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India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

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Discussing with many Indian members in this forum is like talking to people from a parallel universe. Whenever they lose an argument, they start to insult you, going off topic, claiming that it's useless (PISA) and comparing coconut with crocodile (PISA vs. GMAT or other tests).

The quality of this forum has been seriously compromised by these indians. If only mod can give infraction or ban for stupid and brainless post.

Dont blame them to much, inferiority complex is the reason behind their retardedness and denial. The reason is Aryans homeland was Pakistan for 1000 years before some of them moved east in to India and gave them civilization, religion and infamous caste system. Why do you think they claim South Asia as one country or empire in ancient times? So they can say look everything is indigenous to India, even aryan invaders;)

I hear some Indians claiming Indus valley civilization is India's too, LOL. Everything belongs to India.
I hear some Indians claiming Indus valley civilization is India's too, LOL. Everything belongs to India.

They go beyond that, they claim Indus Valley was hindu civilization when no ones even know what language they spoke. :cheesy:
Ancient world known to Greeks based on Herodutus's account, you will see India in extreme right. :yes4:


And India was a geographical expression in this case.
OK. :D

Here comes another rant without any support reaon. Kool.

Yea, a one sentence rant about how all of these projections are jokes, seeing as how India has actually contracted in/for a cumulative total of 3 or 4 years (IMF projections).
They go beyond that, they claim Indus Valley was hindu civilization when no ones even know what language they spoke. :cheesy:
And how is any religion related to Language? :cheesy: :coffee:

Archeologists found carvings of Indian Gods in IVC dated excavations. What does it mean?

Why do educating Pakistanis become our responsibility. Your govt shud do that ideally.

Religion in the Indus Valley Civilization



Pashupatinath (Incarnation of SHIVA)


In our current language we call her MAA SHAKTI (Mother Godess of Power)


I Hope this is enough to show the world how dellusioned and in Denial Mode (from their existence) Pakistanis are. :D :D :D

Accept on ground facts Pakistanis aur ab bhi sudhar jaao otherwise this fabricated history and identity will eat you up.
Hahaha just as expected, perfect exemple of baniya logic.
How can India have the world's largest economy if India was never a country. I guess its estimated like how someone would estimate western Europe's economy.

The guys who have provided the figures and study the world economy will not be as smart as you. That is why they may have ignored it. They need a person like you to consult.
Retarded baniya what Europeam research? Do you even know meaning of research? The only research here is in minds of retarded hindus like you, graduated from hindutva mandir schools.

And India was a geographical expression in this case.

Indonesia is also named after Indus River by British, it was part of Indian Empire according to baniya logic.
And India was a geographical expression in this case.

You know what, Greeks dont go around claiming archivements of British Empire. The problem is South Asian civilizations archivements are pathetic even if you combine whole South Asia in to one. The last great Civilization was Rig Vedic period which ended 2500 years ago, it was manly based in Pakistan.
Indonesia is also named after Indus River by British, it was part of Indian Empire according to baniya logic.

You don't need to drop your jholachap knowledge everywhere.

I hear some Indians claiming Indus valley civilization is India's too, LOL. Everything belongs to India.

I said you go learn Chinese history properly before putting your skyrocketing high IQ on Indian history. :omghaha::omghaha:

And India was a geographical expression in this case.

You are making guess, Herodotus mentioned India as the land of Indian people. ;)
Retarded baniya what Europeam research? Do you even know meaning of research? The only research here is in minds of retarded hindus like you, graduated from hindutva mandir schools.

Indonesia is also named after Indus River by British, it was part of Indian Empire according to baniya logic.
HINDUTVA MANDIR SCHOOLS? Pakistanis at their Best. :D :D

You meant to say all the stone carvings and seals found are Baniya logic? :D :D


Yaar, kaise kaise log hai tumhare desh mein. What an entertainment. :D
What? Bavaria became independent between WWI and WWII? FYI Hamburg culture is also different than Saxonian culture, Scottish culture is different than English culture. Heck Gaelic is not even a Germanic language. Does that means GB is not a country?

Loser, don't talk about matters that you have zero knowledge!

India has always been a geographic entity with a loosely connected civilisation until the Brits unified "India". That's the common understanding of all historians except delusional Indians.

BTW, go to the German Wiki and read what they write about Indian history. It's quite interesting, since the pre-colonial part is much shorter than the British colonial part: Indien – Wikipedia


That's why I called you illiterate- you don't know how to read. I said 'calls for independence', not 'independence'. And I further said that during the early phase of rise of Nazism said calls were stamped out. You don't know your own country's history and you want to talk about India and Arabia and Greece and whatnot. And who told you brits 'unified' India? You came with that coz you didn't go to high school. Brits themselves called themselves 'paramount power' and recognized the existance multiple (dozens) of Independent states in the region. Obviously the combination of illiteracy and lack of education is a defect no one came overcome in your age.

Who are you trying to fool? Mysore Tipur sultan lost to the British. The princely states were under the suzerainty of British Raj. In other words, they are not sovereign states.

The fact that you mentioned so many states show that there was Never a single Indian empire!

Nepal and Bhutan are not India. South Asia doesn't equal to India. There was no India until 1947.

British created India in 1947. One sovereign country is already formed. Whatever happened after 1947 is inconsequential and irrelevant.

Fatty- I warned you against using grey cells you don't have man. That gives you headaches at night.
The last great Civilization was Rig Vedic period which ended 2500 years ago, it was manly based in Pakistan.

History is something not compatible with your domain.

No, we were NOT colonized and our country was created by the British. Don't confused India with China. :rofl:

From CIA world factbook
- Unification of China under the Qin Dynasty221 BC
Republic established1 January 1912
People's Republic proclaimed1 October 1949

- Unification of China under the Qin Dynasty221 BC

<<was there a united China every time in between this period??:o:>>

Republic established1 January 1912

<<Was entire China governed by a single central government during this period :o:??>>

People's Republic proclaimed1 October 1949
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I saw some Idiots in this thread that Indian is not a country before 1947.India as a Hindu civilization existed for last 8000 years and it will remain as a country or civilization in future.Boundary location might be change due to regular invasion .But we dont care about past ,we only care about present and future.
All Indians in this PDF must not respond chinese and pakistani trolls.We dont need predictions ,we must avoid following the western predictions.We Indians work for our country.Economy and achievements will come after that as an outcome.
Trollers can do what they want .Stay on the topic.Now India is a country and reality it will remain as in future.We work for prosperity and we will win.
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