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India to Buy 4 more P-8I aircraft to counter Chinese Submarines in Indian ocean


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India to Buy 4 more P-8I aircraft to counter Chinese Submarines in Indian ocean
Published July 9, 2015 | By admin


P-8I Armed with AGM-84A Harpoon anti-ship missile

Talks between the Navy and Boeing for four additional P-8I maritime surveillance aircraft are at an advanced stage with the Cost Negotiating Committee (CNC) having recently completed the negotiations. The Navy already has eight aircraft on order.

Ministry sources told The Hindu that cost negotiations have been completed recently and the file would soon be sent to the Defence Ministry’s finance wing.

From the finance wing, the file will go to the Finance Ministry before being put up for final approval before the Cabinet Committee on Security headed by the Prime Minister.In 2009, India signed a contract for eight P-8Is in a deal worth $ 2.2 billion from Boeing under a direct commercial deal with an optional clause for four more.

The Navy which is quite satisfied with the aircraft has decided to exercise the optional clause and negotiations have been going on for about a year.

Seven aircraft have already been inducted and are based in Arakkonam in Tamil Nadu. The last aircraft is expected to be delivered by October.

The P-8I is a next generation surveillance aircraft based on Boeing 737 commercial airliner and India is its first international customer. It is meant to replace the legacy of Russian aircraft currently in service. India had also purchased 26 Harpoon anti-ship missiles from the US to equip the P-8Is.
I still feel that 12 are simply not enough.

With even Pakistan operating 6-7 Orions

With 5 IL38 and 8 TU-142 set for retirement in 2020, our Anti submarine warfare capability could fall short of desired level.
I still don't know what happened to the plan to acquire 9 smaller ASW aircrafts.

Hmm be cool if India painted these planes in some commercial plan logo. It would be much more difficult to be spotted.

That is actually a brilliant Idea
Replace tuplov and il 38 with posieden . 24 would be a good number as chinese swarming on our backyard
India to Buy 4 more P-8I aircraft to counter Chinese Submarines in Indian ocean
Published July 9, 2015 | By admin


P-8I Armed with AGM-84A Harpoon anti-ship missile

Talks between the Navy and Boeing for four additional P-8I maritime surveillance aircraft are at an advanced stage with the Cost Negotiating Committee (CNC) having recently completed the negotiations. The Navy already has eight aircraft on order.

Ministry sources told The Hindu that cost negotiations have been completed recently and the file would soon be sent to the Defence Ministry’s finance wing.

From the finance wing, the file will go to the Finance Ministry before being put up for final approval before the Cabinet Committee on Security headed by the Prime Minister.In 2009, India signed a contract for eight P-8Is in a deal worth $ 2.2 billion from Boeing under a direct commercial deal with an optional clause for four more.

The Navy which is quite satisfied with the aircraft has decided to exercise the optional clause and negotiations have been going on for about a year.

Seven aircraft have already been inducted and are based in Arakkonam in Tamil Nadu. The last aircraft is expected to be delivered by October.

The P-8I is a next generation surveillance aircraft based on Boeing 737 commercial airliner and India is its first international customer. It is meant to replace the legacy of Russian aircraft currently in service. India had also purchased 26 Harpoon anti-ship missiles from the US to equip the P-8Is.

With a substantial amount of offsets as well -






Rare shot of an Indian Navy P-8I deploying an AGM-84A Harpoon anti-ship missile. Probably the deadliest 737 to spot!
Hmm be cool if India painted these planes in some commercial plane logo. It would be much more difficult to be spotted.
"Cool"? I'm not so sure about that, more like illegal.

Anyway who does India need to fool by doing this? It is not exactly a secret that the IN has such assets and that they will be deployed off India's coast.

@Topic if this is only at CNC stage there is still quite a while to go, this is unlikely to be signed before the end of the year IMHO. And what of the other American origin follow on orders that were said to be under discussion- C-130J-30s and more importantly for more C-17s? Not a peep on them.....
I still feel that 12 are simply not enough.

With even Pakistan operating 6-7 Orions

With 5 IL38 and 8 TU-142 set for retirement in 2020, our Anti submarine warfare capability could fall short of desired level.
I still don't know what happened to the plan to acquire 9 smaller ASW aircrafts.

That is actually a brilliant Idea
Even 20 would be good enough .
But certainly not 12
Boeing has stated their projection is for 24-30 P-8Is for the IN in the long term backed by 20-30 MRMPAs and a lot more UAVs and the IN has pretty much confirmed this. There is no rush on this front, the IN will order in batches to get to their long term goal, the IL-38s and TU-142s still have some life left in them and as they get closer to their retirement dates their replacements (P-8Is) will be ordered/delivered.
If you pose military planes as civilian ones, you actually are risking your assets. These things won't remain secret after a while and then your opponent would have a very valid reason to attack genuine civilian aircraft too quoting previous examples and might get away with it.
Sir, not clear but i guess these 4 additional planes are the ones for which India negotiated price reservation while purchasing first lot. 7th P8i was delivered recently and 8th would be coming soon, so probably India would want to wrap up negotiations quickly and place order by the time last piece is delivered.
It is quite widely believed that India wants a fleet of 24 such air crafts to cover the vast IOR territory.
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