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India speeds up efforts to make full use of Indus River

Pakistan may have to invade Northern India.

Not because Pakistan wants to but because it may have no other choice.

Wait for the next round of battle that will be fought on Water which will destroy India.

It is a fait accompli.
Jinke pyjame mein naada nahi hota, wo dono haathon se kushti nahi lada karte
Are you STILL looking for one ?

The irony of your statement is lost on most of the current generations.

And to those in whom the fire still burns/ed, the bodies have aged or have simply passed on.

There was a young man here some time ago, @That Guy , who was telling me how angry they were about Bangladesh.

I had told him then. If they had not lived through it, then they would never really know the meaning of true anger. The type that eats you away inside and leaves you a hollow shell. A shell that can do nothing about it. Guys like Musharraf and their generation. Tried, and lost.
How many times is immaterial.

Let me teach you a chapter out of Indian history. It took Zaheeruddin Babur 7 times to finally conquer India.

Eventually we will prevail and " phir tera kya bunayga, Kalia".....:cheesy:

Keep dreaming:smitten:.
As far the letter and spirit of the Treaty is maintained - what possibly can Pakistan complain about? From what I understand - Pakistan itself wastes a lot of the water. And when the Treaty was signed, Pak's population was 50 million - it is about 200 million now. Of course there will be lesser water per capital if you have not done anything.
India has accelerated its efforts to make full use of water from the Indus River and its tributaries, BBC Urdu reported on Thursday.

It quoted Indian officials as saying that New Delhi is looking to build large reservoirs and canals to store more and more water from the Indus, Chenab and Jhelum over the coming years. Most of the water from these three rivers is allotted to Pakistan under the Indus Waters Treaty.

India cannot annul Indus Waters Treaty: FO

Experts warn India’s efforts towards this end pose a serious threat for water security in Pakistan. Pakistan has already informed India of its serious reservations over the construction of two hydropower projects in the Indus basin. Pakistan has voiced its concerns that India may become capable of holding more than its just share as outlined in the Indus Waters Treaty.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has pointed out that the treaty was signed with the agreement of the two countries and no country can cancel it on its own and without the consent of the other.

Tens of millions of people in Pakistan are dependent on the waters of Indus River and its tributaries.

Indian officials say Delhi will take steps according to the rules and regulations of the treaty and use only the share of water India is allowed to utilise under the Indus Waters Treaty. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent rhetoric regarding the treaty, however, has set of alarm bells in Pakistan, with senior government figures warning that any move to violate the treaty will be considered an act of war. (TRANSLATED BY ARSHAD SHAHEEN)

Published in The Express Tribune, December 23rd, 2016.

False delusional indian bollywood fantasies above. indians can't do anything. As Pakistan already has a massive coastline to warm waters, the technology already exists to have access to sufficient suitable water supplies. It's the same reason why Israel no longer relies on Lebanon's Litani river:


We need to invest in the above technology to make Pakistan the Oasis/Paradise it deserves to be.

India is speeding its efforts to build dams while Pakistan is speeding up its efforts to defend king al Sharif corruption and welcoming a kutta from his self imposed exile. Talk about priorities and than we complain.

Pakistan needs to invest in the following technology:


The wholesome investment in the above could propel Pakistan's development to developed nation standards.
Useless nuclear dhamki incoming . Kardo ek do Dam nuke aur dub jao . Sabko aaram milega :D .
we don't need nuclear dhamki in 2016. we can handle you conventionally. No more 1:5 advantage. western from even in the past was equally balanced even when the number was 1:4.
in 2002 standoff. it was 1:1.4.
as a international River India has no right to dishonor others right to water . if India done it China too can divert water from India which also impact Bangladesh . as a neighbor we need to share our water for peace stability in the region .
As per international law no country has the right to back non state actors to harm neighbors citizens. Ever wondered there why international treaties have to be one sided only. We signed that agreement for peace only, not for our citizens getting shot while waiting for train at station or getting blown away in bits. We will follow all deals in same way, no partiality.
India has morphed from nehru and gnadhi's secular and non-violent india to ultra nationalist hindutva aspiring india. This country using water shennigans, terrorism, and diplomacy to corece Pakistan to giveup claim on Jammu and Kashmir and accept the status of Bhutan. This time had longed passed. Pakistan became a nuclear power 32 years ago, have now defeated India' proxy TTP BLA terrorists and on road to explosive development and prosperity with the start of CPEC.
India can do nothing to Pakistan whatsoever she may plan. Her no-bound-negativity will hurt her more. She will keep emplying chanakya machinations only to be backfired.
as a international River India has no right to dishonor others right to water . if India done it China too can divert water from India which also impact Bangladesh . as a neighbor we need to share our water for peace stability in the region .

First Bangladeshi member whom has mentioned China diverting Brahmaputra's water may affect Bangladesh as well. :tup:
India is digging its on grave !

India is planning a war at a time and day of its own choosing. India knows when it blocks the water supply it will be an act of war and Pakistan will have no choice but to declare war and fight for it's survival. The livelihood of 200 million Pakistanis will be at stake. Pakistan's enemies are silently arming India for that day with huge weapons shipments which are shifting the power balance in favour of India.
Let India spend billions on the reservoir all we need to do is use one bomb to blow it up so no need to alarm, It is an economic war let them make it and we need to waste those billions only. Destroying is easy than building. In the end an inquiry will be asked at UN and it will never be resolved.
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