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India test-fires ballistic missile interceptor

TRISHUL: Iron Dome Under Indian Army’s Scanner

Iron Dome is for intercepting MBRLs, rocket artillery etc.

The BMD is for the full spectrum of ballistic missile threats ranging from SSM/SRBM to ICBM, which
will be covered in Stages-I/II/III.

Plus its not economical to launch a AAD for every cheap low-cost MBRL the enemy fires, an equally
low-cost system is needed that can be procured in large nos. like Iron Dome, which is for assisting
forces in live battlefield, unlike BMD which is deployed in defense of strategic targets.

Thank you for explaining. This makes sense. When you took the time to explain, the person below your post took the time to crap on the question. Sad to see emotional people who get defensive like they get caught stealing!!! But Thank You for answering my question. I appreciate it.

Why even your US army were interested in it, dont you guys are known to have the best of everything?

Read my response to Gessler below. You crapped on a simple question. Next, the US ARMY and the Indian Army ain't the same nor will they ever be the same so please come back to the planet earth. Actually, wake up.... and get cleaned up..you peeped in the diaper during your dream!
Good for India. I do have a question here. If the internal ballistic interceptor program is going so well, why are you guys looking to buy the IronDome from Israel? Will that make two tiers or something else??

For defence against short ranged threats.

As you said, internal ballistic interceptor program is going well, but iron dome is not for BMs. We have nothing for such short ranged threats. Using Akash or any other current system would be much costlier in comparison. It is a very cheap solution, with every missile costing about 1/7 of Akash.
Here's how I think India's missile defence system would shape up
by 2020 -

Iron Dome --- MBRLs, artillery
Akash, SPYDER --- Subsonic cruise missiles
Barak 8/LRSAM --- Supersonic cruise missiles
PAD, AAD-1, PDV --- SSM, SRBM, MRBM-class ballistic missiles
AD-1, AD-2 --- IRBM, ICBM-class ballsitic missiles
Read my response to Gessler below. You crapped on a simple question. Next, the US ARMY and the Indian Army ain't the same nor will they ever be the same so please come back to the planet earth. Actually, wake up.... and get cleaned up..you peeped in the diaper during your dream!

Dont get personal with me, you seriously wouldn't want me to behave the same with you. Your intentions of duplicate superiority were well open in many threads. Even in this, you didnt come seeing a genuine explanation, even though I tried my best to give you one or should I have waited for you to reach the mindset to understand it.
Minor addition

Here's how I think India's missile defence system would shape up
by 2020 -

Iron Dome --- MBRLs, artillery
Akash, SPYDER --- Subsonic cruise missiles/fighters/drones
Barak 8/LRSAM --- Supersonic cruise missiles
PAD, AAD-1, PDV --- SSM, SRBM, MRBM-class ballistic missiles
AD-1, AD-2 --- IRBM, ICBM-class ballsitic missiles
Dont get personal with me, you seriously wouldn't want me to behave the same with you. Your intentions of duplicate superiority were well open in many threads. Even in this, you didnt come seeing a genuine explanation, even though I tried my best to give you one or should I have waited for you to reach the mindset to understand it.

When you are done with your emotional bull crap. You can take off your shorts and show me the little man. I'd smile and move on. You can be the big person with a smaller peni*s, thats fine.
Duplicate superiority comes from you guys. A developing nation of 1.2 billion people, half of which don't have proper beds to sleep on. But on this forum, you guys act like you are the next US. It's called grandiosity and alter ego. Usually requires a medication called Resperidol.
Show me the facts or you don't need to debate with me. I am not here to please you. I am here to discuss facts. If you've REALLY read all my posts....there are Indian members that I appreciate talking to and thank for their knowledge sharing. In fact take a look at Gessler's response and my thank you. I had a simple question and he answered it. You wanted to go defensive and get personal....so be a professional and act like one and you'll get the same. You try to show me your fake ego, we'll have discussions about life :). Getting girly emotional wouldn't help with me. Let's talk facts and numbers
For defence against short ranged threats.

As you said, internal ballistic interceptor program is going well, but iron dome is not for BMs. We have nothing for such short ranged threats. Using Akash or any other current system would be much costlier in comparison. It is a very cheap solution, with every missile costing about 1/7 of Akash.

I understand now. Thank you for giving me the answer and details behind it. I appreciate it
Good for India. I do have a question here. If the internal ballistic interceptor program is going so well, why are you guys looking to buy the IronDome from Israel? Will that make two tiers or something else??

Iron Dome is developed to destroy artillery shells and rockets while AAD was developed to destroy SRBM/MRBM inside atmosphere upto 30 km altitude. Two different systems.
The Hindu : News / National : It was like Star Wars, says DRDO scientist

It was like Star Wars, says DRDO scientist

Y. Mallikarjun

“It was like a ‘Star Wars’ scene,” was how a senior scientist of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) described it.

He, along with other top missile technologists, was witnessing the blips of not just two but four missiles on radar data display screens in the Launch Control Centre at Wheeler Island during the interceptor ballistic missile test on Friday. Besides the physical interception of the attacker Prithvi missile by AAD Interceptor missile at a 15 km altitude, the screen also showed the electronic interception of another hostile incoming missile in the endo-atmosphere.

“It was a fantastic experience for defence scientists when the enemy missiles were tracked, followed, engaged and destroyed by two interceptors. It was an amazing scene as the four missiles were flying simultaneously,” said G. Satheesh Reddy, Associate Director, Research Centre Imarat, one of the missile complex laboratories.

He said teams from five centres participated in the successful mission, operating from Launch Complex-III at Chandipur, LCC at Wheeler Island, Mission Control Centre, Hyderabad and two radar centres — Long Range Tracking Radar, Konarak, and Multi-Functional Tracking Radar, Paradip.

As soon as the images of the two interceptors homing in on the “target missiles” were seen, celebrations broke out among the scientists and others.

Muchas Gracias !

The Hindu : Today's Paper / NATIONAL : Interceptors

Interceptors’ success — real and simulated

T.S. Subramanian


This radar data screen display on Wheeler Island on Friday shows, on the left, the electronically simulated “enemy” missile being “electronically hit” at an altitude of 120 km and the real attacker missile coming from Chandipur being destroyed by a real interceptor (at bottom, centre) at a height of 15 km.—Photo courtesy : DRDO

The two interceptions took place almost simultaneously

In a demonstration of its growing missile strength, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) on Friday shot down an electronically simulated “enemy” missile and a real attacker missile with an actual interceptor. While the electronically simulated missile, coming from a distance of 1,500 km was “electronically hit” at an altitude of 120 km, an Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile shot out from Wheeler Island, off the Odisha coast, and pulverised a modified Prithvi attacker missile, coming from Chandipur, at a height of 15 km. The four missiles were in the sky simultaneously and the two interceptions took place almost simultaneously.

The import of this mission’s success implies India’s ability to launch multiple interceptors to destroy several missiles coming in different directions from adversarial countries. The latest success, the seventh out of eight interceptor missions since 2006, signals that India is ready to deploy its ballistic missile defence (BMD) shield to protect its strategic and commercial assets.

A delighted V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister and DRDO Director-General, said from the Wheeler Island: “This kind of mission has been done only by the U.S. and Russia. We are probably the third country who can launch multiple interceptor missiles to handle various attackers. This is an important development in our BMD shield deployment.”

Chief Controller (Missiles and Strategic Systems), DRDO Avinash Chander also asserted: “Simultaneously taking care of multiple missiles coming from various directions is part of any BMD system. We are happy that our confidence in our capability to do this has been demonstrated by this trial.”

“Memorable day”

Associate Director, Research Centre, Imarat (RCI), Hyderabad G. Satheesh Reddy called it “a memorable day for the country’s defence scientists. It was fantastic to see on the monitors two interceptors attacking two targets with different ranges.” The on-board computers, the seeker and the control systems developed by the RCI performed smoothly, he said.

The mission took place like this: an electronic target, simulating an enemy missile coming from a place 1,500 km away, was launched. Radars picked it up, tracked it and launched an electronic interceptor missile which destroyed the digital attacker at an altitude of 120 km in what is called exo-atmosphere.

A real target (attacker) missile also blasted off from the Launch Complex III, Chandipur, Odisha, mimicking the trajectory of an enemy ballistic missile. This modified Prithvi had a range of 600 km to 1,000 km. Two radars detected it from its take-off and kept a tab on it. A guidance computer kept estimating its trajectory. When it was classified as a foe, an AAD interceptor took off from Wheeler Island. Armed with a novel warhead, it raced into the sky at a supersonic speed of 4.5 Mach. It pounced on the attacker at 12.52 p.m. at an altitude of 15 km in the endo-atmosphere. The interceptor’s proximity fuse sizzled into life, exploded the warhead and thereby the attacker became a charred wreckage in “a direct hit.” The interceptor had a radio-frequency seeker and its on-board computer guided it towards the target.

Dr. Saraswat said: “The mission’s precision shows that we have a robust system of interceptors, communication network, directional warhead, a potent radio proximity fuse and the seeker. All the major systems performed exceedingly well.” He added, “With this launch, phase 1 of the BMD shield is ready for deployment in 2013 or 2014. Phase 1 will protect strategic assets, political assets [political leaders’ residences] and commercial assets like Mumbai. Anywhere the country decides, we can deploy the interceptors and engage multiple attackers.”

Dr. Saraswat said long-range radars and more powerful interceptors were under development for the deployment of phase 2. The target missiles could come from a place 2,000 km away and India would be able to engage them in the exo-atmosphere at an altitude of 150 km.

“Major step”

Mr. Chander called the mission “a major step” towards the deployment of India’s BMD shield. “We are very close to taking it to deployment.” There were only the U.S., Russia, France, China and Israel who had the BMD system and India was the sixth country to have this capability.

Programme Director Adalat Ali called it “a multiple target, multiple interceptor scenario [taking place] in two layers – in the exo and endo-atmosphere.” The interceptors were in the air simultaneously and the interceptions too took place almost simultaneously, Mr. Ali said.


Lazy Weekend ?

Indeed !
For defence against short ranged threats.

As you said, internal ballistic interceptor program is going well, but iron dome is not for BMs. We have nothing for such short ranged threats. Using Akash or any other current system would be much costlier in comparison. It is a very cheap solution, with every missile costing about 1/7 of Akash.

can it be used against tactical nukes inside Pakistani territory?
India doing really good in BMDS. They released the videos immediately after the test. Not many countries have videos of such tests.
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