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India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

Again , USA founded Taliban , They Created Nuclear Bomb , so it means every thing wrong in the world today is USA fault . ?
US funded Mujaheedins, raised and trained by PA. Also supported. I can't understand one fact. One senior ember says that Taliban was not US creation. One says Taliban is US's creation.
You keep accusing Hafiz Saeed Without proof , How come you are Right while i am not ?

Chief of terror group LeT and his group responsible for hundreds of death in India
You keep accusing Hafiz Saeed Without proof , How come you are Right while i am not ?you seem Sleepy , you know that mind dosent work when you are Sleep Deprived , go have a nice Sleep , then we will talk .
Because we provided proofs but Pakistan ignored it.

Give us proofs, we will look into it. Is it too much to ask ?

Chief of terror group LeT and his group responsible for hundreds of death in India
They don't agree with UN, do you think they will agree with India ?
When US says Hafeez Saed is mastermind of Mumbai attack, no one agrees in Pakistan. Suddenly everyone getting happy over a statement made 2 years ago.

Mr Hagel, who faces a confirmation vote in the US Senate on Tuesday night or Wednesday, made these remarks in a talk at the Cameron University in Oklahoma in 2011. The video of his speech reappeared on a website of the Washington Free Beacon, an American news portal that publishes associated content from a US conservative perspective.

Mr Hagel’s “comments on India’s role in Afghanistan during a speech in 2011 provide yet another indication that he is poorly qualified to lead the US Department of Defence”, said Lisa Curtis, a South Asia expert at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think-tank.

I don't know why Pakistanis are happy ?

That is because they like clutching at straws. They have been doing that all their lives, why should it be any different now? Add to that, even the straws don't come along much anymore and you can understand their excitement when they see one. Won't stop them from drowning but what the heck, might as well go down imagining something nice....
so when our establishment were screaming that its India involved in the insurgency the world didnt believe us and now their own senator is saying and cause indian a$$e$ on fire! buahahaha Indians are after all indians in terms of jealousy!!!
BTW who changed the title ? Problem = Terrorism ? ::blink:

TOI didn't use it. Isn't it wrong practice ?

Oh wait, in Rome, do as Romans do. Carry on. :D
Because we provided proofs but Pakistan ignored it.

Give us proofs, we will look into it. Is it too much to ask ?

Ohh Come on KRAIT , i expected better from you , the proofs you are talking baout we also gav e india many many times , but they ignored it as well .

and if you have proofs against HS then give it to US , they are desperately searching for one .

Chief of terror group LeT and his group responsible for hundreds of death in India

Proof ???? where is it ??

India financed problems for Pak in Afghanistan, says US defence secretary nominee Chuck Hagel

WASHINGTON: In a sharp contrast to US view on India's role in Afghanistan, President Barack Obama's defence secretary nominee Chuck Hagel has alleged that India has over the years "financed problems" for Pakistan in the war-torn country.

A video containing these remarks from an unreleased speech of Hagel at Oklahoma's Cameron University in 2011 was uploaded by Washington Free Beacon, sparking a strong reaction from India which said such comments are "contrary to the reality" of its unbounded dedication to the welfare of Afghans.

Hagel, during the speech said, "India for some time has always used Afghanistan as a second front, and India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan on that side of the border".

"And you can carry that into many dimensions, the point being [that] the tense, fragmented relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been there for many, many years," Hagel said.

Reacting to this, the Indian embassy here said,"Such comments attributed to Senator Hagel, who has been a long-standing friend of India and a prominent votary of close India-US relations are contrary to the reality of India's unbounded dedication to the welfare of Afghan people".

It added that India's commitment to a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan is unwavering, "and this is reflected in our significant assistance to Afghanistan in developing its economy, infrastructure and institutional capacities".

"Our opposition to terrorism and its safe havens in our neighbourhood is firm and unshakable.

"India's development assistance has been deeply appreciated by the people and the government of Afghanistan, and by our friends around the world including the US.

"We do not view our engagement with Afghanistan as a zero sum game," the embassy said.

Hagel's remarks are in sharp contrast to viewpoint of Obama Administration that has always been in praise of India's developmental role in Afghanistan and in fact has been pressing New Delhi to do more in Afghanistan.

Significantly, a deeply divided Senate is in the process of voting on US president's contentious nominee to head the defence department.

The embassy said India and the US have a shared perspective and a deep convergence of interests for ensuring peace and stability in Afghanistan.

"We will continue to work to help the Afghan people build a peaceful, prosperous, democratic and inclusive future for themselves in an environment free from terror and intimidation," the statement said.

The unearthing of anti-India comment by Hagel provided another ammunition to the Republican Senators to oppose his confirmation.

Once published, the news item was sent by the office of powerful Republican Senator John Cornyn, who is among the leading opponent of twice wounded Vietnam veteran's confirmation.

"In light of our shared interest in the US-India relationship, thought you would want to see this," said the email sent by Cornyn's office to top Indian American community leaders. Cornyn is co-chair of the Senate India Caucus.

"I am surprised and shocked. We did not know the story and background of Senator Hagel on India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. I think Indian community needs to work on to see how we can help to stop his nomination for the post of secretary of defence.

"We will definitely follow up with our senators and impress on them on the folly of such a nomination," Republican Sampat Shivangi, national president of Indian American Forum for Political Education, said.

As Nebraska Senator for two terms from 1997 to 2009, Hagel was member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, frequently travelled to South Asia and voted in favour of the historic India-US civilian nuclear deal.

During his trip to Pakistan he told the then Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf that a similar agreement was not on cards with Islamabad, because of the proliferation issues with his country.

Hagel's nomination has bitterly split the Senate, with Republicans turning on their former colleague and Democrats standing by Obama's nominee.

Republican lawmakers excoriated Hagel over his past statements and votes. They argued that he was too critical of Israel and too compromising with Iran. They cast the Nebraskan as a radical far out of the mainstream.

India financed problems for Pak in Afghanistan, says US defence secretary nominee Chuck Hagel - The Times of India
This truth was known to us for long time now India has been funding some guys in TTP and also most Baloch terrorists for long time ago India should stop this or Pakistan should support Maoists and other groups in India to teach India a lesson
Ohh Come on KRAIT , i expected better from you , the proofs you are talking baout we also gav e india many many times , but they ignored it as well . and if you have proofs against HS then give it to US , they are desperately searching for one . Proof ???? where is it ??
Sir I think you are missing my point. India as provided proof but Pakistani court rejected it. Don't youall blame for Pakistani courts freeing many terrorists who killed Pakistani citizens. What chance is there that a person who is involved in killing Indians will get convicted.

I think you can draw conclusion from your deductive reasoning.

As for proofs, can you tell me why UN has declared Hafeez Saeed as terrorist ? Fine, you don't believe India, but what about UN ?

Another point is that LeT and JeM were founded by Pakistani terrorists. Do you agree with it ? Now from neutral sources, LeT was headed by Hafeez Saeed. I can give you many trusted sources.

I am among those who believes that war crimes are done by IA in Kashmir and NE. Even if that means Indian posters bash me for this. So I think I am being reasonable here. I am ready to take the blame, but are you ready to do the same ?

I am practical person. I know enemy will use our own people against us. So I have to ask to my govt. to take measures that our enemies don't get domestic support. Its the job of Enemy's Intelligence agencies. We all know the skeletons in our closet.

Even if I agree with your claim that India is supporting TTP and BLA, which is debatable because TTP also said they will attack India, don't you see its the fault of Pakistani security agencies and intelligence along with govt. to curb these domestic extremists ?
US funded Mujaheedins, raised and trained by PA. Also supported. I can't understand one fact. One senior ember says that Taliban was not US creation. One says Taliban is US's creation.

I suppose you have enough sense that you can get who is behind creation of Talibans and financed them and provided them weapons.....:coffee:
soo i don't need to tell anything to you....:)
I suppose you have enough sense that who is behind creation of Talibans and financed them and provided them weapons.....:coffee: soo i don't need to tell anything to you....:)
Wasn't Taliban supported by your Army after Afghan war was over ? Who recognized Taliban - KSA, UAE and PAKISTAN. Isn't there a wide notion that Afghan Taliban are good and Pakistani Taliban are bad.

Its time you accept that you used Islamic extremism to flourish to use it against India. Its a world known FACT. Are you denying it ?
Chief of terror group LeT and his group responsible for hundreds of death in India

yeah like our dead MNA is mister mind of Hayderabad blasts....:lol:
Wasn't Taliban supported by your Army after Afghan war was over ? Who recognized Taliban - KSA, UAE and PAKISTAN. Isn't there a wide notion that Afghan Taliban are good and Pakistani Taliban are bad.

Its time you accept that you used Islamic extremism to flourish to use it against India. Its a world known FACT. Are you denying it ?

Trained but not supported....
and about afghan Talibans the things are still not clear.....
and PA trained them by being paid by US...
and this decision was of a single man decision(Gen. Zia).....
KSA and Saudis provided man power...
Osama was leader and great till he fought against Russians and he became terrorist when he fought against US???
well who knows that who was behind 9/11??
why all zoinists were on leave working there that day??
Muslims too died there.....
Why US killer Billions of people when just max maybe a half million were died there...??
why US looted all the reknowned libraries and museums of Iraq??
why US saw those dangerous weapons in Iraq and can't see any nuke in Israel??
Who knows those who had done 9/11 or looks like they done can be US paid??
as US were behind creation of talibans...
why US killed 1000s of reknowned scientists and stolen all research from Iraq??
they killed also those scientists who have nothing to do with weapons and all was done by special forces operations....
tanks destroyed gaits of libraries...
public property was destroyed...
most imp who provided them jets??
Is it soo simple?? that Talibans just hi jacked those jets??
How those Talibans got Pilot training???
who gave them this training??
how these jets can manage to hit WTC??
why they were not intercepted?? why they were not shot down??
Things are not simple as US says.....
@Gentelman So it was Gen. Zia doing all the fighting and training ? Who supported Mujaheedins in Kashmir ? I mean who gave power to Gen. Zia. Why scapegoating him alone. What about others ? Its like blaming Hitler for WW2 and not indicting Nazi leaders like Himmler etc.

Yaar, seriously, you also believe in Conspiracy theories that Israelis left the building.

I don't know why you don't see fault of PA and ISI in supporting and funding terrorists against India.

Who are killing Pakistani people in Pakistan now. Is it Indian attackers ? LeJ comprises of Indians ?

Sorry buddy, I can no longer debate on this issue. I have seen you guys never accept your own fault and allow terrorist to grow like Mushrooms.

P.S. Gentelman is wrong spelling. Its Gentleman. :enjoy:
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