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India soon to be ready for any missile attack

A question for the Indian members here: how many times has India been attacked by a missile attack in the last 63 years of its history? Does it really face any kind of threat from missile attacks that it is going through all this, or should its priorities be at the threats posed by insurgent groups operating in North West, Central & North East India?

is that a serious question???? ^____^

why do you think we are building a missile defense shield???? who do you think we face nuclear tipped missile attacks from? and FYI ULFA announced a ceasefire several weeks ago they are now willing to conduct talks with the gov't Naxals will be dealt with we just have to develop those areas and we will
is that a serious question???? ^____^

why do you think we are building a missile defense shield???? who do you think we face nuclear tipped missile attacks from? and FYI ULFA announced a ceasefire several weeks ago they are now willing to conduct talks with the gov't Naxals will be dealt with we just have to develop those areas and we will

I edited my post, & took out the part of insurgency groups. My point is, nuclear missiles are just used for deterrence purposes, India has never really faced a threat from them externally, & never will. A nuclear arms races, or other things are not good for the security & stability of the region. India would be better pressed if it focused its energies on resolving its more urgent problems at hand.
I edited my post, & took out the part of insurgency groups. My point is, nuclear missiles are just used for deterrence purposes, India has never really faced a threat from them externally, & never will. A nuclear arms races, or other things are not good for the security & stability of the region. India would be better pressed if it focused its energies on resolving its more urgent problems at hand.

well yeah the point of nuclear weapons is to deter your enemy and to counter his nuclear weapons the problem is if there is a repeat (god forbid) of say 26/11 or Parliament attack and we enact our cold start policy we have to face the threat of a tactical (NASR Hatf-1)or strategic (Ghauri Shaheen)nuclear attack on our forces or civilians because Pakistan does not have a no first use policy, why do you think Pakistans warhead and missile arsenal is growing by the day? because to build up deterrence against us we are only doing this to defend our nation from nuclear holocaust

building up defense to an arch rivals nuclear arsenal is urgent and a priority for national security interests especially when you have a hostile nation with a growing nuclear weapons arsenal willing to use it first

Japan navy **** leak could sink defence system | Irish Examiner

the purpose of this missile defense shield is to reduce mutual assured destruction for our side if any WMD is used on Indian civilians or armed forces than the response according to our nuclear doctrine is going to be heavy with nukes
is it feasible to develop a national missile defense system to protect the entire country from any kind of missile attack? i'm talking about a system that can intercept low flying subsonic and supersonic/hypersonic cruise missiles SRBM MRBM IRBM and ICBM?
Low flying missiles are difficult. Ballistic missiles can be tracked and destroyed by calculation of their trajectory. Of course,no system is fool proof.
Besides,that is why future lies in Electronic warfare and developing energy based weapon systems.
I edited my post, & took out the part of insurgency groups. My point is, nuclear missiles are just used for deterrence purposes, India has never really faced a threat from them externally, & never will. A nuclear arms races, or other things are not good for the security & stability of the region. India would be better pressed if it focused its energies on resolving its more urgent problems at hand.

1. Anti Ballistic missile defence is a deterrence mechanism.

2. Your so called urgent problems are being tackled by other people.

ur point is, until poverty/ employment and irrigation problems etc are resolved, our pool of rocket scientists should just be counting stars only and do nothing ?
I dont see merit in this line of argument. :what:
Low flying missiles are difficult. Ballistic missiles can be tracked and destroyed by calculation of their trajectory. Of course,no system is fool proof.
Besides,that is why future lies in Electronic warfare and developing energy based weapon systems.

i saw a post on livefist that showed a DRDO slide demonstration about the BMD program that it also can be used for cruise missile defense the AAD missile can intercept low flying cruise missiles

Livefist: EXCLUSIVE: Official Schematics Of India's Layered Missile Defence System, Including Cruise Missile Defence [DECLASS]





Low flying missiles are difficult. Ballistic missiles can be tracked and destroyed by calculation of their trajectory. Of course,no system is fool proof.
Besides,that is why future lies in Electronic warfare and developing energy based weapon systems.

Certainly it will be the end of decade for India to induct the whole 1st phase of BMD in numbers to protect its own territory.
When the Phase-I itself will be perfected by 2012 and getting into mass production for 10-15 squadrons will take ample time considering how BDL is working over time to full fill its Akash and LRSAM and other projects. BDL is over-loaded with missile manufacturing since GOI wont allow Pvt players into a manufacturing of prepellant slurry.
And Induction of Phase-II is still a long way. MAybe by the 2023.

India needs spyder web of air defences to protect the whole territory considering its proximity to its enemies. The current multi-layered AD is good enough for a/c and CM defence.

One can even bring down a CM using an AAM after detecting it.Since all the CM`s in the inventory of adversaries are either sub-sonic or supersonic.

The key to perfect layered defence is linked space and ground assests. base launch Detection is the key given the proximity.Since the normal AD systems are also coming out with defence against various types of missiles, a combo of AD and BMD will make the territory secured.

Another important thing to touch is, mass production of missiles. We should considering churning out missiles at the ratio of 1:5. IF enemy has a missile to launch against us, we should manufacture 5 SAM/BMD for it. An over occupied warehouse will never go waste while protecting the homeland.
Hi All

Instead of fighting in the forum why can't we simply compare the missile and defence.

Missile Range Defence
Nasr 60 KM PAD / SA-20/S-300 /SPYDER/Iron Dome/Barak
HATF1 80 KM PAD / SA-20/S-300 /SPYDER/Iron Dome/Barak
HATF 1A 100 KM PAD / SA-20/S-300 /AAD/SPYDER/Iron Dome/Barak
HATF II 300 KM PAD / SA-20/S-300 /AAD/SPYDER/Barak
GHAURI I 1500 KM SA-20/S-300 /AAD
GHAURI II 2000 KM SA-20/S-300 /AAD
SHAHEEN I 700 KM SA-20/S-300 /AAD
SHAHEEN II 2500 KM SA-20/S-300 /AAD
Babur 700 KM SA-20/S-300/ AAD(?)
IMHO the BMD needs to be multi tiered and a separate ABM system is needed to Delhi similar to the one that protects Moscow from BM attack

we should invest in national missile defense to protect the entire country from missile attack be it ballistic or cruise missiles

AD-1 and AD-2 look very KEWL

Two new anti ballistic missiles that can intercept IRBMs are being developed. These high speed missiles (AD-1 and AD-2) are being developed to intercept ballistic missiles with a range of around 5,000 km (3,100 mi).[26] The test trials of these two systems are expected to take place in 2011.[27] The new missile will be similar to the THAAD missile deployed by the U.S.A. These missiles will travel at hypersonic speeds and will require radars with scan capability of over 1,500 km (930 mi) to successfully intercept the target.[28]

since AAD will be used for defense against cruise missiles also why not develop a mobile ABM system that can destroy tactical nukes and low flying subsonic cruise missiles in that case we could just make AAD mobile IMHO we should also go for national missile defense that can intercept any ballistic missile of any kind as well as cruise missiles of any kind
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