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India to Acquire Advanced Russian S-400 System That Makes F-35’s Stealth Useless

"India to Acquire Advanced Russian S-400 System That Makes F-35’s Stealth Useless"
that headline tho
Even if India can buy the most advance weapons in the world and buy weapons from all over the world, it will not change our support for Kashmir and our brothers and sisters in Kashmir.
Kashmir is ilegally occupied by India and Insha'Allah one day will become part of Pakistan. Each and every Pakistani is ready to sacrifice his life for Kashmir.

Pakistan main issue is it corrupt polotician, all of them need to hanged, no more NRO.

You, of course, have asked each and every Pakistani for their permission for you to speak on their behalf.

Pompous gasbag.


But the thing is, we give you an option. You can take all the Kashmiris, to your land of pure and save them from us, how's that ?

That's bad. That's putrid. Kashmiris of the vale are our citizens, and if they are annoyed with us, we need to work on that, not make flippant suggestions like you just did.

I resent it.

We will have Chinese version

From where u getting that much money? :what:

Have you checked to see if your piggy-bank is still around?

And what makes you guys think that Pakistan would not carry out exercises with China to learn every thing possible about S400 system?!

Ever heared about fast moving suicide drones moving in a group?!

What? You'll strap your soldiers onto flying explosive belts now?

Retard, police are not soldier ... and you need better education and sense..

I doubt that will help.
We will have Chinese version

From where u getting that much money? :what:

By sucking the nation's blood...!!!
India is the world's poorest country all the money they invest on defence procurement and people are living in slums.

Burn baby...burn


India's foreign exchange reserves increased $1.22 billion to hit a new historic high of $371.99 billion as of September 30, aided by a rise in foreign currency assets, according to data published by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

My honest opinion, Pakistanis should be last people on earth to dictate economic policies to any other nation.
Even if India can buy the most advance weapons in the world and buy weapons from all over the world, it will not change our support for Kashmir and our brothers and sisters in Kashmir.
Kashmir is ilegally occupied by India and Insha'Allah one day will become part of Pakistan. Each and every Pakistani is ready to sacrifice his life for Kashmir.

Pakistan main issue is it corrupt polotician, all of them need to hanged, no more NRO.

Since every one is ready to sacrifice his life, are you waiting for some invitation from some special one?
i see it was police. but you must admit your own weakness instead of blaming others.

Its not weakness, CRPF has many times avioded using force on kashmir civilians.

Ordinary Kashmiri civilians are not aware what is happening in Kashmir .
i see it was police. but you must admit your own weakness insattacks blaming others.

What are you trying to imply ... do you forget about attack on Kamra ( I guess) damaged p3c .. these types of attacks unpredictable.. so stop whining around.. don't be pathetic fool.
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