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India, Sri Lanka hold talks on nuclear deal

Hey mate.. Awesome avatar.. Is that the ISI insignia?? Classy
Well there is no particular insignia only the official one is known to public. It has many other insignia and this could be one of them.

BTW in this insignia the animal is Markhor. Its a National Animal of Pakistan and a snake in its mouth.

It eats snakes. Its name also means same Mar=Snake, Khor=Eater. So Markhor=Snake Eater.
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Cant see a reason for why not ? Suppose if it is about thorium research i guess the authorities must have felt the need for Indian expertise in the field..

Difficult. SL has thorium reserves. Makes more sense to go in for Thorium reactors. And the future of nuclear energy as visualised today is Thorium.

India’s nuclear developers have designed an Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) specifically as a means for ‘burning’ thorium – this will be the final phase of their three-phase nuclear energy infrastructure plan (see below). The reactor will operate with a power of 300 MWe using thorium-plutonium or thorium-U-233 seed fuel in mixed oxide form. It is heavy water moderated (& light water cooled) and will eventually be capable of self-sustaining U-233 production. In each assembly 30 of the fuel pins will be Th-U-233 oxide, arranged in concentric rings. About 75% of the power will come from the thorium. Construction of the pilot AHWR is envisaged in the 12th plan period to 2017, for operation about 2022.

For export, India has also designed an AHWR300-LEU which uses low-enriched uranium as well thorium in fuel, dispensing with plutonium input. About 39% of the power will come from thorium .

Read this also NEI Nuclear Notes: Sri Lanka Takes a Look at Thorium
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Difficult. SL has thorium reserves. Makes more sense to go in for Thorium reactors. And the future of nuclear energy as visualised today is Thorium.

India’s nuclear developers have designed an Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) specifically as a means for ‘burning’ thorium – this will be the final phase of their three-phase nuclear energy infrastructure plan (see below). The reactor will operate with a power of 300 MWe using thorium-plutonium or thorium-U-233 seed fuel in mixed oxide form. It is heavy water moderated (& light water cooled) and will eventually be capable of self-sustaining U-233 production. In each assembly 30 of the fuel pins will be Th-U-233 oxide, arranged in concentric rings. About 75% of the power will come from the thorium. Construction of the pilot AHWR is envisaged in the 12th plan period to 2017, for operation about 2022.

For export, India has also designed an AHWR300-LEU which uses low-enriched uranium as well thorium in fuel, dispensing with plutonium input. About 39% of the power will come from thorium .

Read this also NEI Nuclear Notes: Sri Lanka Takes a Look at Thorium

:tup:.. Makes sense
we can help in plutonium we r masters in it and possibly best in South Asia.
Sri Lanka is looking for electricity, not the "Bum". Don't tell me Pakistan can help anybody in electricity generation, when they can't even help themselves. Best in S Asia in the field of energy generation? Yeah, right.

Sri Lanka is looking for electricity, not the "Bum". Don't tell me Pakistan can help anybody in electricity generation, when they can't even help themselves. Best in S Asia in the field of energy generation? Yeah, right.

LOL as if u can help. Even in yr biggest city Mumbai's post area are endorsed to a 2 hr long blackouts.:rofl:
And yr saying we r delusional.
LOL even with these energy crisis we dont have 10 times a day.
No, but you have continous load sheddding for more than 12 hours a day. So it is simply not possible to have that ten times a day, because there aren't so many hours in a day.

A country facing the worst energy crisis in S Asia bragging about being the best in energy production - there has to be a limit to delusion, even for Pakistanis.

Here are the testimonies of your countrypeople over the past few days. Read through it, if the power in your home lasts long enough:

Loadshedding 12-14 hours, your area?
No, but you have continous load sheddding for more than 12 hours a day. So it is simply not possible to have that ten times a day, because there aren't so many hours in a day.

A country facing the worst energy crisis in S Asia bragging about being the best in energy production - there has to be a limit to delusion, even for Pakistanis.

Here are the testimonies of your countrypeople over the past few days. Read through it, if the power in your home lasts long enough:

Loadshedding 12-14 hours, your area?
In simple words no. I dont know how leader has came to this conclusion.
In simple words no. I dont know how leader has came to this conclusion.

u got to back off man when u know u are lying through ur teeth.
everyone knows the status of electricity generation in pakistan so just cut the crap,okay
In simple words no. I dont know how leader has came to this conclusion.
It's not a conclusion, it's a testimony. And it's not just Leader making it. Go through the thread, as I said.

Oh and all your newspapers and prime minister also confirm it, so please don't come here and lie to us. Today's news:

PM directs ministry to present plan for reducing power cuts | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

The urban areas of the country are facing up to 12-hour long load shedding while rural areas are dealing with 16-hour long power outages.

Monitoring of generation, loadshedding begins - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

PM directs power ministry to reduce loadshedding | Pakistan Today

Load shedding of 10-16 hours is taking place in cities across Pakistan with power outages of up to 20 hours reported in Charsadda.

PM terms power load-shedding as unacceptable


u got to back off man when u know u are lying through ur teeth.
everyone knows the status of electricity generation in pakistan so just cut the crap,okay

He has backed off, not because he didn't want to keep lying, but because he lost power.:rofl:

He will be back several hours later to say that there are no power cuts.
It's not a conclusion, it's a testimony. And it's not just Leader making it. Go through the thread, as I said.

Oh and all your newspapers and prime minister also confirm it, so please don't come here and lie to us. Today's news:

PM directs ministry to present plan for reducing power cuts | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

Monitoring of generation, loadshedding begins - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

PM directs power ministry to reduce loadshedding | Pakistan Today

PM terms power load-shedding as unacceptable


He has backed off, not because he didn't want to keep lying, but because he lost power.:rofl:

He will be back several hours later to say that there are no power cuts.
Oh duffer we dont face any 10hr loadshadding where i live.
It's not a conclusion, it's a testimony. And it's not just Leader making it. Go through the thread, as I said.

Oh and all your newspapers and prime minister also confirm it, so please don't come here and lie to us. Today's news:

PM directs ministry to present plan for reducing power cuts | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

Monitoring of generation, loadshedding begins - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

PM directs power ministry to reduce loadshedding | Pakistan Today

PM terms power load-shedding as unacceptable


He has backed off, not because he didn't want to keep lying, but because he lost power.:rofl:

He will be back several hours later to say that there are no power cuts.


Oh duffer we dont face any 10hr loadshadding where i live.

9 then??:angel:
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