army chief said that the Army would not allow the sacrifices made by its troops to go waste and allow terrorists to gain hold in areas which were previously cleansed by the security forces.

He said in different counter-insurgency operations in both the Northeast and J&K, the Indian Army lost 15 officers, 13 Junior Commissioned Officers and 159 jawans.

Read more: We don't feel need to cut down forces in J&K: Gen V K Singh - The Times of India We don't feel need to cut down forces in J&K: Gen V K Singh - The Times of India
Veeru your hate for the congress make you a biased person . also if you read the artical carefully you will see that they want to make do with local forces ie J and K police . in case you are wondering they are raising something like 20 new bittallions of police. the army cant be tasked for law and order situations . also the new threat is from the east not west . hell it comes in the newspapers everyday . do a little reading between the lines .
What ever he has done, he would have some serious discussions with 'Sonia Ji' :P

Why are you so angry?
And the Indian army and Indian govt is not on the same page over cut in occupying force in Occupied country of Kashmir.
And the Indian army and Indian govt is not on the same page over cut in occupying force in Occupied country of Kashmir.

coz army has to protect nation not govt;););)
army knows kargil and freedom fighters:D
And the Indian army and Indian govt is not on the same page over cut in occupying force in Occupied country of Kashmir.
It is funny that you should say that........
Manmohan singh also want to remove whole army from Siachin basically he want to damage India in whatever way he can.

Why you guys speak against Manmohan Singh? In my assessment he is one of the most eligible and talented PMs India had in decades.. then what makes you go against him? I am asking to learn what wrongs is he doing which are offending Indian public or damaging his credibility in general?
it's all making sense.. isn't it?? efforts by the interlocutors are at work here. Things are calming down in the valley. Seperatists are on the mission of truth telling. Young men are lining up to join local police force. About time the government receprocates these positive developments!!
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