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India to Acquire Advanced Russian S-400 System That Makes F-35’s Stealth Useless

Even if India can buy the most advance weapons in the world and buy weapons from all over the world, it will not change our support for Kashmir and our brothers and sisters in Kashmir.
Kashmir is ilegally occupied by India and Insha'Allah one day will become part of Pakistan. Each and every Pakistani is ready to sacrifice his life for Kashmir.

Pakistan main issue is it corrupt polotician, all of them need to hanged, no more NRO.

Thanks for your support.. now you buzz off from the thread .. got nothing to do with Kashmir .. so this how you guys support kashmir in every unrelated places.. nice then go ahead..
And what makes you guys think that Pakistan would not carry out exercises with China to learn every thing possible about S400 system?!

Ever heared about fast moving suicide drones moving in a group?!
And what makes you guys think that Pakistan would not carry out exercises with China to learn every thing possible about S400 system?!

Ever heared about fast moving suicide drones moving in a group?!

Yes India has them, they are called Heron UAV

Have you heard about cheap antiaircraft guns , best suited to take out low flying, subsonic aircraft's.

or S400's own CIWS ?
By sucking the nation's blood...!!!
India is the world's poorest country all the money they invest on defence procurement and people are living in slums.

And your are richest nation and providing aid to US, China and Arabs while they are killing your soldiers. The year US killed many Pakistani soldiers, the same year you took aid from them.
last i heard few men snatched rifles from police or military men. think about better training and health program.
S-400 is need of an hour. We need them to tackle nuclear blackmailing by our neighbours. For enemy's air defence ,we have brahmos mounted on su 30 mki.but they dont have anything that can breach the defence shield provided by akash, barak and s-400.
Do you even try to make sense of what you post?
No sir all that sense is made by you.... Who am I..???
Stupid what in that post not making any sense...Just say it you don't want to understand...
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