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India: The Game Plan in Syria

Yes and the new Constitution states there must be elections, Alasad passed more then 70+ laws and bills, so he met the Syrians demands and he fulfilled them... and elections wont happen in this chaos..... so a real fair elections will only happen in 2014....

Plus this conflict is taking time because the west and GCC, Jordan, Turkey, and others are fully supporting those terrorists, they either support them with money, weapons, intelligence and diplomatic. and those same countries don't encourage dialogue, which is a peaceful solution to the issue, The U.S state department made it clear to those terrorists to not drop their weapons to sit and talk on a table, it told them directly to now stop fighting, which only caused in Syrian bloodshed..

so basically its Syria vs. World terrorism....

Can u explain the bolded part?...I am a bit confused with that.
Can u explain the bolded part?...I am a bit confused with that.

Sorry, about that typo I meant to say: The U.S state department made it clear to those terrorists to not drop their weapons to sit and talk on a table, it told them directly to not stop fighting, which only caused in Syrian bloodshed..

Well the U.S and co. told those terrorists to keep fighting, and violence only lead to Syrian bloodshed. those terrorists started killing innocent citizens just to blame the government, this way they can gain international sympathy, but it didn't work well... so those terrorists move on to bombings buildings, civilian neighborhoods and etc that killed many innocent people and innocent kids,
all of that in name of democracy.......

Truth About Syria


These two sites, have some interesting information and facts
Just because of International politics of big powerful country's of the world to change the current regime in Syria, so many people have been killed!!

No matter what! Assad could not have killed so many people as they have been killed by now in the struggle to topple the current regime.

Interesting question being posed here. Why does the USA always have a problem with secular Islamic nations buts hugs radical states such as Saudi , Bahrain and one of our neighbours in South Asia ?

Naah..Then how would you explain their close friendship with secular Ben Ali, Mubarak, Suhartho etc. They need a strongman to get things done and it doesn't matter whether they belong to secular or religious back ground.

Just because of International politics of big powerful country's of the world to change the current regime in Syria, so many people have been killed!!

I don't know what stuff the people in US state dept is smoking. A religious Syria will be far more dangerous to Israel than secular Syria.

No matter what! Assad could not have killed so many people as they have been killed by now in the struggle to topple the current regime.

Its easier said than done.
Naah..Then how would you explain their close friendship with secular Ben Ali, Mubarak, Suhartho etc. They need a strongman to get things done and it doesn't matter whether they belong to secular or religious back ground.

I don't know what stuff the people in US state dept is smoking. A religious Syria will be far more dangerous to Israel than secular Syria.

Its easier said than done.

I agree this time round they got their strategies and end goals mixed up, if Assad falls there will be wide spread killings of other religious minorities, alawites and Christians in Syria and it will become a hardcore fundamentalist country.
I agree this time round they got their strategies and end goals mixed up, if Assad falls there will be wide spread killings of other religious minorities, alawites and Christians in Syria and it will become a hardcore fundamentalist country.

Or may be they are planning to use these fundamentalist elements against Iran...Syria is the one of the few allies that Iran has her on her border(or in that case in the whole world) and her funnel to Hezbollah. May be they want to cut this funnel. Whatever it is I hope Americans learnt from their previous experiences with Muslim fundmentalists like Mujaheddin and Osama.
Or may be they are planning to use these fundamentalist elements against Iran...Syria is the one of the few allies that Iran has her on her border(or in that case in the whole world) and her funnel to Hezbollah. May be they want to cut this funnel. Whatever it is Americans learnt from their previous experiences with Mujaheddin and Osama.

That's a F@cked up strategy if true, If one see's what's happening in Libya and Eygpt now.
Its easier said than done.

According to various sources, including the United Nations, at least 26,000[57] people have been killed, of which about half were civilians, but also including 12,400 armed combatants consisting of both the Syrian army and rebel forces[58][59] and up to 1,900 opposition protesters.[41][42] According to the UN, about 1.5 million Syrians have been displaced within the country.[60] To escape the violence, over 250,000 Syrian refugees have fled the country to Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.[57] In addition, tens of thousands of protesters have been imprisoned, and there have been reports of widespread torture in the government's prisons.[61][62] Anti-government rebels have been accused of human rights abuses as well, including torture, kidnapping, unlawful detention and execution of civilians, Shabiha, and soldiers. Human Rights Watch also expressed concern at the kidnapping of Iranian nationals.[63][64] The UN Commission of Inquiry has also documented abuses of this nature, and also has documentation that indicates rebel forces have been responsible for displacement of civilians.[65]

Casualties of the Syrian civil war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think Assad could have killed +30,000 civilians for no reason, if there was no Uprising or i may call it (w)-ested interests ?
Oh come on this is conspiracy
bulldung .....................................everything that is happening in the muslim word started with tunisia...and then spread like wild fire though africa to bahrain and now syria !!

How the heck is US in this hole !!! are scapegoats for everything in the west !!

if freedom can only be spread like that, one have to be really naive to believe so called "Arab Spring" sprung out of no where and spreading to only countries that dont have friendly relations with west specially US or have no oil Assets. It so conveniently skipped Saudia, Kuwait and UAE

The syrian paper reported incomplete article. Times of India clearly said Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar are "sponsors of international terror" while Pakistan "practices terror as a state policy."

The description of pakistan is not published in Syrian paper while the rest is described. Can Syrians answer this??

Paper only published those parts of article which it thinks beneficial for them not the actual truth.

and how do you know which version is legitimate, duh must be the Time of India!!
if freedom can only be spread like that, one have to be really naive to believe so called "Arab Spring" sprung out of no where and spreading to only countries that dont have friendly relations with west specially US or have no oil Assets. It so conveniently skipped Saudia, Kuwait and UAE

Saudi is majority sunni ...sunni's rule....even though monarchy.....social development and other investment are good ....shia minority is kept under tight leash

Kuwait : monarchy but elections and parliament exist....hence all people...liberlas,moderates and islamist gets their voice...hell even the shias...but shia here too minority and tightly controlled

UAE : comeon ...the emirati people dont have any social issues !!! why would they revolt....maybe islamist might..but the population is largely content

All the countries that revolted had large discontent people

Bahrain ...even though rich...had majority shia ruled by sunni
Syria majority sunni ruled by shia
all others dictators

Now how the heck is USA in this **** !!! maybe they supports........so do many other countries....Iran is a player, turkey is alayer,saudi is a player so is israel !!!!!

No need to make the WEST into a scapegoat in everything Wrong in the Muslim world !!
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