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India takes up AWACS programme, can penetrate enemy territory

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well if I m not Mistaking Indian phalcons are not having moving ROTODOME but they are AUTOROTODOME. moving rotodome need maintainance after each 1000 hrs where as autorotodome can work till 1,00,000hrs without maintenance.
No G550 Palcon are not on par with the version IAF got.

How so? The G550 is a business jet, just like the EMB 145, both are smaller jet engined AWACS platforms, with space for only 5 to 6 operators, both can't carry bug power supplies like the A50 or, E3..., :disagree:

What do you expect.. who would provide the engine-
BVR ?.. something which was in development at that time and something new.

Often discussed in the LCA thread and the same that are helping us with co-developments as well, Russia (Zhuk ME radar and RD93 was offered, France RDY2 and M53 of Mirage 2000s could have been bought, Israels EL 2032). There was no lack of options, just no will to go for it, but too much chestbumping to do it alone and we have seen the results.

That is a different thing..

No it's not, because you can use the same plattform and the same baseline systems too, only the primery sensors will be different. Infact an EMB 145 DRDO Multi intel, would have the same IDAS defence system, the same SATCOM antennas, the same ESM capabilities and could even use the same internal fittings. That's why Embraer, Boeing, Saab, or Elta didn't developed just one version but up to 3 (AWACS, Intel, MP) based on the same plattform, so please no lame excuses. The fact is, DRDO once again looks only on their own interests, not on what India and it's forces really needs, just like the Admiral confirmed as well!

Really Good and informative Thread

well if I m not Mistaking Indian phalcons are not having moving ROTODOME but they are AUTOROTODOME. moving rotodome need maintainance after each 1000 hrs where as autorotodome can work till 1,00,000hrs without maintenance.

The A50 has no rotodome anymore, because it uses 3 radar arrays in a triangular form now. These arrays are fixed, because with AESA modules the radar beam can move 360° around the aircraft and on each array, which makes all the mechanical parts of the rotodome not needed anymore, which as you said is a big benefit for the maintenance.
How so? The G550 is a business jet, just like the EMB 145, both are smaller jet engined AWACS platforms, with space for only 5 to 6 operators, both can't carry bug power supplies like the A50 or, E3..., :disagree:

I was talking about A-50 Phlacon version compared with G550... Its not only about power supplies but also the extra duties such planes perform.

Often discussed in the LCA thread and the same that are helping us with co-developments as well, Russia (Zhuk ME radar and RD93 was offered, France RDY2 and M53 of Mirage 2000s could have been bought, Israels EL 2032). There was no lack of options, just no will to go for it, but too much chestbumping to do it alone and we have seen the results.

Co-development has its own limitations... Besides those radars had to be modified and re-modeled for Tejas... where IAF had to pay for extra costs and the cost of radar.... then comes weaponry.. integration, spares, codes, servicing all would've required assistance.. increasing the cost of aircraft... making it unprofitable... In simple words buying a new plane from outside would've been better altogether.

No it's not, because you can use the same plattform and the same baseline systems too, only the primery sensors will be different. Infact an EMB 145 DRDO Multi intel, would have the same IDAS defence system, the same SATCOM antennas, the same ESM capabilities and could even use the same internal fittings. That's why Embraer, Boeing, Saab, or Elta didn't developed just one version but up to 3 (AWACS, Intel, MP) based on the same plattform, so please no lame excuses. The fact is, DRDO once again looks only on their own interests, not on what India and it's forces really needs, just like the Admiral confirmed as well!

I was talking about software and the radar computer.... It is as essential as the primary radar If not more... It is here that we've been lacking... we can make antennas very well.

What you posted about Admiral cannot be blamed on DRDO... which is a research agency... Its wrongly taken by Jurnos... Its the lack of Industrial infrastructure to be blamed on lack of production capabilities... every thing is not sorted out in labs... the firm making aircraft knows more about simple problems than the lab engineer... Take example of Akash system and BEL.

For example HAL had never had an experience on a 4th gen. plane every thing right from the CFC cutters and testing equipment had to be made... Its like starting a new factory where initial products can be below par.
I was talking about A-50 Phlacon version compared with G550... Its not only about power supplies but also the extra duties such planes perform.

But your claim was that a bigger aircraft with more power is needed for L-Band AESA. So you understood now that you didn't right? ;)

Besides those radars had to be modified and re-modeled for Tejas...

Which IAF had done by using the EL 2030 in Jaguar IM, or which IN does by using the same radar for it's Sea Harriers, both without any issues Infact, our foreces and MoD would love to get more from Israeli radar technology, which shows how highly regarded and it's even
on the contrary, we could easily have got a licence production for LCA MK1 and combined it to an AESA co-development.
Same for engines, were we could have taken Russian or French available engine and jointly have gone with a co-developed Kaveri.
That would be using our advantages to the max, but instead we rejected the simple and effective ways, for silly pride reasons and messed it all up!

What you posted about Admiral cannot be blamed on DRDO... which is a research agency...

Of course it can, by the simple fact that they are researching the wrong things. Things that we don't need, but make them look better and help to distract from their failures!
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