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Featured India test-fires 10 missiles in 35 days. It is not a coincidence

10 missiles tested or 100, useless and only done in panic, damage has been done; the opponents already aware that the moral of India is at its lowest. World knows and may it become the part of Guinness military records that India lost a considerable area without firing a single bullet.
What a big joke to see India frantically doing missiles testing as if that frightened anyone.
When that only go to show how unprepared India is despite all the talk and boasting of their supra power.

Not just in 2019, but for a decade or two before 2019, China been doing more missile testing than the rest of the world combined.

Enough to iron out any problems and to refine their missile systems even further. And getting them operational and ready for immediate use.

India doing missile testing now remind me of a Cantonese proverb. See kap lai hoi han
Loosely translated to when you feel shit about to come out, only then you start to build a toilet.

But come to think of it! :yes4:

Indians need no toilets to do that business even for their women and girls.
Just do that in the fields and behind the bushes.

Indians may not even know how to build toilets.

India missiles urgent testing is viewed by me at least, if not by the rest of the world, in very much that Cantonese proverb. See kap lai hoi han:pleasantry::rofl:
but then why is China giving India so much time to prepare? Same with Taiwan. Why not hit them unprepared?
A surprise invasion.

Well, because China still follow Sun Tzu doctrine. If you read it from the beginning, you'll understand, that WAR is the most important matter of a state. It is a matter of life or death. A road to either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. You are not going to war for the sake of winning, but survival.

And the other is that the most ultimate winning is to win without a war. Almost impossible, but also the best way to achieve your objective. Because it is the cheapest.

China's geo political objective today is different from theirs in Mao era.
  • Hypersonic Technology Demonstration Vehicle 7 Sept
  • ABHYAS-High Speed Expendable Aerial Target 22 Sept
  • Laser Guided Anti Tank Guided Missile 22 Sept
  • Night trial of strategic missile Prithvi II 23 Sept
  • Supersonic cruise missile BrahMos 30 Sep
  • Laser Guided Anti Tank Guided Missile 1 Oct
  • Supersonic Shaurya strategic missile 3 Oct
  • Supersonic Missile Assisted Release of Torpedo (SMART) 5 Oct
  • Anti Radiation Rudram-I Missile 9 Oct
In addition to above missile tests.. .As per NOTAM following missile are to be tested soon.

Nirbhay - 1000 Km subsonic cruise missile..pre induction trial with an Indian engine.

Pralay Missile : First test of 350 Km range surface to surface Quassi Ballistic missile derived from PDV.

K 5 SLBM - First test of K 5 SLBM(derived from Agni 5 ICBM) with more than 5000 Km range
Well, because China still follow Sun Tzu doctrine. If you read it from the beginning, you'll understand, that WAR is the most important matter of a state. It is a matter of life or death. A road to either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. You are not going to war for the sake of winning, but survival.

And the other is that the most ultimate winning is to win without a war. Almost impossible, but also the best way to achieve your objective. Because it is the cheapest.

China's geo political objective today is different from theirs in Mao era.

and that is why the Chinese have been getting their asses handed to them for the past few hundred years. Any fool can read a book and copy the teachings of another. Once another knows the teachings you follow there is no advantage in those teachings.
If the traitorous false Jew financiers had not given Russia, China and the Huns stolen factories, technology and wealth all would still be using matchlock rifles.
I am surprised why India wastes money on its indigenous defense programmes ,when most of its hardware,ammunition and missiles are UNWORTHY and UNRELIABLE.
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Even your weapons have failed tests, you are showing as if all your reverse engineered missiles work fine😂.
10 missiles tested or 100, useless and only done in panic, damage has been done; the opponents already aware that the moral of India is at its lowest. World knows and may it become the part of Guinness military records that India lost a considerable area without firing a single bullet.
Which area? Aksai chin was lost in 1962, we captured black top in retalliation to chinese aggression on 29/30 August.
but then why is China giving India so much time to prepare? Same with Taiwan. Why not hit them unprepared?
A surprise invasion.

they cannot maintain this state of high readiness forever. as weapons importers with far lower GDP, maintaining a state of high tension without actually fighting is advantageous to China. they can't stop China from building up. but they can't just leave the border either because they don't know if there will actually be an invasion or not.

time isn't of the essence here. India poses no threat to China at all since it is 1/5 the GDP and shrinking.
they cannot maintain this state of high readiness forever. as weapons importers with far lower GDP, maintaining a state of high tension without actually fighting is advantageous to China. they can't stop China from building up. but they can't just leave the border either because they don't know if there will actually be an invasion or not.

time isn't of the essence here. India poses no threat to China at all since it is 1/5 the GDP and shrinking.

Good one.
slowly drain and tire India. Sure that could certainly be a possibility.
Indians are confirmed that their some provinces/states are going to break from India that's why they are showing aggressive postures.

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