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India threatens to breach LoC to hunt terrorists

history starts from 2004?? fair anough :disagree: ....also Siachen should be a bad example in your context...as far as fake encounter goes then sure :D
Just meant to show that Cros borders attacks and its history sets a very bad precedent regarding the infamous encounter

Bhai.. Aye to The...1971 Me.. Last Time ye Hua Tha... Aakhir Chahte Kya ho yar ?

India wants to divert attention from kashmir and play politics on these so called surgical strikes ... no proof only talks
This indian BJP govt is very different from the previous congress govts. The response against pakistan will be unexpected.
Previously pakistan could preempt the indian response after a successful attack, now the situation is very unpredictable.
Nope, It´s still predictable. india will try to attack, get hit by Pakistan army´s befitting reply and run back with their tails between their legs, LEAVING BEHIND THEIR DEAD BODIES.
Write it down. You wouldn't need to read the newspapers. SEE, how predictable it is. :D
history contradicts that...no??

Not really, at least not in the recent history. In kargil, you went crying to uncle clinton, in 2001 parliament attacks you wasted billions and went back disheartened, after mumbai there were empty threats again, after pathankot there was still nothing but empty whining and now your claiming to have conducted these fairy tale sirjeekal strikes that have been thoroughly debunked and proven as totally fake and has turned you into a laughing stock in the world. So no, history does not contradict his statement, it advertising confirms it.

But disclaimer here, I'm talking about the ACTUAL history, not bollywood version of history. Yes, I agree that in the bollywood version, even CHINA is scared of india. :lol:

Bhai.. Aye to The...1971 Me.. Last Time ye Hua Tha... Aakhir Chahte Kya ho yar ?


Uhm, actually no, last time YE hua tha :lol:
Not in Pakistan's version of history. Do watch this, it'll give you an idea as to what i'm saying

I bet there will any Indian member left in the list here that didn't share this video before, a public consumption video to satisfy the masters. Also, she beautifully discounted the US in Afghanistan in the same video and put it upon Bhutto. Do you believe that it wasn't US at all in Afghanistan to contain USSR before it makes it to hot Waters. The she uttered the propaganda about Afghanistan, she portrayed Pakistan all in bad for everything and none of you ever thought to do the right thing but as it was against Pakistan so you feel good to share even if is the lie. NaMO should take her advice and can win Kashmir in a single seating in UN or by making every single country to agree with India against a professor statement. Bravo, what an excuse for the topic in hand. Do you want me to share what a Hindu Scholar from Kashmir has to say about Indian atrocities in IoK even your own country's parties and hopefully they wouldn't be painted as traitors.

Try not to derail the topic for trolling and mere satisfaction of own by listening to such stuff. There are many other things into play as well.
No problem Indians...you are welcome but please do not forget to take bodies back to your country....But how none will be alive to to take 'em back...What an unfortunate situation for 'em
Whatever happens Pakistan will retaliate in hardest possible way we are at brink of a nuclear war hop sense prevails in modi mind
Indian Muslims have had enough and want to be liberated from their Hindu masters. India is now creaking with dissent and it's people are no longer willing to suffer the injustices and barbarity of oppression. Time Pakistan started to seriously support the freedom fighters to avenge the Indian interference in Pakistan. Lets give them anti tank missiles and stingers.
Sure you can believe that. India doesn't need you Pakistanis to believe it happened. In fact it only goes in our favour as it allows us to continue pounding terrorist launch pads beyond the LOC and restricts you from retaliating because, you cant retaliate if you claim something didnt happen now can you? :)
Just to understand you clearly, you are stating surgical strikes did happen and IA in fact crossed LOC, came bravely inside Pakistani territory to destroy so called launch pads.
Just to understand you clearly, you are stating surgical strikes did happen and IA in fact crossed LOC, came bravely inside Pakistani territory to destroy so called launch pads.
Yes and then had their butts handed to them on scewers after which they ran back licking their wounds and complained to arnaab goswiny's illegitimate father ajit devil "but but but you said they will run away but but but you said they don't even have shoes but but but you said they use sling shots not guns but but but you said we won't die but but but you said hanumaan was going to help us but but but hanumaan played hookey and never showed up" :lol:
Bhai.. Aye to The...1971 Me.. Last Time ye Hua Tha... Aakhir Chahte Kya ho yar ?


It is totally hilarious how Indian nation is still living in the era of 65 and 71 and continue posting these two pictures, A) PA signing surrender document, B) Picture of this stamp. They need to wake up and smell the coffee, this is no Pakistan of 71.

In fact, 71 war turned out to be a great blessing for Pakistan though in a disguise. It was a huge wake up call and made Pakistan realize that it could completely cease to exist as a nation if the next war went badly. This is because so far no war had been fought with India that actually threatened the existence of Pakistan as a state except war of 71. Pakistan might have continued to rely on its American and Chinese alliances as a buffer even to the Indian nuclear program and might have lived without a nuclear program of its own. But the 71 war changed that. It made Pakistan realize that international alliances were fickle and militarily we could not compete with India. The 71 war was the impetus for the development of the Pakistani nuclear weapons program. Lots of members from opposite camp out of frustration, make fun of "eating grass in exchange for nuclear weapons" statement by Pakistani PM. The fact is, Pakistan developed its own defensive and offensive nuclear weapons and developed delivery systems to ensure its existence as a state. While a huge country like India has been reduced to merely hurling daily threats or using proxies in Afghanistan to indirectly hurt Pakistan. A direct military confrontation is just no longer an option.

The list could go on but the points mentioned are key to understanding how significant the 71 War was for Pakistan, India and the world as a whole.

Peace brothers.
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@Isotope - it is a good thing to learn from mistakes (such as the 1971 blunder that chopped Pakistan) but it also important to know that catastrophic mistakes are very expensive means for learning lessons from. Do you think Pakistan has learn these lessons:

* Treating whole races as second class and refusing to give them their due share. When Mujib won the election he was refused the power because he wasn't Punjabi. This ended up breaking Pakistan into pieces.

* Unleashing the military on civilians. This ended up completely alienating the people of East Bengal and they in turn formed Mukti Bahini and brought the wrath of hell on Pakistani military. This led to your military seeking protection by surrendering to Indians

* Refusing to acknowledge and apologizing for such catastrophic misdeeds. This led to BD hosting Modi and feting him with the picture of Pakistani surrender etc. after several decades!

Has Pakistan learnt these lessons?
Sure you can believe that. India doesn't need you Pakistanis to believe it happened. In fact it only goes in our favour as it allows us to continue pounding terrorist launch pads beyond the LOC and restricts you from retaliating because, you cant retaliate if you claim something didnt happen now can you? :)

Yes, your coward army would only chest thump like your butcher of Gujarat modi 56 inch chest thumping on media only, to only thrill and placate fool masses like you as they always does, but it’s a big advantage for us we would show you the true meaning what’s the real meaning of “Sir G Kal” strike and would release video soon as proof to indian fool masses first, that they were been fooled in the past and in present.:lol:
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