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India to cut 50% oil imports from Iran

50% cut instead of 100% is resistance. And 1% of India's oil imports from Iran is stil higher than Pakistan.
USA has asked India to do a 50% cut and India is complying with it. Pakistan don't buys oil from Iran because there is no free spot in Iran now the space India will make will be filled by China. All the oil Iran produces is sold. Why is India crying because there is no empty spot in rest of the middle east to buy that much oil and India will buy US oil in the end whose transportation cost will hurt India.

Saudis give us free oil and more every time there is a war like situation with India. Who needs Iranian sanctioned oil :lol:

As an indian you should sit back down and take dictation like a good dog from Uncle sam, Modi is already being a good boy infront of Trump. What happened to your Chabahar :lol:

So the main question is why is Supa Powa India taking dictation from US president like a good dog ? when even the Chinese told them to F off regarding Iranian oil. @Śakra

Just cant get the white slavery out of indian mentality

Proof on the free oil? Lol and you’re talking about US dictating to India while your country hasn’t the fortitude to tell America to stop droning your citizens.
50% cut instead of 100% is resistance. And 1% of India's oil imports from Iran is stil higher than Pakistan.

India inflated purchase of oil from Iran so that a 50% cut would bring it down to the level India actually wants from Iran normally.

Right now, both India and China are importing roughly the same amount of oil from Iran.
USA has asked India to do a 50% cut and India is complying with it.
This is not true.

1) USA wants 100% cut
2) India only agreed to 50% cut
3) Even 2 is just a rumour at this point, we will have to wait and see, maybe it will be more or maybe less

India inflated purchase of oil from Iran so that a 50% cut would bring it down to the level India actually wants from Iran normally.

Right now, both India and China are importing roughly the same amount of oil from Iran.
India increased by about 25% (600k to 750k), so why cut 50%?

China is about 650k-700k, but the difference is that they are refusing to follow US instructions and cut at all. Instead, they cut imports of US oil. 8-)
This is not true.

1) USA wants 100% cut
2) India only agreed to 50% cut
3) Even 2 is just a rumour at this point, we will have to wait and see, maybe it will be more or maybe less

India increased by about 25% (600k to 750k), so why cut 50%?

China is about 650k-700k, but the difference is that they are refusing to follow US instructions and cut at all. Instead, they cut imports of US oil. 8-)

Yes USA wants India to cut 100% but not now . Currently only 50% was demanded and India is doing it.
Yes USA wants India to cut 100% but not now . Currently only 50% was demanded and India is doing it.
1) Trump said he wants 100% cut by November, when the oil sanctions come into effect.
2) Not official that India agreed to 50% cut, but even if it turns out to be true, that will take effect from November (when Trump publicly said he wants a total embargo of Iranian oil exports).
India increased by about 25% (600k to 750k), so why cut 50%?

China is about 650k-700k, but the difference is that they are refusing to follow US instructions and cut at all. Instead, they cut imports of US oil. 8-)

In 2015, it was a little over 200k on average. In 2016, it was 470k. In 2017, India inflated purchase to 540k and now we have crossed 600k on average, 700k in the last 3 months alone.

We likely inflated to a point we thought would bring us back to the level we want if the US insisted on a major reduction, as much as 30% or even 40%, much higher than the previous 20%. The 50% figure is likely US's idea.

Yes USA wants India to cut 100% but not now . Currently only 50% was demanded and India is doing it.

The 50% cut waiver allows India to trade with Iran without the US resorting to sanctions. This allows the current Indian financial system to continue trading with Iran.

But if the US demands 100% cut, then we will simply ignore the American request completely and trade with Iran as usual.
Proof on the free oil? Lol and you’re talking about US dictating to India while your country hasn’t the fortitude to tell America to stop droning your citizens.
Just like how your country hasn’t the fortitude to tell to tell China to get out of Aksai Chin
In 2015, it was a little over 200k on average. In 2016, it was 470k. In 2017, India inflated purchase to 540k and now we have crossed 600k on average, 700k in the last 3 months alone.

We likely inflated to a point we thought would bring us back to the level we want if the US insisted on a major reduction, as much as 30% or even 40%, much higher than the previous 20%. The 50% figure is likely US's idea.

The 50% cut waiver allows India to trade with Iran without the US resorting to sanctions. This allows the current Indian financial system to continue trading with Iran.

But if the US demands 100% cut, then we will simply ignore the American request completely and trade with Iran as usual.
You cannot ignore you have to comply that how your economy is.
Heh, guess now we know why Iran's so desperate to celebrate 14 aug for 10 days.
You cannot ignore you have to comply that how your economy is.

No, we don't. We have never complied with the US for decades. Our votes "against" the US in the UN is much more than "for".

We are only a little bit more friendly with the US than before. But we are still going against US wishes everywhere that our interests come first. Like the S-400 deal.

The only reason the US is willing to give a waiver is because we told them we won't be cutting imports from Iran. The 50% cut is simply a middle ground. Pakistan's cut will continue to be 100%.
You cannot ignore you have to comply that how your economy is.
How many barrels are you importing from Iran,poor Iranians finishef 100s of km pipeline reaching the Pakistani border and you guys dint even start the work on your side fearing sanctions even after Iranians said they will pay for the pipeline on your side.while we where still importing oil from Iran .
And you are complaining about India cutting the amount of oil we import from Iran ,it's like a guy who didnot even start the race telling a guy who came second how to complete a race .
We will get our waivers not just in this one but in other deals as well in future,when you have your countrymen working there and contributing in building their economy and occupying important positions,it helps

India falls in line. Yeh hai wannabe super's auqaat.
How many barrels you import now and how many you imported while Iran was under sanctions,you get the answer and you will realise you are the line

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