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India successfully tests anti satellite weapon. Low earth orbit satellite destroyed.

Both claim your territory in same area of Kashmir while Pakistan is threatened from Kashmir side, Afghanistan side as well as Iran side. So stop comparing your country with Pakistan.

You people need to change your mind and need to stop being so war hungry. If India's government spent adequate amount of money on their people, some parts of area would look like proper developed countries one but they don't. Tiny GDP spent on defence doesn't comes in these stupid space program. For **** sake the point is billions of dollars were wasted on this space weapon which is absolutely useless instead of spending it on the welfare of people. It's a pity that both BJP and Congress are incompetent parties.
India's defence budget this year is 45 billion. Do you really think that will solve poverty in India and make India a developed country? And if that is your concern, many parts of India are indeed comparable to developed countires. The country as a whole is being uplifted out of poverty surely but surely. We know our priorities, so you do not need to lecture us. We will do whatever we need to ensure our security and protect our citizens from terrorism.
India's defence budget this year is 45 billion. Do you really think that will solve poverty in India and make India a developed country? And if that is your concern, many parts of India are indeed comparable to developed countires. The country as a whole is being uplifted out of poverty surely but surely. We know our priorities, so you do not need to lecture us. We will do whatever we need to ensure our security and protect our citizens from terrorism.
This is your average indian. Pathetic and arrogant. Completely brainwashed by war loving propaganda by BJP.

One person is saying that government needs to do more for people and spend less money on military... no no not even, making space weapons lmao. He is met with insulting remarks.
Lol only one jet was shot down, an MIG21 that was shot after chasing the PAF deep into Pakistan. No international Media source has confirmed Pak's claims of shooting any other craft. You were also humiliated after the world media sources rubbished your claim of capturing two pilots.

Also, you returned Abhinandan as soon as India mobilized the full strength of its Army, Navy and Air Force, causing your PM to buckle and comply to our demands because he was smart enough to know Pakistan cannot sustain a full-scale war against Pakistan.

Where does one report an empty mind?

This is your average indian. Pathetic and arrogant. Completely brainwashed by war loving propaganda by BJP.

One person is saying that government needs to do more for people and spend less money on military... no no not even, making space weapons lmao. He is met with insulting remarks.

You made some good points; try to lose that condescending tone, about average Indians, and you might be heard. As it is, you come across as a loser trying to justify his losing, and that, I believe, from the evidence of your earlier post, to be unfair to you.

About the BJP: many of us loathe it, and all that it stands for. But it is another matter when the Prime Minister of the country, whatever our personal feelings about him, makes a statement. There is little option externally, and little intention, to demur. At home is an entirely different matter, as those who take the trouble to scan Indian media and social media will find.
You made some good points; try to lose that condescending tone, about average Indians, and you might be heard. As it is, you come across as a loser trying to justify his losing, and that, I believe, from the evidence of your earlier post, to be unfair to you.

About the BJP: many of us loathe it, and all that it stands for. But it is another matter when the Prime Minister of the country, whatever our personal feelings about him, makes a statement. There is little option externally, and little intention, to demur. At home is an entirely different matter, as those who take the trouble to scan Indian media and social media will find.
I would be extremely pissed of if our government developed some space weapon while there is so much poverty in the country. And okay will watch my tone next time.

Modi getting elected will be in favour of Pakistan. He is making a state that is used to be secular into an extremist state that runs on their hate for Pakistan and their hatred for Muslims. Its a win-win situation for Pakistan in Indian election since BJP is an extremist party while Congress is an highly incompetent corrupt party.
I would be extremely pissed of if our government developed some space weapon while there is so much poverty in the country. And okay will watch my tone next time.

Modi getting elected will be in favour of Pakistan. He is making a state that is used to be secular into an extremist state that runs on their hate for Pakistan and their hatred for Muslims. Its a win-win situation for Pakistan in Indian election since BJP is an extremist party while Congress is an highly incompetent corrupt party.

He won't win. You should reach out to jbgt90 and ask him for figures. I'm not tagging him because he gets annoyed.

He won't turn India into an extremist state, and once he and his pack are put in their collective place, this unhealthy obsession with Pakistan will diminish.

There is a Pakistani habit of equating Pakistan and Muslim; bad idea, and bad thinking. Muslim Indians want to get on with life; they want to get the good bits of being in a potentially top economy, not get bogged down in some religious creep's hostility towards his religious beliefs. Among most Hindus, the range of opinions runs from complete acceptance of Christians and Muslims (Christians are marked by the RSS/Sangh Parivar just as much as Muslims are), to guarded acceptance, to studied indifference and a refusal to be swept off into a Kumbaya mood to the imbecile fringe elements of Indian society who are actively hostile - simultaneously, to Christians, Muslims, the Dalit, the rationalist, and anybody questioning the nationalist = Sanghi = nationalist closed circuit.

The BJP is extremist. On the other hand, 80% of the 'corruption' alleged about the Congress was found to be artificially created by a bought-up CAG. They still govern better than this three-ring circus - and that is a pity, because they really need to improve. We aren't getting the government we deserve.

Regarding the space weapon, it was ready seven years ago; it was launched now because of an increasingly nervous and insecure Modi. And yes, many of us are extremely pissed at this being done when the employment situation is so bad.


Take a look - you'll be surprised. Pleasantly.

He won't win. You should reach out to jbgt90 and ask him for figures. I'm not tagging him because he gets annoyed.

He won't turn India into an extremist state, and once he and his pack are put in their collective place, this unhealthy obsession with Pakistan will diminish.

There is a Pakistani habit of equating Pakistan and Muslim; bad idea, and bad thinking. Muslim Indians want to get on with life; they want to get the good bits of being in a potentially top economy, not get bogged down in some religious creep's hostility towards his religious beliefs. Among most Hindus, the range of opinions runs from complete acceptance of Christians and Muslims (Christians are marked by the RSS/Sangh Parivar just as much as Muslims are), to guarded acceptance, to studied indifference and a refusal to be swept off into a Kumbaya mood to the imbecile fringe elements of Indian society who are actively hostile - simultaneously, to Christians, Muslims, the Dalit, the rationalist, and anybody questioning the nationalist = Sanghi = nationalist closed circuit.

The BJP is extremist. On the other hand, 80% of the 'corruption' alleged about the Congress was found to be artificially created by a bought-up CAG. They still govern better than this three-ring circus - and that is a pity, because they really need to improve. We aren't getting the government we deserve.

Regarding the space weapon, it was ready seven years ago; it was launched now because of an increasingly nervous and insecure Modi. And yes, many of us are extremely pissed at this being done when the employment situation is so bad.


Take a look - you'll be surprised. Pleasantly.

There is no difference between Indian muslims or Pakistani muslims or Bangladeshi muslims. So, it is quite reasonable to equate the same. Your analysis is quite illogical and like a fantasy fiction
There is no difference between Indian muslims or Pakistani muslims or Bangladeshi muslims. So, it is quite reasonable to equate the same. Your analysis is quite illogical and like a fantasy fiction
I beg to differ. I have had the good fortune of closely interacting with extremely Omnist, genteel and polite Muslims from all three countries. I have also had the misfortune of having come across extremely radical members from these countries as well. It is like saying that all Hindus across the globe are the same and everyone preaches 'sadbhavna'. There are enough Hindu radicals in our country who will prove that tenet wrong. I would request you not to mix up religion with politics or nationality. I also hope I am not misunderstood.
I beg to differ. I have had the good fortune of closely interacting with extremely Omnist, genteel and polite Muslims from all three countries. I have also had the misfortune of having come across extremely radical members from these countries as well. It is like saying that all Hindus across the globe are the same and everyone preaches 'sadbhavna'. There are enough Hindu radicals in our country who will prove that tenet wrong. I would request you not to mix up religion with politics or nationality. I also hope I am not misunderstood.
Hinduism is not exactly an ideology. the ideology is called "Dharma". Dharma doesn't call for sadbhavana. There is also a mention of rakshasas who have to be slayed.

Also, I never claim all muslims are same. I am only saying that all muslims have same ideals - Islam. Obviously, some muslims are intelligent, some stupid and it will also affect their ability to think and act. But all are same culturally and politically.

By the way, religion is a group activity and is obviously political. There can't be separation of politics and religion
He won't win. You should reach out to jbgt90 and ask him for figures. I'm not tagging him because he gets annoyed.

He won't turn India into an extremist state, and once he and his pack are put in their collective place, this unhealthy obsession with Pakistan will diminish.

There is a Pakistani habit of equating Pakistan and Muslim; bad idea, and bad thinking. Muslim Indians want to get on with life; they want to get the good bits of being in a potentially top economy, not get bogged down in some religious creep's hostility towards his religious beliefs. Among most Hindus, the range of opinions runs from complete acceptance of Christians and Muslims (Christians are marked by the RSS/Sangh Parivar just as much as Muslims are), to guarded acceptance, to studied indifference and a refusal to be swept off into a Kumbaya mood to the imbecile fringe elements of Indian society who are actively hostile - simultaneously, to Christians, Muslims, the Dalit, the rationalist, and anybody questioning the nationalist = Sanghi = nationalist closed circuit.

The BJP is extremist. On the other hand, 80% of the 'corruption' alleged about the Congress was found to be artificially created by a bought-up CAG. They still govern better than this three-ring circus - and that is a pity, because they really need to improve. We aren't getting the government we deserve.

Regarding the space weapon, it was ready seven years ago; it was launched now because of an increasingly nervous and insecure Modi. And yes, many of us are extremely pissed at this being done when the employment situation is so bad.


Take a look - you'll be surprised. Pleasantly.


He will win.
Sorry to say something like that to you .
But he will win.

Why I said that because the very existence and rise of the BJP is directly linked with
failure of Congress and opposition.

What do we have here now ?
22 Political families that is totally submerged in corruption .
And one nationalist party that is build up on the solid cadre system that will only considers the merit .
Take main Congress , what is the eligibility of that clown Rahul ?
Guy couldnt properly raise allegation let alone stand against the Modi .
What happened to our former President Pranab Mukherjee ?How couldnt he become the PM of India ?

I am not that a scholar like you but just a common citizen .
Nation could see a new trend in last 5 years unlike past 60 years ,linking each and every incident in every nook and corner to Indian PM.
How could he able to influence the peopked like that ?
Its 100% sure ,PR works alone wont cut that .
So there was something that happened on ground level.
I am not an economist nor I know the economic perspective of Demonitisation .But what we can see especially in our state is that the exaorbitant land prices is cool down,normalised ,stable .
No more brokers that compete for real estate business ,no more money bundle in a rag cover .
All these happens just after demonatisation.
For us it seems as a positive outcome.
Now we dont need to buy a land for more than 5 lakhs per cent that too in village side.

OK ,lets take this as a mere imagination.
Then a Congress mouth piece known as Malayala Manorama that always insult PM for each and everything did an investigation in 2017 after one year about demonitisation and interviewed an agent that still changing old notes to new notes illegally for client.
He is a member of a big network .
As per his info in Malappuram itself has around 50000 crore old banned notes that hide in households after one year of demonitisation .
A district only this one .

Actually what kind of growth was going on here ?

Then this govt also claimed that around 18000 villages electrified ,Gas connection ,etc .
Nothing from opposition except Modi chor hai .

About Pakistan obsession.
He pushed the threshold when we ordered Balakot airstrike .
Every one knows military has capability whether they uses that or not it totally depends on the govt on top .
Same mirage and spicecwas there after 26 /11 .
What happened ?
Ok he did that may be claims for two days then it will die down.
But opposition want to know this ,that where is proof?
Almost helped the enemy version.
Actually what kind of opposition is this .
All they could have do is thst just keep quiet .
But that wasnt their problem ,their problem
was the acceptance he got after the strike .

About ASAT.
So you are saying ,DRDO chief,Former Chief,Former ISRO chief ,Nambi Narayanan everyone is wrong .

There is a test and there will consequences and again that depends upon the guy in the post .Previous govt couldnt do it .But he did .Capability was there years ago .
But only realised now .

What is the relation between Abhinandan commissioning as an AF pilot in 2004 and Congress rule ?
Well Salman Khurshid has some points .
Such a moron.

Its not that Modi is perfect .Noone is perfect .
But I can see the difference and competence of a govt that ordered new jets after 12 years and a previous govt that bring down 42 squadrons in 2004 to 33 squsdrons in 2014 .
He will win.
Sorry to say something like that to you .
But he will win.

Why I said that because the very existence and rise of the BJP is directly linked with
failure of Congress and opposition.

What do we have here now ?
22 Political families that is totally submerged in corruption .
And one nationalist party that is build up on the solid cadre system that will only considers the merit .
Take main Congress , what is the eligibility of that clown Rahul ?
Guy couldnt properly raise allegation let alone stand against the Modi .
What happened to our former President Pranab Mukherjee ?How couldnt he become the PM of India ?

I am not that a scholar like you but just a common citizen .
Nation could see a new trend in last 5 years unlike past 60 years ,linking each and every incident in every nook and corner to Indian PM.
How could he able to influence the peopked like that ?
Its 100% sure ,PR works alone wont cut that .
So there was something that happened on ground level.
I am not an economist nor I know the economic perspective of Demonitisation .But what we can see especially in our state is that the exaorbitant land prices is cool down,normalised ,stable .
No more brokers that compete for real estate business ,no more money bundle in a rag cover .
All these happens just after demonatisation.
For us it seems as a positive outcome.
Now we dont need to buy a land for more than 5 lakhs per cent that too in village side.

OK ,lets take this as a mere imagination.
Then a Congress mouth piece known as Malayala Manorama that always insult PM for each and everything did an investigation in 2017 after one year about demonitisation and interviewed an agent that still changing old notes to new notes illegally for client.
He is a member of a big network .
As per his info in Malappuram itself has around 50000 crore old banned notes that hide in households after one year of demonitisation .
A district only this one .

Actually what kind of growth was going on here ?

Then this govt also claimed that around 18000 villages electrified ,Gas connection ,etc .
Nothing from opposition except Modi chor hai .

About Pakistan obsession.
He pushed the threshold when we ordered Balakot airstrike .
Every one knows military has capability whether they uses that or not it totally depends on the govt on top .
Same mirage and spicecwas there after 26 /11 .
What happened ?
Ok he did that may be claims for two days then it will die down.
But opposition want to know this ,that where is proof?
Almost helped the enemy version.
Actually what kind of opposition is this .
All they could have do is thst just keep quiet .
But that wasnt their problem ,their problem
was the acceptance he got after the strike .

About ASAT.
So you are saying ,DRDO chief,Former Chief,Former ISRO chief ,Nambi Narayanan everyone is wrong .

There is a test and there will consequences and again that depends upon the guy in the post .Previous govt couldnt do it .But he did .Capability was there years ago .
But only realised now .

What is the relation between Abhinandan commissioning as an AF pilot in 2004 and Congress rule ?
Well Salman Khurshid has some points .
Such a moron.

Its not that Modi is perfect .Noone is perfect .
But I can see the difference and competence of a govt that ordered new jets after 12 years and a previous govt that bring down 42 squadrons in 2004 to 33 squsdrons in 2014 .
Are you suggesting that the average Indian voter is in a dilemma stuck between a rock and a hard place, having to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea? Quite a predicament that is! Any chance for a change in the social order?
Are you suggesting that the average Indian voter is in a dilemma stuck between a rock and a hard place, having to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea? Quite a predicament that is! Any chance for a change in the social order?
Exactly what i said. Indians are absolutely fucked because BJP is an extremist party while Congress is an incompetent corrupt party. No one good to vote for.
Exactly what i said. Indians are absolutely fucked because BJP is an extremist party while Congress is an incompetent corrupt party. No one good to vote for.
Well, in that case we have to believe in our federal structure and hope that the Upper House stands tall against overreach.
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