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India thinks Western software technology is 'bugged'

Thinks? In software and computer science world all things are based on facts. If a government thinks that the OS is bugged then they may test it in every way that compromises the privacy of a system. One cannot stand up and simple say that this software is faulty because he/she thinks it is. Besides, they cannot get into the OS market so easily.

AFAIK GOI is not looking at creating a market to make money out this and its only for the consumption of mission critical projects and for all internal and external security technology areas. This means it will be for all Defense, Space, Nuclear, External affairs ministry, Indian missions abroad, NIC, etc. This by itself is a huge market and right now India is spending on the OS and other softwares where hacks are available in open markets.

One school of thought is always any custom developed software is that much hard to break as you do not get the free access to it in the open market and trying all permutation & combinations of hacks in a physically limited controlled environment is always difficult.

This is one major factor which will minimize the risk of hacking. I do not believe in a software which is un hackable.

Its always the risk factor which gets reduced.
i think it's bugged..

just take the example of indian govt calling to provide suppervisionery tech to see what is going on on their telecom space..

i think US govt has the suppervisionery tech on their OS..
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