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India soon to be ready for any missile attack


I did not get a word out of your post! Did you missed the introduction and conclusion? :hitwall::hitwall:

Well i'm sorry to hear that you didn't get a word out of it. :coffee:
I was referring to certain posts made here about a possible missile strike coming from (most likely) Pakistan, according to you people.
It all adds up to the paranoia of India being threatened constantly to be nuked by Pakistan.
And like I said, I don't think both countries are interested in any misadventures.
Why are you so nervous :lol: this news made you so insecure :rofl: are you Afraid that it will be now easier for India to divide Pakistan in pieces like it did in 1971??
if yes, then you are right..!! Beware :devil: no body knows India's secret policy ;)
Quite honestly india wont have any secret policies nor will implement it till PM Manmohan singh ji is heading the govt for sure....
The game goes on.
Pakistan will find ways to penetrate, India wil counter attack it etc.
True..India will find a way to counter attack. But India also find a way to attack Pakistan. India dosent need to "penetrate" because, once war breaks out and missiles are launched, Pakistan is just a sitting duck because it doesnot have any advanced missile defence system. At the most it has SAM systems to take out fighters.

Don't ever think you're completely safe, that's an illusion.
Ofcourse...but remember, the moment Pak fires a missile against India, you will be welcoming higher yield and higher number of missiles.
Oh behind the screen hero's take it easy and this goes for all members Pakistani & Indians... both nations see each other as a threat no doubt but both gov's need to start thinking about peace oterwise both will be sent back tot the stone age these are wars and wars with nukes we are talking about millions will die on both sides while you people are so joyful talking about wars shame on you seriously kill the hatered inside you and if you see a troll or two ignore them .You people need to start thinking about friendship & peace enjoy life spread love and kill the hatered be thankful to GOD for what you have rather then thinking about war this and that war etc really pathetic thats really a shame the mind set many of you carry and even if you deny it you know its true. Please for GOD's sake think about peace enough blood sheed has taken place let the children of tomm live in peace and let live so help us GOD.

P.S . Hence both nations are capable of defending them selves point given and taken and thats where it should end .
The game goes on.
Pakistan will find ways to penetrate, India wil counter attack it etc.

Don't ever think you're completely safe, that's an illusion.
Also it's funny to read certain comments of our Indian members, they're all obsessed and speculating IF and WHAT happens if they get struck by missiles.
Judging by the posts, I sometimes get the feeling Indians actually want to get struck by a missile from e.g. Pakistan, just to see how their country will retaliate.

Relax guys, don't get your pants on fire, play a strategy game or two on the computer to settle these nerves, but any real missile strike coming from India's neighbours is not on the agenda.. :coffee:

For sure,because technological advancement is completely evasive in nature.

Once we develop any shield,Pakistan will come with a counter sword,the cat and mouse game will continue on.

I want to also shed some light about anti balistic tech to my Indian friends here that how much layers of defense we had nothing is 100% accurate their is always a 1% of missing,which can become disastrous.We are still not sure how will this shields will respond against massive MIRV's.

And to my Pakistani friend's,all that India is doing for its security reason's,whatever should be the cost should not concern Pakistan,since we are developing it on our own money.

I saw some comments on an another tread were one macho man was calling India idiot because of the high amount we spent on arms,hypocrisy is not it,given if Pakistan also had the same money,economy and growth,it would also had done the same,given its spends more of its GDP on defense than India.

And to my
True..India will find a way to counter attack. But India also find a way to attack Pakistan. India dosent need to "penetrate" because, once war breaks out and missiles are launched, Pakistan is just a sitting duck because it doesnot have any advanced missile defence system. At the most it has SAM systems to take out fighters.

We already have 2nd Strike Capability. We don't need to find any. Shaurya Missile already deployed (Its Hypersonic), Few more 2nd strike missiles may be deployed. :) Arihant Nucleur Submarine with K-15,K-4,K-5 is next one.

Retaliation is not the problem. We have enough for Pakistan. We are adding more and more year by Year.

Only thing we need to do is ABM and SAM which we are doing currently.

Recently, We tested Prahar. (Prahar can be very deadly if It's used first against no ABM, May be Government will change it's Policy to "No Nuke Against Non-Nuclear country at appropriate time". ;) Also, As per Official Policy" Any Nuke attack even on border areas would be considered as Nuke attack on Nation" :azn:

We will have advantage on 1st or 2nd Strike. Both Way. (Although i would prefer 2nd Strike, As no Limitation is left afterwards)
Well i'm sorry to hear that you didn't get a word out of it. :coffee:
I was referring to certain posts made here about a possible missile strike coming from (most likely) Pakistan, according to you people.
It all adds up to the paranoia of India being threatened constantly to be nuked by Pakistan.
And like I said, I don't think both countries are interested in any misadventures.

I can say with a fair degree of certainty that India isn't interested in getting involved with Pakistan, as evident from the aftermath of Mumbai attacks and media speculation after the recent blasts in Mumbai. However, although you wont admit it, Pakistanis are simply obsessed with hatred for India and everything Indian. Every single war except 1971 was started by Pakistan and Pakistan continues to support terrorists in Kashmir.

Let me assure you, as far as the Indian side is concerned we are simply preparing for the worse and hoping for the best. This defence system in all likeliness will only be fully functional in the 2020's and it is in India's interests to avoid any kind of war until then. Coupled with Satellite based laser defence which DRDO is already working on, India will be in a much better position to meet any existing defensive security threat.

The way things are currently going on in Pakistan, I feel India's on the right track in securing itself while being passive about Pakistan's internal matters.
I dont like to get involved with posts regarding weapons etc as it just saddens me to see that there is so much talent skill and intelligence on both sides shown in the extraordinary weapons both sides have at their disposal. Wouldnt it be great if the same scientists could look at ways to feed our nations and help the starving?
all the Pakistanis have to do is put MIRV's on they're missiles but i don't think they have that kind of tech with them nonetheless if that does happen we can build missiles known as "fly swatters" or "toads" to intercept MIRV's we could buy THAAD from USA or jointly create a MIRV defense system with Israel the MOD needs to examine all options on the table here ^__^
I dont like to get involved with posts regarding weapons etc as it just saddens me to see that there is so much talent skill and intelligence on both sides shown in the extraordinary weapons both sides have at their disposal. Wouldnt it be great if the same scientists could look at ways to feed our nations and help the starving?

I dont know how a rocket scientist can solve a hunger problem, but defences against nuclear weapons are also necessary.
I dont know how a rocket scientist can solve a hunger problem, but defences against nuclear weapons are also necessary.

I predicted some smart person would come up with a clever answer like this. Perhaps spending our financial resources on farming technology rather than rocket scientists is what i meant.........
I predicted some smart person would come up with a clever answer like this. Perhaps spending our financial resources on farming technology rather than rocket scientists is what i meant.........

Well I didnt mean it seriosly but however, the national defence is also very important. And our defence spending is less than 2 percent of our GDP.
We also achieved many successes in fighting hunger, but still there are areas which arent hunger free yet.
Well I didnt mean it seriosly but however, the national defence is also very important. And our defence spending is less than 2 percent of our GDP.
We also achieved many successes in fighting hunger, but still there are areas which arent hunger free yet.

I think a billion people on both side of the border would agree with you when you say there are areas which arent hunger free yet!
I predicted some smart person would come up with a clever answer like this. Perhaps spending our financial resources on farming technology rather than rocket scientists is what i meant.........

It could be. But that is out of context in present scenario. Our Defence modernization is not because of Pakistan only. We have to build better defence as per growth of economy, Size of nation and possible threat from elsewhere too. Also, Our Defence is to protect the Nation by all means. Indeed, Pakistan defence is only against India.

We have money for other purpose but not able to spend in better way. Still, Improving year by year in all departments. Our Defence Budget is only 2% of GDP even Country like Australia (which has no threat) has 2% defence budget as per overall GDP, But When you compare 2 Trillion $ for FY12 projected with 4% Fiscal deficit. It stands @ 40 Billion $ [6 times more than Pakistan so the strength]

Sometime back, Imran Khan said "India don't need to defeat Pakistan by going in war, It Just need to raise defence budget every year for next 10 years"
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