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India tests K-4 SLBM 2nd time in a week.

It can, a sub is stationary when launching missiles.

Gullible awam or not, we can launch multiple satellites, we have MIRVs.

Your pontoon gets destroyed into pieces as soon as this missile was launched. Will you sacrifice your sub and sailors everytime you launch the missile? Are you building a kamikaze sub force?
Test fires are mostly done from underwater pontoons. DRDO has no submarines, and a pontoon can mimic the exact conditions of a sub.

Any country who can launch multiple satellites to LEO has MIRV.

Exactly.... if pakistani ppl keep their hate aside and think then they should not have any problem to believe that India can have MIRV technology.... if Pakistan can have it why can't India who is far advance in this arena.... I mean if we don't have a problem believing pakistani Ababeel is MIRV what problem they have... they tested their nukes in 1998 we had done it in 1974 itself....
Pontoon or from sub? If its pontoon again then no need to worry about. It's kinda similar story of Indian land based missiles which do not have TELs. Mobility is the key for assured 2nd strike capability.
Stealthiness is the key for assured 2nd strike capability.

Missiles are not launched when moving at 30knots. Indian Land based missiles are not launched from silos, we already test Agni missiles from TELs.

Your pontoon gets destroyed into pieces as soon as this missile was launched. Will you sacrifice your sub and sailors everytime you launch the missile? Are you building a kamikaze sub force?
India has already tested K15 from INS Arihant. After they were inducted following series of trials by DRDO from pontoons. So, no.

People don't hear because India does not have MIRV tech.

Did you remember the range of BRAHMOS missile before India signed MTCR... it was upgraded from 290 to 600 even on existing missiles...

Do you know that ASAT Missile was never discussed... a top secret till SUCCESSFUL TEST...

I really don't like the day to day commentary on defence products... specially those which are under development...

On MIRV, just wait for K5 and K6... you will see the real capabilities (MIRV)... we can say that K4 is just a TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATOR... maybe 2 or 3 or 4 warheads...

Great great achievement.... Now we are a power in the class of UK, USA, China Russia who have this type of capability and world feared them.... Before Pakistani starts attacking me let me clear that K4 is not as long range and capable as trident missile but it's our start and eventually we will have missiles of that range with payload..... However for our current scenerio this is an overkill capacity.....

K series is the word... I discussed this matter with one of my friend and according to him... the issue is not the missile but the platform... like Arihant can carry only 4 K4 missiles... the forth submarine of Arihant class would be able to have 8...

The S5 series of Submarines are getting developed by focusing on K5 and K6... so things are moving ahead...
Stealthiness is the key for assured 2nd strike capability.

Missiles are not launched when moving at 30knots. Indian Land based missiles are not launched from silos, we already test Agni missiles from TELs.

India has already tested K15 from INS Arihant. After they were inducted following series of trials by DRDO from pontoons. So, no.

K-15 is tiny when compared to K-4.
it seems first test failed that is why they needed second test in a week
No, usually when it comes to testings, be it laboratory testing or whatsoever, testings are done either single config or various configurations with variations which can be slight or significant.

The 2 testings are probably 2 different configs, or maybe 2 different scenarios or environments or even launch platform.

If 2 simultaneous tests occurred, either one would be given a direct green signal to become operational or expect another test in months.

Secondly, it is a good practice to have multiple tests on SAME configuration to calculate reliability, and other figures in science or even finances or calculating Averages or Mean.

The interesting thing here @Windjammer is that the second NOTAM we issued has been gone unnoticed and no news from ISPR on that one yet, we can expect news on that now since they have done a second one.
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People don't hear because India does not have MIRV tech.[/QUOTE
A pontoon can never mimic/replace a sub.

How do you think Indian rockets launch tens of satellites from a single launch. They have done this many times already. That is MIRV duffous

Limit your propaganda to your gullible Indian awam.
it seems first test failed that is why they needed second test in a week

You do not conduct a second test if the First "failed". You would forensically examine all data from the launch site, missile, splashdown etc before a follow up to understand a failure. Since Pakistan fires Chinese designed missiles it has no knowledge of "failure" or the changes that have to be made. Second test followed first because the first was successful the second confirms viability for serial production
Pontoon or from sub? If its pontoon again then no need to worry about. It's kinda similar story of Indian land based missiles which do not have TELs. Mobility is the key for assured 2nd strike capability.

You need to update your info... K 15 is already tested and was OPERATIONALIZED in 2018...

K4 will be integrated on ARIGHAT... and further tests would be done... 2020 and 2021...

Please note that all tests of K4 are dome and it is ready for serial production...

On mobility... please refer following post from @Chhatrapati and thank him...

Stealthiness is the key for assured 2nd strike capability.

Missiles are not launched when moving at 30knots. Indian Land based missiles are not launched from silos, we already test Agni missiles from TELs.

India has already tested K15 from INS Arihant. After they were inducted following series of trials by DRDO from pontoons. So, no.

K-15 is tiny when compared to K-4.

That is why ARIHANT and ARIGHAT can carry only 4 K4s... 12 K15...
3rd and 4th S4 series submarines would have 8 K4s and 24 K15s...

S5 series would have K5 and k6 at core...
Get ready for the third test shortly as the first two tests have failed.
Sometimes, you speak maturely, but this is pure troll.

Kindly avoid such and create a reputation for yourself by acting grown up.

We can’t call it a failure until it is declared to be.

Also, read my above post as to why i believe multiple tests occured.

You need to update your info... K 15 is already tested and was OPERATIONALIZED in 2018...

K4 will be integrated on ARIGHAT... and further tests would be done... 2020 and 2021...

Please note that all tests of K4 are dome and it is ready for serial production...

On mobility... please refer following post from @Chhatrapati and thank him...

That is why ARIHANT and ARIGHAT can carry only 4 K4s... 12 K15...
3rd and 4th S4 series submarines would have 8 K4s and 24 K15s...

S5 series would have K5 and k6 at core...
What is ARIGHAT ?
Sometimes, you speak maturely, but this is pure troll.

Kindly avoid such and create a reputation for yourself by acting grown up.

We can’t call it a failure until it is declared to be.

Also, read my above post as to why i believe multiple tests occured.

What is ARIGHAT ?

DRDO never hide its failures... @Abdul Rehman Majeed Nirbhay is a classic example...

Arihant class submarine:

S4-1: Arihant
S4-2: Arighat
S4-3: yet to be named
S4-4: yet to be named
Stealthiness is the key for assured 2nd strike capability.

Missiles are not launched when moving at 30knots. Indian Land based missiles are not launched from silos, we already test Agni missiles from TELs.

India has already tested K15 from INS Arihant. After they were inducted following series of trials by DRDO from pontoons. So, no.

Let's not reply to posts which are posted just for a sake of posting... Only pure hater would believe India doesn't have MIRV tech and ignore it's achievements in this arena.... Fine Pakistan have MIRV tech we don't.... Let him celebrate now
Oh this endless chatter about pontoons. The Pontoon is designed to the exact dimensions of the carrier sub. It is much easier in the test phase to use pontoons. Its always there and the paraphernalia required for telemetry and data is also there. Countries that design and make thier own missiles need them. Ready made customers like Pakistan do not, as neither their design nor the main components are made in Pakistan with a non-existent science and technology base.

The Indian Pontoon
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