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India Sponsored Terrorism in Bangladesh

Notorious criminals of Dhaka's underworld seek safe haven across the border.

What are they doing there?

How are Dhaka's 'top terrors' in Kolkata faring? The daily routine of one of these characters is pretty much like this: An hour's morning walk from 5 am to 6 am. Breakfast and another sleep session till noon. Then it's straight to the city in his chauffeur-driven Mahendra jeep. The marathon adda begins, gossiping and chatting with buddies of the same ilk at hotels and bus counters along Sadar Street, Park Street, Marquis Street ... in between, calls to and from Dhaka are made through the cell or from a public phone booth. Daily phone bills are astronomical -- around 10 thousand taka on average.

Next comes a shopping spree -- expensive shirts, trousers, gifts from the classier malls. Lunch at a choice restaurant and back to the flat in the evening. He pays about 5000 to 6000 rupees as monthly rent for the flat. It's well furnished, complete with TV, fridge and other amenities. Before he'd prepare his own meal at night, but now his wife cooks a delicious meal for him. Then the entire night is spent watching TV and movies -- that's the routine of a certain 'top terror' from Dhaka.

He is known by his acquaintances in Kolkata as 'Shubhra Dada'. He commands their respect and wields considerable clout there. This is none other that Dhaka's notorious criminal Trimati Subrata Bain. He features high on Bangladesh police's list of 23 'most wanted' criminals. While he makes frequent trips to Dhaka, he is more or less a permanent resident of Kolkata now. In fear of being killed in 'crossfire', Subrata Bain, alias Fateh Ali, has now settled in Kolkata with wife and children.

Safe haven for Bangladesh's criminals

Bangladesh's top criminals have found a safe haven in Nadia, Bongaon, Dumdum, Teghatia. Thakurpukur and Kolkata of the Indian state of West Bengal. When law enforcers turn tough or the criminals commit any serious crime here, they simply cross the border, legally or illegally. They take refuge in familiar haunts there, sheltered by official and unofficial 'protectors'.

Kolkata is a great favourite among these felons. This is nothing new. Ever since independence this has been a 'safe house' for those wanted this side of the border. After Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was killed in 1975, Kader Siddiqui fled the country with his group, setting up home and hearth in Bardwan. Since then the list of persons crossing over for refuge has been long -- Auranga, Golam Faruk Ovi, Major Muzaffar (accused in the Zia killing case), just to name a few. Prominent among the present 'absconders' are Jainul Hazari and Shamim Osman. Recently Mrinal, a left-wing 'terror' from Satkhira was killed in Nadia.

Investigations reveal that many of the terrorists have changed their names to avoid the law enforcers there and stay at various hotels and rented houses. However, a number of the top terrors are living in the lap of luxury there, under patronage of Indian police and intelligence wing. In exchange, they carry out various 'assignments' back in Bangladesh. It is reported that several bomb blasts and killings are all part and parcel of these assignments.

Further investigations reveal that many of these criminals are issued ID cards by the agency or the police so that they can roam around freely and safely. Then again, if problems crop up, sometimes the police snatch away the ID cards, tear them up and arrest the criminals. But the criminals are no fools. They keep several copies of the ID cards so if one is destroyed they simply pull out another. Two of the top criminals, though, are enjoying full safety under shelter of the intelligence there -- these are 'Shubra' and Joy. They are living in style.

Who are in Kolkata?

Other than the 'most wanted' criminals, there are several disreputable members of Bangladesh's underworld in and around Kolkata. The list is long -- Subrata Bain, Tanveerul Islam Joy, 'Nengra' Tajgir, Mollah Masud, Imon, Tutul, Bikash, Harris (leader of the infamous 'Harris Bahini'), former commission Fazlur Rahman Babul, Monir (brother of Pintu MP), Aga Mithu of Narayanganj and others. They all have several passports. Kolkata's money changers help them is getting these passports.

Kala Jahangir, dead of alive?

Kala Jahangir -- the name stands is synonymous with killing and extortion in Dhaka. Hailing from Bogra, Jahangir's family lives in Mirpur where his mother is a school teacher. His brother is an army officer. Kala Jahangir is the black sheep of the family. Though he has been out of the country for long, his associates still carry out extortion relentlessly, collecting lacs of taka in his name everyday.
Kala Jahangir presently is residing in Kolkata, according to reports. However, there are two rumours about him. Some of his close associates say he has gone off to Australia. The other rumour is that either on March 22 or April 22, 2004, he was apprehended by police in Bombay, brought to Kolkata where he was shot dead by the police and then taken by helicopter and dumped into the Ganges. However, sources say that these rumours are the brainchild of none other than the wily Kala Jahangir himself. Then again, many of the Bangladesh criminals in Kolkata say that they haven't seen him for quite some time and have no contact with him at all.

Mollah Masud

Mollah Masud is a close associate of Kala Jahangir. He was a member of the Seven Star group. He studied at a madrassah for some time and so earned his 'Mollah' nickname. When the movement against Golam Azam had reached a peak in Bangladesh, Mollah Masud had reportedly been given an assignment to assassinate the Jamaat leader. But Mollah disappeared into thin air. Ironically, after a brief period he himself was seen following Golam Azam around as his bodyguard! Then he went underground once again, becoming one of the top terrorists of the country.

Dhaka's 'top terrors'

Dhaka's 'top terrors' involved in abduction, ransom and extortion include Sweden Aslam, Subrata Bain, Kala Jahangir, Mollah Masud, Imon, Titon, Prakash, Bikash, Arman, Pichchi Helal, Joseph, Kamal Pasha, Leather Liton, Junior Hannan, Senior Hannan, Liaqat Hossain, Tanvirul Islam Joy, Mukul, Manik, Mamun, Lengra Tajgir, Killer Abbas, Tokai Sagar, '[moderated]' Selim, Rasu, Imam, Dipu Chowdhury, Harris, Aga Shamim, Kala Khokan, Tutul, Munna, Ashiq Abdullah and others.

Though he is in India at the moment, Mollah Masud hasn't set up permanent residence anywhere. One day he is in Kolkata another in Nadia. Last year he married a girl from a poor family in Nadia. Many of Dhaka's top terrors attended the extravagant wedding. Masud and Subrata are close to each other, but they never live in the same house together. Subrata finds it safer to stay separate. Wherever he goes, Masud rents a flat and stays there. Masud loves his adda, drinks like a fish and stays up late watching TV. He used to cook for himself, but now his wife does the job.

Joy's tale

Tanvirul Islam Joy is the most stylish of the terrors, enjoying the high life to the full. Protected by agency benefactors there, he lives a life of sheer glitz and glamour. He has a flat at Goriahat and has two chauffeur-driven vehicles -- a sky blue Mahendra jeep and a Suzuki Zen. He uses one and the other is for his wife and two daughters. His elder daughter is 15 and younger seven. Both study at Kolkata. Joy's earnings come from his dealings with the diamond smuggling network in Kolkata. He is also in close contact with Dhaka's gold smugglers. His favourite hangouts are at Kolkata New Market and Trinker's Bar near Park Hotel. He hardly ever comes to Dhaka.

Joy has a good family background and would live in Dhaka's Kalabagan area. After completing studies in India, he had gone off to the US. He made a lot of money through his business dealings there. When Sheikh Hasina would visit America, he would give her his limousine to use. During Awami League's rule, he returned to Bangladesh and came closer to Awami League. At the same time he began dabbling in the crime world. Joy then married his maternal uncle's wife. His aunt/wife was close to Sheikh Hasina and through her Joy got to know the Awami League chief. Joy had the same birthday as Hasina's own son Joy and so Hasina would often introduce him as her son. Joy didn't lose the opportunity to cash in on this and at various places would introduce himself as Hasina's son. Joy is more known in Dhaka as an extortionist rather than a killer. He is 5 ft 7 in tall, fair in complexion and remains rather aloof from the other Bangladesh criminals there. Close to where Joy lives in Goriahat, lives Shamim Osman's cadre Aga Mithu, a 'terror' of Narayanganj.

Sources reveal that the three disreputable sons of former Chief Whip Abul Hasnat Abdullah live with a distant aunt in Kolkata now. They spend most of their time playing snooker at their hangout near Jamuna cinema hall in Marquis Street. Ashiq Abdullah occasionally comes to Dhaka.

About Subrata Bain

Subrata Bain comes from a very poor family of Barisal. He would live with his parents in Maghbazar, Dhaka. His mother was a school teacher. JSD Chhatra League's Murad was killed by the Subrata Bahini in a feud over a stall at the Bishal Centre in Maghbazar. This was Subrata's first murder, the last being the killing of Murgi Milon. Subrata has been staying in West Bengal since the period of the last caretaker government. He was first at Teghria, then Dumdum and then at Thakurpukur. He is now at Kolkata. He comes often to Dhaka, his last visit being in June. Investigations reveal that during Awami League's rule while Subrata was in jail, his wife joined hands with Tikkapara's terrorist Ashiq and planned to kill Subrata. Subrata divorced his wife upon his release from jail. He has a son and a daughter from this wife. His daughter is 14 and son, who is mute, is 12 years old. Subrata has an eighteen-month-old baby girl with his second wife. His daughter from his first marriage lives with Subrata's mother in Maghbazar. The son lives in Kolkata with him.

'Most wanted' 23 top terrors'

The list of criminals drawn up during Awami League's time were alleged to be mostly pro-BNP elements. This list was followed during the caretaker rule of Justice Latifur Rahman and even during the present rule, that list was used to shortlist 23 of the 'most wanted' top terrorists. So there are not many pro-Awami League criminals in this list. These most wanted terrors include Subrata Bain, Mollah Masud, Lengra Tajgir, Joy, Ashiq Abdullah, Kala Jahangir, Aga Shamim, Imam, Rasu, Tokai Sagar, Killer Abbas, Alauddin (killed), Liaqat Hossain, Pichchi Hannan (killed), Junior Hannan, Kamal Pasha, Prakash, Bikash, Pichchi Helal, Harris, Joseph and others.

While in jail, Subrata would converse at length with an African Muslim inmate. He converted to Islam and took the name of Fateh Ali. Since then Subrata prayers regularly and fasts every Friday. He always carries a tasbih (prayer beads) with him. Over 40 years of age now, Subrata never stays at one place for very long. he has at least eight to ten different shelters in Kolkata. He spends one night in a clinic, another night at a rail station and so on. He even dons a disguise at times. When in Dhaka, he goes around on a rickshaw van, adept at evading the police.

He regularly is in contact with Dhaka over the phone and makes about 50 to 60 lac taka a month over here. This is mostly through commissions and extortion. He has about a hundred paid workers in Dhaka. They are paid from 10 thousand to 30 thousand taka a month each.

Concerning the source of income for the King of the Underworld, Subrata Bain, it is said that when Kolkata's smugglers and hundi dealers need muscle to extract payment from their debtors in Dhaka, they turn to Subrata. He picks up the phone and issues instructions to his Dhaka minions. His minions carry out the work, send the money through underhand channels to Dhaka and Subrata skims off a handsome commission. In the same manner, Dhaka's businessmen collect their dues from Kolkata through Subrata.
Where are the top terrors?'

The top terrors of the city who are presently in jail are Haris, Sweden Aslam, Titon, Bikash, Pichchi Helal, Joseph, Kamal Pasha, Leather Liton, Liaqat Hossain, Mamun, Killer Abbas, Khorshed Alam and Rasu. The fugitives within the country are Dipu Chowdhury, Imon, Junior Hannan, Manik and Imam. Tokai Sagar and '[moderated]' Selim are in the US, In India are Subrata Bain, Tanvirul Joy, Lengra Tajgir, Mollah Masud, Kala Jahangir, Aga Shamim, Tutul, Mukul, Prakash, Ashiq Abdullah and his two brothers. Terrors Alauddin and Kala Faruk were killed by the police while Pichchi Hannan was killed in RAB crossfire. Top terror Senior Hannan presently runs a business at Eastern Plaza. Subrata has bought a 50-bigha plot of land in Nadia where he has made a pond and has a fish farm. Mollah Masud is in charge of this presently.

According to the apprehended Armaan, an Indian intelligence agency had first given Subrata the assignment to carry out the August 21 grenade attack. Then Joy carried out the August operation through his associate Mukul. It is alleged that Subrata has strong sources among Dhaka's law enforcers, enabling to dodge the authorities easily and visit Dhaka quite safely.

About the Seven Star group

During the Awami League rule, the Seven Star group came into being, concentrating on the gold smuggling business at the airport. The airport is mostly used to smuggle in gold and various criminal rings are used to transport the gold to various spots. At one time Tokai Sagar, Murgi Milon and '[moderated]' Selim would run this business. Later this was taken over by Liaqat Hossain, Senior Hannan and Auranga. The Seven Star group emerged as their rivals. Members of this group were Subrata, Joy, Tokai Sagar, Mollah Masud, Tikka, '[moderated]' Selim and Chanchal (who was later killed by the Pichchi Hannan group). During Awami League's rule, the Seven Star group was the most organised and daring terror group around. Murgi Milan was killed over internal feuds and power struggle.

Seven Star's internal feuding began towards the end of the Awami League rule. Subrata would go on any operation himself. He would carry out most of the operations over telephone. Tikka, Mollah Masud and Chanchal would be out at the front. But Subrata would get the lion's share of the commission as well as credit for the operation's success. This irked Joy who took up separate operations with Tikka, making money and procuring arms through extortion, mugging and other criminal activities. Thus a separate Seven Star faction was formed. During the last caretaker government, quarters within the group began eyeing Subrata as close to BNP and so the internal conflict grew. The seven terrors of the group began operating individually, drawing an end to the Seven Stars. However, no killings took place among the group members themselves.

At the same time the Five Star group was formed by Old Dhaka's terrorist Aga Shamim over the control of Dhaka City Corporation contracts. It is now more or less inert. Aga Shamim is one of the listed 23 most wanted terrorists of the country.

Paritosh Paul writes from Kolkata:

An eight-member police team headed by Additional Inspector General of Bangladesh Police, Shahidullah Khan, arrived in Kolkata on an undisclosed mission on June 21, 2005. Officially they have come to gain experience in improving the effectiveness of the Bangladesh police force and to get training tips from the West Bengal police. They stayed at Kolkata for three days only. The composition of the team was very interesting -- Khuda Buksh Chowdhry, DG, Passport and Immigration; Khan Syed Hasan, Commissioner of Khulna Metropolitan Police; Yasmeen Kafar, Special Inspector of Police, Special Branch and four others. They met Prasun Mukherjee, Commissioner of Kolkata Police and others. During discussions, the Bangladesh police officials mentioned that Kolkata and its adjoining areas had become the home of many dreaded Bangladeshi criminals. Bangladesh police also informed their counterparts that whenever there is any special drive to nab the criminals, they come to Kolkata and take shelter in the area near the border or district towns.
'Most wanted' 23 top terrors'

While most of the crime 'connoisseurs' have fixed territories with an unspoken 'honor among thieves' code - not infringing upon each others' strong holds, some criminals don't bother about such finer points and do as they please, where they please. In general, the top terrors have their respective territories as thus:

Subrata Bain Nayatola, Maghbazar
JoyKalabagan, Green Road, Panthapath, Sobhanbagh and certain
Sweden AslamFarmgate, New DOHS, Rajabazar, Testuribazar, Kawran Bazar
Pichchi HelalMohammedpur
Pichchi Hannan (killed)Kathalbagan, Kawran Bazar, Hatirpool, Elephant Road
Leather Liton and Titon Hazaribagh, Rayerbazar, Jhigatola
Khurshed Alam RasuSiddeshwari
ImonDhanmondi, Rayerbazar, Mohammedpur
Killer AbbasMirpur
Kala JahangirMirpur, Cantonment
Commissioner Shahadat (killed) Jurain, Postgola, Gandaria (Kala Jahangir killed Commissioner Shahadat for Shahid Commissioner. With Shahid Commissioner in jail, Kala Jahangir took charge of Jurain, Postgola and Gandaria)
Aga ShamimOld Dhaka
Liaqat, HannanEskaton, Mouchak, Maghbazar, Bangla Motor

A few days ago an English daily of Kolkata reported, quoting a source, that a top criminal, Prakash, has been staying in Kolkata since 1997. The newspaper also reported that Shahidur Rahman, another most wanted criminal of Dhaka, led an easy life for almost 20 years before the Kolkata police recently arrested him. He opened a travel agency, married twice and now even owns a house in Kolkata. Quoting the source, the newspaper wrote that Shubhro, heading the Seven Star group, a terrorist organisation in Bangladesh, has holed up in Kolkata.

Internal feuds'

The criminals invariably feud among themselves over extortion money, territories, power, sharing the spoils, etc. There is no trust among themselves and most have bodyguards on vigil round the clock. Top terrors Subrata and Joy face enmity from Liaqat and the crime guru Auranga. Subrata has conflict with Imon and Kala Jahangir as well. Sweden Aslam's sworn enemies are Liaqat, Auranga and the Hannan group. Imon, Titon and Ashiq Abdullah are united in crime and have no conflict among each other. In fact, they are related to each other, Imon having married Titon's sister and Ashiq Abdullah having married Imon's sister. However, Ashiq recently has divorced his wife.


Note: this is old article but goes to show indian history of sheltering terrors
From the book




RAW is actively pursuing its agenda to disintegrate Bangladesh. They always remain in search of an issue for fulfilling their objective. Since there is no division amongst masses with regards to language, ethnicity and culture, RAW has been relying upon religious differences to initiate and develop separatist movements in the country. Bangabhumi is the proposed name of a homeland for the Hindus who had migrated to India from East Bengal in the past. It is stated that one and half crore Hindus uprooted from the basins of Rivers Padma, Meghna and Madhumati who were forced to leave the area on account of economic deprivation and communal riots, now claim to have a right to settle in their own motherland. The state is planned to comprise of the districts of greater Khulna, Jessore, Kushtia, Faridpur, Barisal and Patuakhali of Bangladesh.

The start of Bangbhumi movement was announced on August 15, 1977. Its office is located in Ramlal Bazar of South Calcutta. The organisation styled itself as 'Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha' (All Bengal Citizen's Organisation). Mr. Sri Partha Samanta is the President and Mr. Kalidas Vaidya is the General Secretary of the Organisation. On March 25, 1982 'Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha' officially declared the formation of 'Bangabhumi'inside the territory of Bangladesh.Besides forming the 'Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha',RAW has also set up some paper organisations i.e., 'Bangla Liberation Organisation' styled on the pattern of 'Palestine Liberation Organisation' and 'Liberation Tigers of Bengal'on the pattern of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elarn.
Before we expose RAW's support to the Bangabhumi activists, it is pertinent to analyze rationale of their demand. It is a known fact that after partition in 1947 Hindus had the option to settle either in Pakistan or migrate to India. While many Hindus stayed back in the then East Pakistan, many others migrated to India. Likewise many Muslims left India and migrated to Pakistan. Such migrations were final and cannot be revoked on any pretext' now. The question arises that on what pretext RAW wants to create a separate homeland for Hindus who had migrated to India voluntarily at their own will from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1947. During the united Pakistan, and even prior to 1977, such a preposterous claim was never raised. Such an attempt amounts to interference in the independence, sovereignty and regional integrity of Bangladesh.

The total area of proposed Bangbhumi comes to 20 thousand square miles which is more than one third of the total area 'of Bangladesh. The border of Bangabhumi runs in the north along River Padma, in the east along River Meghna,in the west along India-Banglade'sh border and in the south along the Bay of Bengal. The declared capital of the s.tate is at Samantanager (Mukti Bhaban or Freedom House) which has no apparent exi~tence. According to reliable sources Samantanager is nom de plum for Bangabhumi HQ established in a house named 'Sunny Villa' in Bhabanipur, Calcutta. This house is owned by Mr. Chittaranjan Sutar, a famous RAW agent. 'Sunny Villa' had once played a pioneering role in organising activities for disintegration of Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh. That very Sunny Villa is again active and is being utilised this time for disintegr,ating Bangladesh. The reason is that Bangladesh has declined to bow before Indian designs thus it ought to be taught a lesson.

The flag of proposed Bangabhumi state comprises of one third green colour and the two third of saffron colour. In the middle of the saffron colour is the white sun. On the top of the stand is' a circle. The National Anthem is the faIrlous song of poet Dijendra Lal Roy: 'Dhana Dhanye Pushpe Bhara, Arnader Ei Basundhara'. (This land of ours filled with crops and flowers). The National Symbol is depicted by a green circle in another saffron coloured circle with word 'Sri', (Symbol of beauty and prosperity) written in the saffron circle. The state policy proposed to be adopted ~s non-communal and humanism. The name of propsed radio station is 'Bangabani' keeping in line with 'Akashvani' and its' call s-ign is 'Joy Banga' in line with 'Jai Hind' of India.

An armed wing of the organisation named 'Bangasena' has also been formed. The Commander of this armed force is Mr Kalidas Vaidya. The main organiser and trainer of Bangasena is Arun Ghosh. The only condition for enlistment in 'Bangasena' is that the recruit should be a resident or had been a resident or born in East Bengal. If either of the answers is in affirmative then he is considered eligible to be enlisted in 'Bangasena'. The daily Anandabazar Patrika of Calcutta, while writing about ''Bangasena' reported, 'The majority mempers of this Bangasena which is a voluntary force lack any plitical consciousness. They are utterly communal in their outlook, semiliterate and very emotional(Daily Anandabazar : September 13, 1989).

RAW has deliberately recruited Hindu fanatics and extremists in the organisation so that it is easy to get any mischief done from them. However, the experts say that though Bangasena apparently comprises of riff raffs of Calcutta, but many former officers and personnel of the Indian Armed Forces are also working behind the scene.The supporters and activists of Bangabhumi had threatened to enter into Bangladesh from India many times in the past. But all their attempts failed. In Bangladesh they had circulated posters and publicity material printed in India through agents of RAW. Many such posters, leaflets and pamphlets were seized by police from Naryanganj, Kushtia, Jessore, Khulna and Barisal.

Besides, police also seized many so called flags of Bangabhumi which the agents of RAW had smuggled from India for hoisting on Government buildings. However, the RAW agents did manage to hoist Bangabhumi flag at three places in Tala Thana of Jessore. But the local people and the police immediately seized the flags.Bangabhumi leaders also sent letters to the Deputy Commissioners and other senior officers of the area threatening them to ex-communicate with Government of Bangladesh by March 23, 1985 and owe their allegiance to the so called Bangabhumi Government failing which they will be killed alongwith their families.

To create harqssment amongst Bangladeshis of this region and to attract international news media, RAW provoked its agents to launch an ,attack on the office of the Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Calcutta (April 11, 1994). The agents of RAW justified their actiQn by saying that since Bangabhumi has come into being, therefore, they were justified to own .and occupy Bangladeshi Mission in Calcutta. They attacked building of Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in presence of Indian police, entered into the premises of the Mission and hoisted the flag of so called Bangabhumi. . RAW had enacted similar drama through its agents at the office of the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi on August 15, 1984.

RAW wants to create disturbances, terrorism and communal trouble in Banladesh on the plea of Bangabhumi movement. The agents of 'Bangasena' who are armed with mo~ern weapons are looki"ng for an opportunity to infiltrate into Bangladesh. Thereafter they will create such conditions in the region through blood letting and rioting that India may be justified to march in its regular Armed Forces into the area to establish 'peace and order'. That is how Indians are ultimately planning to separate western part of Bangladesh. However, this is a long term plan. For the time being, the Bangasena is being nurtured by RAW to function as a pressure group to compel Bangladesh to adopt a Pro-India policy. Nevertheless they are being prepared for the fore mentioned greater objective to be pursued in due course. After all RAW is not an orphan house that it will keep spending crores of rupees on such organisations without any ultimate aim in view.
Indian truck seized after 'explosives offloaded'

Our Correspondent, Jessore

Intelligence personnel yesterday seized an Indian truck suspected to have brought explosives into Bangladesh at Chhoto Anchara near Benapole land port.

On information, the intelligence men raided the area and seized the truck but could not capture anyone or any explosives substance.

The intelligence people suspect gelignite, a gel like explosive, was offloaded from the truck, sources said.

The truck, Indian registration plate of which was replaced with a fake Bangladeshi one, was handed over to Bangladesh Rifles.

A source said Rashid Uddin, sub-inspector of Benapole Port Police Station, asked the BDR to release the truck. A superintendent of police from Dhaka had asked the police station for the vehicle's release, the SI explained.

The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 543
You were "appalled" with your country because the government wouldn't give you free broadband as you stated in another thread :what: Now what makes you "more appalled of" your country? :rolleyes:

Seems like he is wasting too much money in dial up connection :disagree:
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unite each victim up and contain india while developing your strength, that is the way to win a long term combat
unite each victim up and contain india while developing your strength, that is the way to win a long term combat

You still giving advice to Bangladeshis on how to destroy India? :rofl:

Stop wasting your time man. The Bangladesh government is flushing out our terrorists and you guys here go :blah::blah::blah: about big old bad India. I did not even read this thread but looking at your comment I know exactly what this thread is about. Now be a good boy and stop filling our Bangladeshi neighbours with your hatred of India. They are good neighbours who help us remove the vermin from their territory. Go find somebody else to troll on India with :wave:
Indian truck seized after 'explosives offloaded'

Our Correspondent, Jessore

Intelligence personnel yesterday seized an Indian truck suspected to have brought explosives into Bangladesh at Chhoto Anchara near Benapole land port.

On information, the intelligence men raided the area and seized the truck but could not capture anyone or any explosives substance.

The intelligence people suspect gelignite, a gel like explosive, was offloaded from the truck, sources said.

The truck, Indian registration plate of which was replaced with a fake Bangladeshi one, was handed over to Bangladesh Rifles.

A source said Rashid Uddin, sub-inspector of Benapole Port Police Station, asked the BDR to release the truck. A superintendent of police from Dhaka had asked the police station for the vehicle's release, the SI explained.

The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 543
Shucks ..... Just missed. Damn this alert BD intelligence.
You still giving advice to Bangladeshis on how to destroy India? :rofl:

Stop wasting your time man. The Bangladesh government is flushing out our terrorists and you guys here go :blah::blah::blah: about big old bad India. I did not even read this thread but looking at your comment I know exactly what this thread is about. Now be a good boy and stop filling our Bangladeshi neighbours with your hatred of India. They are good neighbours who help us remove the vermin from their territory. Go find somebody else to troll on India with :wave:

well you should have read this thread before you posting this Bangali-friend post. For your information this thread was started by a neighbour of yours, half posts are by Bangali members and all claim rightly that your country is supporting rebellion in Bangladesh. By the way whats so much surprising in it? Ain't india doing this same thing to China, Pakistan and Srilanka? You people are always interfering with others whereas you can't handle the 100 seperatist movements inside your own country.

Go find somebody else to troll on :blah::blah:India with troll bewares others of troll.:lol:

Contradiction is in everywhere, here some Indian fighting among them self, elsewhere there a some disputes between BD members.
Notorious criminals of Dhaka's underworld seek safe haven across the border.

What are they doing there?


Note: this is old article but goes to show indian history of sheltering terrors

I-Puke : I have it to give it to you. Your slimy crap does occassionaly get under one's skin.

Just a suggestion, next time maybe try some neutral source... How about this ?

Reporters Sans Frontières

Or this about Jamat :
Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) , South Asia Terrorism Portal
The Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) is reported to have been formed in 1998 in the Jamalpur district.

While the exact origin is shrouded in mystery, its existence came to notice on May 20, 2002 with the arrest of eight Islamist militants at Parbatipur in the Dinajpur district along with 25 petrol bombs and documents detailing the outfit's activities. Subsequently, on February 13, 2003, the JMB is reported to have carried out seven bomb explosions in the Chhoto Gurgola area of Dinajpur town in which three persons were wounded.

On August 17, 2005, while claiming responsibility for the serial blasts through leaflets, in Bangla and Arabic, left at the site of the explosions across the country, the JMB said: "We're the soldiers of Allah. We've taken up arms for the implementation of Allah's law the way Prophet, Sahabis and heroic Mujahideen have done for centuries… It is time to implement Islamic law in Bangladesh. There is no future with man-made law."

The JMB has grown primarily due to the nonchalant attitude of the Government and partly because of the official promotion. For instance, the eight JMB cadres arrested from Parbatipur on May 30, 2002 were subsequently released on bail and investigations were stalled after the case documents went missing in a "mysterious" fire at the Parbatipur police station.

The outfit's growth received a boost after the Bangladesh National Party-led coalition Government under Prime Minister Khaleda Zia came to power in 2001. Many members of the JMB and JMJB have invariably been found to be cadres of the Islami Chhatra Shibir (ICS), student wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami, a partner in the ruling coalition. Such unbroken linkages with the Jamaat-e-Islami have helped the outfit immensely not just in terms of unhindered growth but also in terms providing relief in the event of intermittent official action. Following the August 17, 2005 developments, during which the outfit carried out serial blasts in 63 of the 64 Districts in the country, international pressure grew on the government forcing it to take action against the outfit

In 2003, decoded diaries of some arrested Islamist militants is reported to have revealed that the outfit had training camps in 57 districts with bases at the Ahle Hadith mosques and seminaries. "They have well-equipped training stations in all the 16 northern and some southern districts, and small stations in other districts where they operate," the then Inspector of Joypurhat Criminal Investigation Department, Khalilur Rahman, had told The Daily Star.
well you should have read this thread before you posting this Bangali-friend post. For your information this thread was started by a neighbour of yours, half posts are by Bangali members and all claim rightly that your country is supporting rebellion in Bangladesh. By the way whats so much surprising in it? Ain't india doing this same thing to China, Pakistan and Srilanka? You people are always interfering with others whereas you can't handle the 100 seperatist movements inside your own country.

Go find somebody else to troll on :blah::blah:India with troll bewares others of troll.:lol:


Yup a few Bangalis with pcs start a thread claiming that India is the cause of their problems. A few Pakistanis jump in and encourage them. One Malaysian who continously bashes India on this forum with his or her laughable trolls joins in. And in the meantime Bangladeshi intelligence and police are ejecting the enemies of India and handing them over. I would say that the official positon and attitude of that nation's government speaks for itself. Would Bangladesh enter into a period of co operation with India if India was a threat to her stability :what:

Now coming back to you. This recent rants of India supporting Pakistan terrorism seems to be a guilty conscience on your part or your nation's part. Make no mistake about it, if India is proven to be responsible for the death of even one innocent Pakistani civilian through terrorism I would feel equally disgusted as I felt about those hundreds of Indians who died through Pakistani state sponsored terrorism.

Finally is it a case of a troll recognising another troll ? :what:

KIT OVER ..whatever that means
Shucks ..... Just missed. Damn this alert BD intelligence.

Stumper,That news is dated 2005.The news is very much possible to be true,as JMB was quite active in those days.And executed JMB leader had confessed that the supply of bomb making materials came from India.However, this particular case does not show state sponsored terrorism like the Shanti Bahini incident.
These could have been supplied by terrorists in India.May be Indian Hujis or other nutjobs.
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