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India Test Fires Stand Off Anti-Tank Missile

Ghost Hobbit

Aug 27, 2020
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breaking news. This is probably a new weapon. I haven't heard of this before.

breaking news. This is probably a new weapon. I haven't heard of this before.

Why they fired at sea an anti tank missile?
Did they loose confidence after many failed tests?
It is based on spike ER which has a range upto 25km with an active radar homing seeker meaning LOS is required making it useless around hilly areas and uneven terrain. It was previously tested in 2018.
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Why they fired at sea an anti tank missile?
Did they loose confidence after many failed tests?

I don't know much about this one. There are dozens of missile projects running at any time so I remember only the big ones. In tanks I have heard of NAG and HELINA, but this is the first time I'm hearing of this.
@Maarkhoor maybe off the coast of Orissa doesn't mean they fired it into sea. the Wheeler Island/ kalam Island facility is off the coast of orissa where they test our missiles. maybe that's what this means.

oh wait....I realized much later that you were trolling....



SANT missile is the second anti-tank guided missile system which has been under development on priority bases due to the need for a long-range anti-tank guided missile system. SANT missile will have a range of 15-20 km and is equipped with a new, nose-mounted active radar seeker to help keep the launch platform at a safe distance from the target area. SANT missile which has been integrated into IAF operated Mi-35 Hind Attack Helicopters have recently cleared some of the developmental trials and will be used as a multi-platform missile system which will also be integrated into high-altitude combat drones and also into strike aircraft. HELINA and SANT are likely to enter mass production from 2020 on wards and will be the backbone of the anti-tank guided missile systems which will go to provide firepower to Indigenous Attack Helicopters in near future.


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Why they fired at sea an anti tank missile?
Did they loose confidence after many failed tests?
The SANT is an extended range version of air-to-surface anti tank guided missile HELINA equipped with a new nose-mounted active radar homing seeker with extended range. Just so you know Helina is the helo launched version of Nag ATGM. Usually all initial missile tests in their preliminary stage, be it strategic or tactical are tested from Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Orissa by DRDO. They're moved onto user trails in various altitudes/weather and simulating real-time scenarios only after they pass DRDO's preliminary tests

Did they loose confidence after many failed tests?
Out of the 11 missiles tested over the past 3 months, only 1 failed since the Nirbhay was tested with a new indigenous Manik engine
Did they loose confidence after many failed tests?
As long we have Pakistan, a shining beacon of success in the world of missile testing with not a single missile failure, no Indian scientist will loose confidence

They are proud to have South Asian nation achieve global repute for successful track record in missile test and this gives them hope

All nations on this planet including USA, Russia and China hope to achieve Pakistanis missile test track record
Looks like India is beefing up ant-tank platforms.
As long we have Pakistan, a shining beacon of success in the world of missile testing with not a single missile failure, no Indian scientist will loose confidence

They are proud to have South Asian nation achieve global repute for successful track record in missile test and this gives them hope

All nations on this planet including USA, Russia and China hope to achieve Pakistanis missile test track record
At least Pakistan can make a subsonic cruise missile with a tenth of the resources of india
At least Pakistan can make a subsonic cruise missile with a tenth of the resources of india
Yes. We have heard it from Nawaz Sharif. You came late boss.
breaking news. This is probably a new weapon. I haven't heard of this before.

ATGM is a new field which will be hard for india as for now... conventional missiles are easy for indian tactical not so easy as of now but such small arms which require more precision will take few years...
Am literally waiting for the day when DRDO clam they tested "Sharks with fricking laser beams attached to their fricking heads....."
Fortnite 🤣
The SANT is an extended range version of air-to-surface anti tank guided missile HELINA equipped with a new nose-mounted active radar homing seeker with extended range. Just so you know Helina is the helo launched version of Nag ATGM. Usually all initial missile tests in their preliminary stage, be it strategic or tactical are tested from Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Orissa by DRDO. They're moved onto user trails in various altitudes/weather and simulating real-time scenarios only after they pass DRDO's preliminary tests

Out of the 11 missiles tested over the past 3 months, only 1 failed since the Nirbhay was tested with a new indigenous Manik engine
So basically its based in Helena which is based on Nag ATGM so you are saying they just made improvements into an ATGM based air launched missile fir ATGM role and named it differential 🤣
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